Stalwart Saltwife

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Stalwart Saltwife

My baby won't stop crying... Why won't she stop crying? There was a gent here before who said something about a magical sheep... Or was it a sheep talking about a magical man...? Oh, why won't she stop crying!? Another sheep? I've never seen so many in town before. First the one on that strange man's helmet, and now... Wait a moment-you're not the lady he was talking about, are you? Please, you have to help me! You see, my husband just returned from a long sea voyage. He was so looking forward to seeing his newborn daughter for the first time, but when she saw his face she burst out crying, and I just can't seem to make her stop... Oh, why did I marry such an ugly man!? She never cried like this before... I just don't know what to do. The man in the helmet said you could help-that you could stop her crying. Can you really stop her crying!? Your sheep can make her sleep? Well, she can't rightly cry in her sleep! ...Oh gods-she can't, can she!? Please, just do what you can... If this lasts any longer, my heart shall break!

— In-game description

Stalwart Saltwife is a Hyur in Western La Noscea.

Quests Started

Quest Type Level Quest Giver

Quests Involved In

Quest Type Level Quest Giver
Sleepless in the Swaddle Sidequest 15 Hitsuji Bugyo

Additional Information