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"Our trade's as tough as old mutton, an' passion's the only thing what gets us through the gristly bits."

Head chef of the Bismarck and master of the Culinarians' Guild, Lyngsath Hyllbornsyn learned his trade aboard a merchant vessel that ventured far and wide across the five seas. As such, the Sea Wolf is well versed in foreign techniques and ingredients, and behind his every dish are his forty-two summers' worth of experience in the kitchens. Unbound by conventional thinking and recipes, he is famous for borrowing from multiple traditions to create new culinary wonders.

— In-game description

Lyngsath is a Roegadyn in Limsa Lominsa Upper Decks.

Quests Started

Quest Type Level Quest Giver
My First Skillet Class quest 1 Lyngsath
A Treat of Trout Class quest 5 Lyngsath
Dodo It Yourself Class quest 10 Lyngsath
On a Skewer Tip Class quest 15 Lyngsath
Releasing a Burden Class quest 20 Lyngsath
Winning Friends with Aldgoat Class quest 25 Lyngsath
The Chefsbane Cometh Class quest 30 Lyngsath
Of Cooks and Books Class quest 35 Lyngsath
Diplomacy of the Skillet Class quest 40 Lyngsath
A Taste of Home Class quest 45 Lyngsath
Revenge of the Chefsbane Class quest 50 Lyngsath
Wait on Me Class quest 50 Lyngsath
Flavors of the Far East Class quest 60 Lyngsath

Quests Involved In

Quest Type Level Quest Giver
Licensed to Reave Sidequest 2 Mordyn
Pans of Steel Class quest 35 H'naanza
Way of the Culinarian Feature quest 1 Charlys
Looking for Some Hot Stuff Class quest 55 Melkoko
Love Meat Tender Class quest 58 Melkoko
The Spirit of Hospitality Class quest 60 Melkoko
A Broth from the Brine Class quest 65 Raulf
A Guest to Impress Daily quest 15 Damielliot
A Prickly Plaint Sidequest 15 Ollier
Bully for Mochi Sidequest 15 Ushi Bugyo
For Whom the Starlight Bell Tolls Sidequest 15 Collys
Let Them Eat Cake Daily quest 15 Tora Bugyo
Love Is a Battleground Sidequest 15 Lisette de Valentione
Mochi to Be Desired Sidequest 15 Nezumi Bugyo


Small Talk

Lyngsath: What brings ye to our kitchen, 'venturer? Fancy learnin' about the culinary arts, maybe?

Dialogue Menu Options

What will you ask?

What do you do here?
What are the culinary arts?

Selecting "What do you do here?"

Lyngsath: Lyngsath's me name, an' I'm 'ead chef 'ere at the Bismarck, the finest restaurant in all Eorzea.
Lyngsath: 'Tis my charge to make sure everyone as dines in our 'alls leaves with a smile on their face. The job's mostly supervisin' journeyman chefs at their work, but I try to fit in as much cookin' as I can.
Lyngsath: That ain't all I do, though. I also 'appen to be master o' the Culinarians' Guild, which lives under this same roof.
Lyngsath: That role has me trainin' aspirin' culinarians—which is without a doubt me most rewardin' endeavor. Don't matter if ye can't tell one end of a skillet from the other—if yer willin' to learn, I'm more than willin' to teach ye.

Selecting "What are the culinary arts?"

Lyngsath: There's some as say the culinary arts are just a lot o' fancy cookin'—but that's only the 'alf of it. 'Tis true we talk well-known dishes an' raise 'em to mouthwaterin' 'eights, but when we ain't busy doin' that, we're laborin' to bring new tastes an' textures into the world.
Lyngsath: Now, as ye can prob'ly imagine, both of the above call fer a decent 'elpin' of experience an' skill...but neither's worth a damn if ye ain't got passion.
Lyngsath: Our trade's as tough as old mutton, lass, an' passion's the only thing what gets us through the gristly bits.
Lyngsath: When ye pour yer 'eart an' soul into a dish only to 'ave a patron call it slop, will ye swallow yer pride an' start again, or will ye run 'ome cryin'?
Lyngsath: Words cut deeper'n knives, 'venturer. An' when yer pride's been 'acked to shreds, passion's the only thing as keeps ye standin' in front o' the stove.

Additional Information

Lyngsath Hyllbornsyn's name means "Long Knife" and "Hell Boar's son," respectively, in the traditional Roegadyn language.


Lyngsath works with the various members of the Culinarian's Guild, teaching them the basic techniques of cooking, and aiding them in honing their skills. He worked with the Warrior of Light, helping them cook various meals for their fellow guildmates. He also aided in preparing the Warrior of Light to make a dish for the Sultana as part of the plan of Lolorito, a powerful member of The Syndicate who intended to close the restaurant down and humiliate the Warrior of Light. After the amazing banquet delivered by them, Lyngsath thanked them for doing right by him and the guild.

During the Dellemont d'Or, Lyngsath recommended the Warrior of Light to take part in the competition and represent The Bismarck. When they came head-to-head with H'mhasi Tia and Melkoko Melko wishes to increase the stakes of the final match of the competition, Lyngsath puts the ownership for the restaurant on the line, putting complete faith in the Warrior of Light and their cooking ability. When the Warrior of Light earns the first ever ten in the history of the competition, Lyngsath congratulates them and thanks them for saving the Bismarck once again, encouraging them to continue their journey as a Culinarian.