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Upon completion of
Upon completion of
Jajaba is a Lalafell in Old Sharlayan. She can be found at Noumenon.
Jajaba: I'm assisting my colleague in his hunt for research materials─specifically, a thesis by Moenbryda─but it's difficult to find any one tome in a library of this size.
Upon completion of
Returning Home
Jajaba: My dear, sweet colleague over there is reading up on records of colonial migration in order to prepare for the great exodus, but I daresay it won't be much use. For one, these movements are of entirely different scales, and the stakes are simply incomparable.
Upon completion of
Jajaba: My dear, sweet colleague over there is vigorously poring over various records in preparation for writing a history of the heroes of Eorzea. Here's hoping he beats the other would-be authors out there to the publishing punch!