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- Category:U Tribe
- Category:Ul'dah
- Category:Ul'dah - Steps of Nald
- Category:Ul'dah - Steps of Nald FATEs
- Category:Ul'dah - Steps of Nald Quests
- Category:Ul'dah - Steps of Nald quests
- Category:Ul'dah - Steps of Thal
- Category:Ul'dah - Steps of Thal quests
- Category:Ultima Thule
- Category:Ultima Thule FATEs
- Category:Ultima Thule Fishing log
- Category:Ultima Thule quests
- Category:Ultima Weapon Project
- Category:Ultima Weapon Projects
- Category:Ultimate Raids
- Category:Unachievable achievements
- Category:Unaffiliated Triple Triad cards
- Category:Unclassified kingdom
- Category:Uncommon Triple Triad cards
- Category:Unfinished Fish
- Category:Unicorn
- Category:Unity
- Category:Unlocked hairstyles
- Category:Unlost World
- Category:Unnamed Island quests
- Category:Uolon
- Category:Upgrade Items
- Category:Upper La Noscea
- Category:Upper La Noscea FATEs
- Category:Upper La Noscea Fishing log
- Category:Upper La Noscea quests
- Category:Upper Paths
- Category:Uragnite
- Category:Urolith
- Category:Urqopacha
- Category:Urqopacha FATEs
- Category:Urqopacha Fishing log
- Category:Urqopacha quests
- Category:Urth's Gift
- Category:Uyagir Tribe
- Category:VIIth Imperial Legion
- Category:VIth Imperial Legion
- Category:Valentione's Day (2014)
- Category:Valentione's Day (2015)
- Category:Valentione's Day (2016)
- Category:Valentione's Day (2017)
- Category:Valentione's Day (2018)
- Category:Valentione's Day (2019)
- Category:Valentione's Day (2020)
- Category:Valentione's Day (2022)
- Category:Valentione's Day (2023)
- Category:Valentione's Day (2024)
- Category:Valentione's Day Events
- Category:Valentione's Day Events quests
- Category:Valentione's and Little Ladies' Day (2021)
- Category:Valley of the Fallen Rainbow
- Category:Valor
- Category:Vanara
- Category:Vangob
- Category:Vanguard
- Category:Vanguard (genus)
- Category:Vanu Totem
- Category:Vanu Vanu
- Category:Vanu Vanu Daily
- Category:Vanu Vanu Daily Quests
- Category:Vanu Vanu Main Quests
- Category:Variant Dungeons
- Category:Variant Dungeons Quests
- Category:Vath
- Category:Vath Daily
- Category:Vath Daily Quests
- Category:Vath Daily quests
- Category:Vath Main Quests
- Category:Vath Main quests
- Category:Veena
- Category:Velodyna Gatekeepers
- Category:Vendor formatting templates
- Category:Vendor inventory tables
- Category:Vendor properties
- Category:Vendors
- Category:Vendors with unspecified sections
- Category:Veracity
- Category:Vesper Bay
- Category:Viera
- Category:Viis
- Category:Vilekin
- Category:Vinegaroon
- Category:Viper's Arms
- Category:Viper Accessories
- Category:Viper Armor
- Category:Viper actions
- Category:Viper bracelets
- Category:Viper chestwear
- Category:Viper earrings
- Category:Viper footwear
- Category:Viper handwear
- Category:Viper headwear
- Category:Viper legwear
- Category:Viper necklace
- Category:Viper ring
- Category:Viper traits
- Category:Vira
- Category:Viras
- Category:Virdjala
- Category:Vodoriga
- Category:Voeburtenburg
- Category:Void Monk
- Category:Void Quests
- Category:Voidsent
- Category:Vouivre
- Category:Vulture
- Category:Vundu
- Category:Vylbrand
- Category:Waist Armor
- Category:Wall-mounted
- Category:Wamoura
- Category:Wamouracampa
- Category:Wanderer
- Category:Wandering Minstrel
- Category:Wandering Minstrel Quests
- Category:Wanyudo
