Hume Adventurer
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“The city's not at all what it should be. <sigh> What I wouldn't give for a drink right about now.
— In-game description
Hume Adventurer is a Hume in Lower Jeuno.
Hume Adventurer: Ah, there you are. If you've any burning questions about this place, or anything else in Vana'diel, I should be happy to answer them.
Tell me about yourself
Hume Adventurer: Me? I'm no adventurer of any particular renown, if that's what you were expecting. Just a man come from Bastok looking to see more of the world. Hume Adventurer: While I lack in fame, I make up for it with the strength of numbers. I've no shortage of friends willing to accompany me in pursuit of riches should I reach out via linkpearl. Hume Adventurer: The armor I wear is proof of our accomplishments, salvaged from the depths of the Alzadaal undersea ruins. Hume Adventurer: That said, I treasure my time with them more than any trinket or bauble we've unearthed on our travels together. You understand, surely?
Tell me about Fafnir
Hume Adventurer: The great dragon that slumbers in the depths of the Boyahda Tree? Yes, I know of it, as does anyone who would dare venture into Zi'Tah. Hume Adventurer: Stories of a great hero who did battle with a dragon, their harrowing encounter concluding with a strike at its heart with the fabled blade Ridill. If only they hadn't missed their mark... Hume Adventurer: The blade is said to remain nestled in the beast's bosom even to this day. To survive such a blow, and live for all these years, bespeaks a strength I struggle to imagine. Hume Adventurer: And yet the tales of its might have not deterred the brave and foolhardy from venturing in the tree, hopeful they can slay Fafnir and claim its spoils. Few have reached the Dragon's Aery and lived to tell of it.
Tell me about the Ark Angels
Hume Adventurer: I've heard stories. Of the five warriors clad in black. If the fates are kind, I will never have the poor fortune to cross paths with them. Hume Adventurer: They were not born but forged from crystal, assuming the legends are true. Hume Adventurer: The Dawn Goddess, Altana, wept five tears that gave birth to the five races: Hume, Elvaan, Tarutaru, Mithra, and Galka. The Ark Angels are said to be the embodiment of their sins. Hume Adventurer: Apathy, arrogance, cowardice, envy, rage─the darkness that lurks within us all... Hume Adventurer: No one is certain why they were created. The prevailing theory is they served as guardians of some ancient paradise.
Tell me about the Shadow Lord
Hume Adventurer: The great darkness of the northlands, hatred made manifest. There's not a soul in all of Vana'diel who doesn't know of the Shadow Lord. Hume Adventurer: His sole desire was to bring about the extinction of Altana's children, and so he rallied together the beastmen, inciting what came to be known as the Crystal War. Hume Adventurer: The beastmen's assault was merciless, and it was not long before Bastok, San d'Oria, and Windurst were brought to their knees. It was only after Archduke Kam'lanaut convinced them to join forces with the Grand Duchy of Jeuno that they gained the momentum needed to push back. Hume Adventurer: United as the Alliance of Altana, they would eventually drive the beastmen back from their lands, and soon found themselves going on the offensive in Xarcabard. The alliance proved victorious in the end, but not without a great many sacrifices. Hume Adventurer: Peace had been restored to Vana'diel. For a time, at least. The Shadow Lord was somehow resurrected twenty years later, but thankfully he was slain before the beastmen could be emboldened to take arms a second time. Hume Adventurer: There is much speculation as to his origins. Most believe he was once a Galka, if you can believe it. Hume Adventurer: He was betrayed by one of his companions, mortally wounded and left to die. A dear friend of his was also said to have been cut down in the altercation. Hume Adventurer: He succumbed to his wounds, but his rage and despair would remain, giving life to the Shadow Lord. Hume Adventurer: If what you say is true, and he has returned once more, perhaps the flames of his hatred can never truly be extinguished.