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Masked Rose

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Masked Rose

Masked Rose.png

Male ♂
Roegadyn (Hellsguard)
The Gold Saucer (7.2, 7.4)
Quest NPC
Part of
Fashion Report

Masked Rose is a Roegadyn in The Gold Saucer. He is responsible for issuing a theme and judging entries to the weekly Fashion Report.

Quests Involved In

Quest Type Level Quest Giver
Passion for Fashion Feature quest 15 Lewena
Fashion Face-off Sidequest 15 Marabel
A Stylish Transformation Daily quest 15 Marabel


Small Talk

Masked Rose: Greetings, pursuer of fine fashion! Are you come to present yourself for judging? Or do you wish to know the current theme?

Feature QuestPassion for Fashion

Masked Rose: Oho, a new challenger has come to put [his/her] stylistic sensibilities to the test! Welcome to the Fashion Report, good [sir/madam]!
Masked Rose: Wh-What? Is everything quite all right?
< Yes, everything is rosy! Redolently so! >
Masked Rose: E-Excellent! Full glad am I to hear it!
< that you, Redolent Rose? >
Masked Rose: <sputter> I-I fear you are mistaken! While I am flattered that you should confuse me with the greatest weaver the realm has ever seen, I am Masked Rose, and no other kind.
Masked Rose: And if that was an attempt to flatter your way into my good graces─nice try, [sir/madam], but not even the sultana herself can expect special treatment here!
Masked Rose: Now then, I believe this is your first time participating in the Fashion Report. Allow me to explain the concept and the rules.
Masked Rose: Fashion is a form of self-expression. What we wear without is a reflection of who we are within. Be it a conscious effort or no, this choice brings our individuality to the fore.
Masked Rose: Some folk are drawn to vibrant colors. Others may favor a loose fit for comfort. And while 'tis well and good to dress to one's preferences, a man cannot prefer that which he does not know.
Masked Rose: The world of fashion is vast and, at times, daunting. But if we have the courage to take a step into the unknown, we may discover wonderful new ways of self-expression we had never considered.
Masked Rose: And 'tis for no other reason than to encourage folk to take that first step that I created this challenge, the Fashion Report!
Masked Rose: The rules are simple: I shall assign you a theme, based upon which you are to attire yourself to the best of your sensibilities. I shall then judge you and award you a score.
Masked Rose: Participating is free, and there is a host of fabulous prizes to be won, courtesy of Manderville & Manderville.
Masked Rose: If you wish to know the finer points of the game, my lovely assistant Kasumi shall attend you.
Masked Rose: I look forward to giving you my unadulterated, brutally honest evaluation of your fashion sense. Steel yourself, and let me know when you are ready to undertake the challenge.

Side QuestFashion Face-off

Masked Rose: Oho... That's quite the unconventional combination. Color me impressed!

Repeatable QuestA Stylish Transformation

Model: A Gallant Gladiator

< Gorgeous yet gallant! >
Masked Rose: Such passion... Why, I could feel your spirit bursting through the seams and spilling forth onto the stage!
Masked Rose: There has never been a foe too ferocious for the gladiators' guildmaster─and today, you've proven there is likewise no foe too fashionable. You've slain the competition!
< Opposite of ordinary! >
Masked Rose: 'Twas quite a treat to see you reveal a softer side on this stage. Why, it simply set my heart aflutter!
Masked Rose: There is great beauty in the fluidity of your fighting, and your ensemble today serves to highlight that elegance. Splendidly done!

Model: A Master Miner

< Unearthing a new image! >
Masked Rose: I am by no means a miner, but were you and I to cross paths in a quarry somewhere, not even the brightest gleaming gem could draw my eye away from your beauty!
Masked Rose: Those shimmering stones should consider themselves lucky to be unearthed by a living, breathing treasure such as you.
< Unveiling a softer side! >
Masked Rose: Your ensemble evokes an elegance that is often sought yet rarely found─a diamond hidden amongst the dust and darkness. You are a treasure to behold!
Masked Rose: Why, this must be how you miners feel when you uncover a precious stone. And to think that I would figuratively strike it rich on my first attempt!

Model: A Premier Pugilist

< A dashing ladykiller! >
Masked Rose: Th-This is...a most novel ensemble. It provides a playful youthfulness that belies your years.
Masked Rose: And while I cannot imagine enrobing myself with those raiments, I must say the power pouring forth from within you pulls that outfit together in a way others would envy.
< A stylish pugilist! >
Masked Rose: You must forgive me for underestimating you, but I certainly didn't expect you to take such a fashion-forward approach to your ensemble...
Masked Rose: I must say, I'm quite impressed. Why, you may even have a future as a model for the Mythril Eye! I daresay men your age could take a few pointers from your stylish sensibilities.

Model: A Minute Machinist

< Ditch the goggles, show the face! >
Masked Rose: Oh, I could get lost in those big, round eyes... Even a single glance makes my heart skip a beat! You Lalafell boys are simply adorable.
Masked Rose: And your ensemble today only serves to highlight your inherent cuteness. Why, I can barely restrain myself from leaping out of my seat and squeezing you right now!
< Dress in brown, show some style! >
Masked Rose: This all-brown ensemble of yours is so chic! If a stylish mechanist like you tried to sell me the most expensive magitek device you own, I'd pay top gil for it without question.
Masked Rose: While I recognize that folk in your line of work are often forced into wearing the same uniform day in and day out, I encourage you to experiment a little when you're off the clock!

Model: A Godlike Goldsmith

< Unrestricted eroticism! >
Masked Rose: Your calm demeanor belies a formidable passion that only a man of your years can exude─a fine wine that I would give anything to imbibe.
Masked Rose: And although those sunglasses may cover your eyes, I can feel your gaze piercing straight through my heart. Everything about your ensemble is fabulous!
< Unfettered physicality! >
Masked Rose: M-My word... Muscles upon muscles, all chiseled to perfection...
Masked Rose: You have exhibited great courage in sporting such an austere ensemble─and for that, I must both commend and thank you. I shall not forget your fantastic physique as long as I live!

Additional Information

See also: Redolent Rose