- Category:Warg
- Category:Warring Triad
- Category:Warrior
- Category:Warrior Ability
- Category:Warrior Accessories
- Category:Warrior Armor
- Category:Warrior actions
- Category:Warrior belts
- Category:Warrior bracelets
- Category:Warrior chestwear
- Category:Warrior earrings
- Category:Warrior footwear
- Category:Warrior handwear
- Category:Warrior headwear
- Category:Warrior legwear
- Category:Warrior necklace
- Category:Warrior quests
- Category:Warrior ring
- Category:Warrior traits
- Category:Warriors of Darkness
- Category:Wavekin
- Category:Weapon Sets
- Category:Weapon navigation templates
- Category:Weapon properties
- Category:Weapons
- Category:Weaponskill actions
- Category:Weaponskills
- Category:Weather-Based
- Category:Weathering
- Category:Weaver
- Category:Weaver's Primary Tools
- Category:Weaver's Secondary Tools
- Category:Weaver's Warding quests
- Category:Weaver Armor
- Category:Weaver Icon
- Category:Weaver actions
- Category:Weaver chestwear
- Category:Weaver footwear
- Category:Weaver handwear
- Category:Weaver headwear
- Category:Weaver legwear
- Category:Weaver quests
- Category:Weaver recipes
- Category:Weaver traits
- Category:Weeper
- Category:Wespe
- Category:Western La Noscea
- Category:Western La Noscea FATEs
- Category:Western La Noscea Fishing log
- Category:Western La Noscea quests
- Category:Western Thanalan
- Category:Western Thanalan FATEs
- Category:Western Thanalan Fishing log
- Category:Western Thanalan Quests
- Category:Western Thanalan quests
- Category:White Flame
- Category:White Mage
- Category:White Mage Accessories
- Category:White Mage Armor
- Category:White Mage actions
- Category:White Mage belts
- Category:White Mage bracelets
- Category:White Mage chestwear
- Category:White Mage earrings
- Category:White Mage footwear
- Category:White Mage handwear
- Category:White Mage headwear
- Category:White Mage legwear
- Category:White Mage necklace
- Category:White Mage quests
- Category:White Mage ring
- Category:White Mage traits
- Category:White Mages
- Category:Whitebrim
- Category:Widowmaker
- Category:Wight
- Category:Wightrock
- Category:Wildwood
- Category:Window
- Category:Wisdom
- Category:Wisp
- Category:Wivre
- Category:Wolf
- Category:Wolves' Den Pier quests
- Category:Wood Rail
- Category:Woolback
- Category:Worlds
- Category:Worm
- Category:Wraith
- Category:Wrists
- Category:Wyvern
- Category:XIIth Imperial Legion
- Category:XIVth Imperial Legion
- Category:Xaela
- Category:Xaela Tribes
- Category:Xak Tural
- Category:Xbr'aal
- Category:Xzomit
- Category:Yabby
- Category:Yak
- Category:Yak T'el
- Category:Yak T'el FATEs
- Category:Yak T'el Fishing log
- Category:Yak T'el quests
- Category:Yanxia
- Category:Yanxia FATEs
- Category:Yanxia Fishing log
- Category:Yanxia quests
- Category:Yarzon
- Category:Yeti
- Category:Yggdreant
- Category:Ying-Yang
- Category:Ymir
- Category:YoRHa: Dark Apocalypse Quests
- Category:Yok Huy
- Category:Yok Tural
- Category:Yol
- Category:Yovra
- Category:Yuj
- Category:Yukinko
- Category:Zadnor
- Category:Zadnor FATEs
- Category:Zadnor quests
- Category:Zaghnal
- Category:Zangbeto
- Category:Zanr'ak
- Category:Zephyr Drift
- Category:Ziz
- Category:Zodiac Weapons
- Category:Zodiac Weapons Quests
- Category:Zombie
- Category:Zombie Dragon
- Category:Zombie Hound
- Category:Zones
- Category:Zu
- Category:Zun
- Category:Zundu