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Though similar in shape to a scorpion's tail, Karlabos uses its rear appendage not to inject its victims with poison, but to dismember them, effectively rendering the prey unable to fice or fight back. Sailors will spin tales of Karlabos tearing open the hulls of ships passing through shallow waters...but then again, sailors will spin tales of anything.

— In-game description

Karlabos is a boss in Sastasha (Hard).


Name Type Item Level Rarity Quantity
Heros ring of fending icon1.png  Hero's Ring of Fending Ring 90 CBlue 1
Heros ring of slaying icon1.png  Hero's Ring of Slaying Ring 90 CBlue 1
Heros ring of aiming icon1.png  Hero's Ring of Aiming Ring 90 CBlue 1
Heros ring of casting icon1.png  Hero's Ring of Casting Ring 90 CBlue 1
Heros ring of healing icon1.png  Hero's Ring of Healing Ring 90 CBlue 1
Antique sollerets icon1.png  Antique Sollerets Other N/A BGreen 1


Zone Coordinates Level range
Sastasha (Hard) Unknown 50


Quest Type Level Quest Giver
It's Definitely Pirates Feature quest 50 Bloezoeng

Additional Information

Blue Mage Vulnerabilities