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Syrictae are also born from men who would dare sip the blood of a dragon, but have, for some unknown reason, developed into something physically quite different from an aevis. The Holy See claims this difference to be in direct correlation with the amount of mortal sin bearded by the soul of the transformed; however, naturalists stress that it has more likely to do with the concentration of Ratatoskr’s essence present in the transformed’s blood.

— In-game description

Syricta is a Dragon in The Dravanian Forelands.


Name Type Item Level Rarity Quantity


Zone Coordinates Level range
The Dravanian Forelands (X:19.0, Y:12.2) 53
The Dravanian Forelands (X:18, Y:12) 53


Quest Type Level Quest Giver
Where Dragons Lie Sidequest 53 Ess Khas

Additional Information
