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Token of Faith

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Main Scenario Quest icon.png

Token of Faith

Quest giver
Swarthy Resistance Fighter
Rhalgr's Reach (X:11.6, Y:11.3)
Quest line
Stormblood Main Scenario Quests
Required items
1 Ward of the Destroyer Icon.png  Ward of the Destroyer
Experience 100,000
Gil 550
Previous quest
Main Scenario QuestFuture Rust, Future Dust
Main Scenario QuestA Dash of Green
Main Scenario QuestYe Wayward Brothers
Next quest
Main Scenario QuestCrossing the Velodyna

Main Scenario Progress: 401 / 968 (41.4%)


Stormblood Progress: 22 / 162 (13.6%)


The swarthy Resistance fighter is at wit's end.

— In-game description


The Ward of the Destroyer Icon.png  Ward of the Destroyer is around the area of (X:14.1, Y:7.9).



  • The swarthy Resistance fighter is at wit's end.


Accepting the Quest

Swarthy Resistance Fighter: Damn it all! Where could it have got to!?  
Swarthy Resistance Fighter: Oh! Um, pardon me, fellow lover of freedom and justice. You haven't seen a ward of the Destroyer anywhere, have you? Maybe on the ground, as if a certain bloody fool had dropped it? 
Swarthy Resistance Fighter: Aye, I'd been him. I had it this morning, that much I know for certain, and I've not left the Reach since, so it's got to be around here somewhere. 
Swarthy Resistance Fighter: Hmm... If you've got a moment to spare, would you be willing to help me search? I spent some time near the Temple of the Fist earlier, so it might be there. As for me, I'll look around near the officer's pavilion. 
Swarthy Resistance Fighter: They're hardly rare, I know, and I could just as easily buy another, but even so... Please, help me find it...
Swarthy Resistance Fighter: If it's not here, then it's got to be somewhere near the Temple of the Fist. At least, I think it's got to be one of these two locations...

Delivering the ward to the swarthy Resistance fighter

 Swarthy Resistance Fighter: I swear, I've searched high and low, but it just won't turn up... 
<Hand Over Ward of the Destroyer>
Swarthy Resistance Fighter: Seven hells, that's the one! That's my lucky ward! you're a godssend, sister/brother! 
Swarthy Resistance Fighter: Before I was born, my mother made a pilgrimage to the Temple of the Fist, where she, like many others, received the blessings of the monks. 
Swarthy Resistance Fighter: And then Theodoric came and burned it all to the ground, the mad bastard. And after him came the Garleans, who cared even less for our beliefs. 
Swarthy Resistance Fighter: But I still keep to the old ways, as do many others. And when my son is born, I'll teach him the stories and the scripture, as my mother taught me...