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Menenius sas Lanatus

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Menenius sas Lanatus

Menenius sas Lanatus is a boss in Zadnor. He is later encountered as the third boss in The Dalriada where he is piloting Saunion.

Menenius sas Lanatus.png



See also: Field Notes on Menenius and Field Notes on Menenius, Part II

"It was I Gabranth entrusted with the Dalriada, his final hope of claiming these lands as his own. If that hope is to die here, then I would perish with it."

Tribunus of the IVth Imperial Legion, Menenius served as the Garleans' chief intelligence officer, recruiting and dispatching spies, gathering information, and providing counsel to Legatus Gabranth in all matters of war. Furthermore, he commanded the archaeological mission to the southern provinces of Dalmasca and Bozja, seeking to gain technological knowledge and arcane reliquaries from Allag and Ivalice of power surpassing anything born of present-day knowledge. Wielder of the weapon known as Gunberd, this Elezen of Ilsabardian descent perished at the age of fifty-five.

— Encyclopaedia Eorzea Volume III, p. 172