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This monster of the deep long terrorized the high seas sending countless ships to watery grave, until it met its match some decades ago in the Haar, Mistbeard’s flagship. Beaten and subdued, it submitted to the pirate’ authority and came to guard the secret cove at Hullbreaker Isle.

— Encyclopaedia Eorzea Volume II, p. 151

Kraken is a boss in Hullbreaker Isle.


Name Type Item Level Rarity Quantity
Cuirass of the divine war icon1.png  Cuirass of the Divine War Body 80 BGreen 1
Cuirass of divine wisdom icon1.png  Cuirass of Divine Wisdom Body 80 BGreen 1
Shirt of the divine hero icon1.png  Shirt of the Divine Hero Body 80 BGreen 1
Shirt of the divine light icon1.png  Shirt of the Divine Light Body 80 BGreen 1
Robe of divine death icon1.png  Robe of Divine Death Body 80 BGreen 1
Robe of the divine harvest icon1.png  Robe of the Divine Harvest Body 80 BGreen 1
Breeches of the divine war icon1.png  Breeches of the Divine War Legs 80 BGreen 1
Breeches of divine wisdom icon1.png  Breeches of Divine Wisdom Legs 80 BGreen 1
Sarouel of the divine hero icon1.png  Sarouel of the Divine Hero Legs 80 BGreen 1
Sarouel of the divine light icon1.png  Sarouel of the Divine Light Legs 80 BGreen 1
Tonban of divine death icon1.png  Tonban of Divine Death Legs 80 BGreen 1
Tonban of the divine harvest icon1.png  Tonban of the Divine Harvest Legs 80 BGreen 1
Horizons calling orchestrion roll icon1.png  Horizons Calling Orchestrion Roll Orchestrion Roll N/A ABasic 1


Zone Coordinates Level range
Hullbreaker Isle Unknown 50
Sastasha (Hard) Unknown 50


Quest Type Level Quest Giver
King of the Hull Feature quest 50 Bloezoeng
It's Definitely Pirates Feature quest 50 Bloezoeng


Feared by sailors across Hydaelyn, dark tales of these cyclopean cephalopods ripping apart twin-hulled galleys with their powerful tentacles have been told since man first took to the seas. Contrary to what any sailor in his cups might have you believe, actual sightings are quite nure, though rumors that the legendary pirate Mistbeard kept a kraken a pet have mysteriously become more common as of late.[1]


  1. Encyclopaedia Eorzea: Volume I, page 282