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Female ♀
Au Ra (Raen)
Radz-at-Han (7.1, 13.9)
Quest NPC

Khufiye is an Au Ra in Radz-at-Han. She can be found working at Nilopala Nourishments.

Quests Involved In

Quest Type Level Quest Giver
The Pangs of Hunger Sidequest 80 Esurient Arkasodara


Small Talk

Khufiye: Welcome to Nilopala Nourishments, where we specialize in the breeding of hamsa─the traditional livestock of Thavnair─to ensure eggs and livestock of impeccable quality.
Khufiye: We're named for our founder, Nilopala, who was not only the isle's foremost hamsa breeder, but also developed the method by which the beasts' toxin glands may be removed to render their meat edible. A remarkable discovery, wouldn't you agree?
(During Main Scenario quest Skies Aflame)
Khufiye: It's clear that the burning sky is spooking the hamsa. They are skittish and sensitive creatures to begin with, and many of them are now refusing to eat or lay eggs almost entirely. My poor babies...
(Upon completion of Main Scenario quest Returning Home, prior to completion of Main Scenario quest Endwalker)
Khufiye: If we truly must flee to the moon, whatever will become of our hamsa? If they don't allow us to bring them along, I...I don't know what I will do.
(After completion of Main Scenario quest Endwalker)
Khufiye: I'm happy to report that the hamsa are eating well and full of vigor and vitality once more! Can't you just see the sparkle in their eyes? No? Perhaps it's not so clear to the untrained eye...

Sidequest The Pangs of Hunger

Khufiye: Welcome to Nilopala Nourishments. What can I do for you?
Khufiye: As many eggs as the coin in this purse can buy? Well, you're in luck. I have quite a surplus today. I shall give you the extras so they won't go to waste.
Khufiye: Here you go! ...And here's a share of your friend's coin back. It would seem he's greatly overestimated the cost of eggs these days.
Khufiye: It sounds like your friend is in dire straits. By all means, pray deliver his eggs before he collapses from hunger.