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“Reads your fortune and those of nearby party members, granting them Horoscope.
Duration: 10s
Effect upgraded to Horoscope Helios upon receiving the effects of Helios or Helios Conjunction.
Duration: 30s
Restores the HP of those under either effect when the cards are read a second time or the effect expires.
Horoscope Cure Potency: 200
Horoscope Helios Cure Potency: 400— In-game description
Horoscope is an action unlocked at level 76. It is available for Astrologian.
Related actions
- Prior to learning Helios Conjunction at Lv. 96, this action will interact with Aspected Helios in its place.
- Upon using this ability, it will change to Horoscope until the duration expires or if the follow-up Horoscope ability is used.
Patch 7.0 (2024-07-02): Now also upgrades Horoscope to Horoscope Helios upon receiving the effects of Helios Conjunction.
Patch 5.35 (2020-10-12): Fixed an issue wherein executing Horoscope while multiple stacks of Horoscope Helios were applied would remove the Horoscope Helios effect from another player.
Patch 5.3 (2020-08-11): The healing effect can now also be triggered when the effect of Horoscope or Horoscope Helios expires.
Patch 5.1 (2019-10-29): Fixed an issue wherein Horoscope would not upgrade to Horoscope Helios upon receiving the effect of Helios or Aspected Helios.
Patch 5.05 (2019-07-29):
- Healing potency during Horoscope increased from 100 to 200.
- Horoscope Helios effect duration increased from 20 to 30 seconds.
Patch 5.0 (2019-07-02): Added.