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Ultima Thule (31.6, 27.7)
Quest NPC

M-032 is an Omicron in Ultima Thule. They reside at Base Omicron.

Quests Involved In

Quest Type Level Quest Giver
Vic┨οry ̈ ̈ ̈╳, │̆││ε Lost Main Scenario quest 90 G'raha Tia


M-032: Please refrain from making contact with Omicrons undergoing repairs, as their security functions are currently suspended.

Main Scenario quest Vic┨οry ̈ ̈ ̈╳, │̆││ε Lost

M-032: Bzzzt... Additional entity detected.
M-032: Bzzzt... Unknown life-forms detected. Assigning generic label: interplanetary travelers.
M-032: Greetings and welcome to the planet. <blip> <bloooooop>
M-032: It appears your hearing organ is unable to process the name in our tongue. It may be translated into yours as "Alphatron."
M-032: Our people, meanwhile, are called the Omicrons, and you stand within one of our outposts.
M-032: We are preparing for war.
M-032: As we presently do not have a designated target, you have nothing to fear.
M-032: Should your star become designated, however, you will be taken into custody and or terminated.
M-032: The rules of engagement forbid the harming of neutral travelers. As long as you abide by our laws, you need not fear for your lives.