Syrenead is a Viera in Labyrinthos.
Quests Started
Quest | Type | Level | Quest Giver |
Quests Involved In
Quest | Type | Level | Quest Giver |
Additional Information
“Never will I forget the sight of the Ragnarok's homecoming. It will be etched into my memory for all my days to come. But enough waxing sentimental─what can I do for you?
— Syrenead
What do you do here?
“Who, me? Why, I am a researcher at Aporia. The hamlet is where I hang my hat, so to speak. It has been my home since I joined in the construction of the ark many moons ago. I've only seen the true sun a handful of times in the past few years, if you can believe that.
— Syrenead
What kind of place is this?
“This is Sharlayan Hamlet, home to those who work in the Central Circuit. Many of us are engaged in highly classified research. In fact, there was a time when none could leave Labyrinthos for fear our secrets might fall into the wrong hands. That isn't the case anymore, of course. We are no longer under lock and key, as it were. It was you and your efforts, in fact, which brought about this change. The strictures which kept us so long locked inside have relaxed a great deal, and I mean to take full advantage. The next opportunity I get, I'm going to the beach!
— Syrenead