Milburh the Malicious

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Milburh the Malicious

Milburh the Malicious is a Succubus in Northern Thanalan.


  • Cold Caress - A chilling touch that poisons the target.
  • Cold Mist - Draws targets in, then silences them and deals Ice damage.
  • Dark Mist - Unleash Terror upon foes in an area of effect.
  • Sweet Steel - Slash with a sword, damaging foes in a frontal cone.
  • Void Fira - Unleash Fire at a target at a great distance
  • Void Fire III - Unleash dark magicks to deal Fire damage to enemies in an area of effect.
  • Void Fire II - Unleash dark magicks to deal Fire damage to enemies in an area of effect.
  • Void Thunder III - Unleash dark magicks to deal Lightning damage to an enemy.


Name Type Item Level Rarity Quantity


Zone Coordinates Level range
Northern Thanalan (X:26, Y:22) 49


Quest Type Level Quest Giver