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Ultima Thule (30.9, 27.8)
Quest NPC

N-4486 is an Omicron in Ultima Thule. They reside at Base Omicron.

Quests Started

Quest Type Level Quest Giver
Combat Evolved Feature quest 80 N-4486



N-4486: It is a shame that this unit currently detects no hostility from you. Combat with a flesh-based life-form such as yourself would prove useful to many here.

Upon completion of Feature quest Combat Evolved

N-4486: While we do have data, many units lack adequate experience... It would be of great help if you decided to engage your combat loop.

Feature quest Combat Evolved

N-4486: Initiating communication... This unit requests your participation in an Omicron combat simulation.
N-4486: 98.8% of the past 12,359 sessions have produced the exact same result. Thus, an unknown quantity such as yourself is required.
N-4486: An Omicron aggressor is positioned outside the base. This unit has instructed said opponent to record all combat session data. You may initiate your assault when your preparations are complete. 
N-4486: Uncertainty detected. <whirr> Reviewing previous transmission... Verbal analysis suggests this unit has omitted crucial information regarding the current mission. This unit begs your pardon.
N-4486: Once you have nearly destroyed the aggressor, you are requested to activate this device, which will automatically transfer combat data to a convenient portable format. Initiating handover protocol...
N-4486: Sending coordinates... Per the transmission you have just received, the opponent is located on the planar frame extending from this base. Reconfiguring emotional state to “grateful”... <whirr> This unit thanks you for your cooperation!
N-4486: Per this unit's previous transmission, the opponent is located on the planar frame extending from this base. When the aggressor has been sufficiently damaged, you are requested to recover combat data using the device provided.
N-4486: <whirr> Reviewing received transmission... Analysis suggests the aggressor is no longer operational. Requesting return of previously provided recording device.


N-4486: Extraction of combat data complete. Analyzing...
N-4486: <whirr> Quality of data greatly exceeds expected values and all previous records. Reconfiguring emotional state to “impressed”!
N-4486: The data suggests you engaged the aggressor at close quarters and gave it little time to respond. This unit will submit a request to the logistics matrix for the augmentation of emergency escape apparatus...
N-4486: The data suggests you summoned significant levels of aether in order to defeat the aggressor. This unit will submit a request to the logistics matrix for the augmentation of protective apparatus...
N-4486: The data suggests you kept your distance from the aggressor and attacked whenever you witnessed an opening. This unit will submit a request to the logistics matrix to update our evasive protocols...
N-4486: Searching database for situationally appropriate axiom... <whirr> “Only through combat can we improve ourselves. The absence of new challenge results in stagnation.”
N-4486: Records indicate this base has not encountered new threats in a considerable amount of time. This unit sees potential value in enduring attacks more frequently, though its discord prevention module is buzzing in a most irritating fashion.
N-4486: <whirr> Reconfiguring emotional state to “grateful”... This unit appreciates your cooperation with the collection of combat data. Analysis suggests it will prove invaluable to the further development of Base Omicron.