The Pulsing Heart
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The Pulsing Heart
- Quest giver
- Mide
- Location
- The Dravanian Hinterlands (X:21.7, Y:18.8)
- Quest line
- Alexander Quests
- Level
- 60
- Experience
- Gil
- Previous quest
Tinker, Seeker, Soldier, Spy
- Next quest
- Patch
- 3.01
“Mide has a slightly impatient air about her.
— In-game description
- Unlocks
- Enter the Burden of the Father.
- Learn what has happened in the Makers' Quarter.
- Mide knows how to shut down the colossus's engine, but needs your help to reach it. Escort her to the core, fending off any foes, be they goblins or machines, that seek to block your path.
※The Burden of the Father can be accessed via the Duty Finder.
- You have felled the mechanical sentinel guarding the lift to the core. Now, you need but board it to reach your objective.
- As Quickthinx Allthoughts looks on, Mide clambers atop the heart of the machine, and brings it to a shuddering halt. Success! Strangely, however, the Illuminati Grand Master seems wholly unconcerned, prompting Biggs and Wedge to wonder aloud if he had reckoned on you succeeding. They recall with a start that Quickthinx was pursuing a mysterious “missing piece,” and that goblin troops might be rushing towards Idyllshire in search of it now. Follow the pair of engineers outside of Gordias, and find out what the watchman has spied emerging from the hatch.
- Your fears are confirmed when Redbrix reveals that a contingent of Illuminati stormed into Idyllshire during your absence. Fortunately, the soldiers vanished as suddenly as they appeared, and took with them nothing more than trinkets. To your dismay, the goblin watchman then informs you that the enemy was last seen near the shortstop─where Roundrox was playing. Wedge and Mide dash off to make certain she is safe, leaving you to wonder what the “missing piece” could possibly be...
Accepting the Quest
Mide: I think I have the knowledge required to shut down the giant's core. But if I'm to reach it, I'll need you to lend me your strength.
Wedge: Well, really! The Illuminati's latest message is─ It's─ Well, let's just say it's unsuitable for polite company. I should be much obliged if you'd teach those privy-mouthed savages some manners, [Forename]!
Optional Dialogue
Mide: ...Hm? How exactly will I stop the giant? Let me worry about that. All you have to do is get me to the core.
Wedge: Just you be careful, [Forename]! There's no telling what mechanical horrors are protecting the core!
Biggs: Don't worry about us, [Forename]. You just concentrate on getting Mide to the core in one piece. Wedge and I will bring up the rear when the coast's clear.
Post-Duty Cutscene
Wedge: W-We're here, and none the worse for wear! So if you need another pair of hands, just say the word!
Biggs: So this is the heart of the machine, eh? ...I knew I should've brought a bigger hammer. Not that I'll be needing it, of course. Isn't that right, Mide?
Wedge: L-Look!
Quickthinx Allthoughts: Pshhhkohhh... Greater are knowings in braincases of unwise than Quickthinx believed. Perhaps Quickthinx judged too quickly. Perhaps Illuminati should study uplanders. Quickthinx Allthoughts: It is before eyes of gobbie? Good. Do not fail. Illuminati have no use for failing gobbies. Quickthinx Allthoughts: Pshhhkohhh... End of gobbies' long wanderings is close.
Wedge: Something isn't right. Something isn't right at all! The way Quickthinx spoke, you'd think he had won!
Biggs: ...He didn't seem too bothered, that's for sure. Do you think he might have planned for us stopping Alexander's core? Biggs: What was it the chief said again? About the Illuminati finding what they needed to complete their plan.
Wedge: Something along the lines of a “missing piece,” I thought.
Mide: And what of Quickthinx's honor guard? The two dolts who're ever at his side─why aren't they here? The Illuminati must surely have known we were coming. What could be more important than protecting their leader?
Biggs: ...You don't think he sent them to Idyllshire, do you? While our backs were turned, like?
Wedge: Th-That would be...! Come on!
Optional Dialogue
Biggs: Did the lookout see anything!?
Wedge: Wh-What do we do? What happened!?
Mide: Quickthinx would not give up so easily... We've got to get back to Idyllshire!
Learn what has happened in the Makers' Quarter
Redbrix: Pssshkoh... Giant loses power! Uplanders succeed!
Biggs: Never mind that, man─did the Illuminati come? Is Idyllshire safe?
Redbrix: Pssshkoh... How does uplander know? Yes, many Illuminati come to take stuffs of gobbieflock. Great was chaos! But suddenly, Illuminati go and take only junk not worth jinglyshine!
Biggs: They came barging in, ready to start a war, and then scarpered with a handful of bleedin' junk? Hold on a minute. Where were they last seen?
Redbrix: Pssshkoh... Redbrix thinks...near the Shortstop.
Wedge: <gasp> Roundrox! Come on!
Biggs: I'll go and find the chief─he'll know what to do!