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Radiant Roborant

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Radiant Roborant


A translucent substance produced at the High Crucible of Al-Kimiya, used to enhance the properties of weapons borne by the Radiant Host. However, advances in crafting technology have rendered it obsolete.

— In-game description



Vendor Location / Coordinates Cost
Nesvaaz Radz-at-Han (10.6, 10.0) Aglaia coin icon1.png 1
Mylenie Labyrinthos (8.3, 27.5) Asphodelos mythos iii icon1.png 4
Djole Radz-at-Han (10.3, 9.6) Asphodelos mythos iii icon1.png 4


Used For

Exchange at Khaldeen in Radz-at-Han (x10.9, y10.4) along with Radiant's Weapons for Augmented Radiant's Weapons