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Subject Number XXIV

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Subject Number XXIV

Aulus mal Asina sought to infuse pureblood Garleans with fourth the ability to manipulate aether, and with his twenty-fourth subject he finally succeeded. The experiment was not without side effects, however, and the subject exhibited psychological instability. With further live testing, the scientist would go on to create the Resonant.

— Encyclopaedia Eorzea Volume II, p. 171

Subject Number XXIV is a boss in Castrum Abania.


Name Type Item Level Rarity Quantity
Xenobian hood icon1.png  Xenobian Hood Head 288 BGreen 1
Valerian rune fencers wings icon1.png  Valerian Rune Fencer's Wings Head 288 BGreen 1
Valerian brawlers hat icon1.png  Valerian Brawler's Hat Head 288 BGreen 1
Valerian vedettes hat icon1.png  Valerian Vedette's Hat Head 288 BGreen 1
Valerian archers hat icon1.png  Valerian Archer's Hat Head 288 BGreen 1
Valerian dark priests hat icon1.png  Valerian Dark Priest's Hat Head 288 BGreen 1
Valerian priests hat icon1.png  Valerian Priest's Hat Head 288 BGreen 1
Xenobian gauntlets icon1.png  Xenobian Gauntlets Hands 288 BGreen 1
Valerian rune fencers gauntlets icon1.png  Valerian Rune Fencer's Gauntlets Hands 288 BGreen 1
Valerian brawlers gloves icon1.png  Valerian Brawler's Gloves Hands 288 BGreen 1
Valerian vedettes gloves icon1.png  Valerian Vedette's Gloves Hands 288 BGreen 1
Valerian archers gloves icon1.png  Valerian Archer's Gloves Hands 288 BGreen 1
Valerian dark priests gloves icon1.png  Valerian Dark Priest's Gloves Hands 288 BGreen 1
Valerian priests gloves icon1.png  Valerian Priest's Gloves Hands 288 BGreen 1
Xenobian paladins earrings icon1.png  Xenobian Paladin's Earrings Earrings 288 BGreen 1
Valerian brawlers earrings icon1.png  Valerian Brawler's Earrings Earrings 288 BGreen 1
Valerian archers earrings icon1.png  Valerian Archer's Earrings Earrings 288 BGreen 1
Valerian dark priests earrings icon1.png  Valerian Dark Priest's Earrings Earrings 288 BGreen 1
Valerian priests earrings icon1.png  Valerian Priest's Earrings Earrings 288 BGreen 1
Xenobian paladins choker icon1.png  Xenobian Paladin's Choker Necklace 288 BGreen 1
Valerian brawlers choker icon1.png  Valerian Brawler's Choker Necklace 288 BGreen 1
Valerian archers choker icon1.png  Valerian Archer's Choker Necklace 288 BGreen 1
Valerian dark priests choker icon1.png  Valerian Dark Priest's Choker Necklace 288 BGreen 1
Valerian priests choker icon1.png  Valerian Priest's Choker Necklace 288 BGreen 1


Zone Coordinates Level range
Castrum Abania Unknown 69


Quest Type Level Quest Giver
The Price of Freedom Main Scenario quest 69 Alphinaud


  • This enemy is based on the Number 024 boss from FFVI.