Eyes Unclouded

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Eyes Unclouded

Eyes Unclouded Image.png
Quest giver
Coerthas Central Highlands (X:26.7, Y:17.0)
Quest line
Seventh Astral Era Main Scenario Quests
Experience 2,340
Gil 760
Previous quest
Main Scenario QuestThe Road Less Traveled
Next quest
Main Scenario QuestThe Reason Roaille

Main Scenario Progress: 215 / 968 (22.2%)


A Realm Reborn Progress: 215 / 241 (89.2%)


For one with reason to celebrate, Alphinaud looks rather grim.

— In-game description



  • For one with reason to celebrate, Alphinaud looks rather grim.
  • Was Shiva a primal, or something heretofore unseen? Did Iceheart truly become her, and if so, did she retain control? Did the Ascians have a hand in her plans? Your tale raises more than a few questions which the Scions are unable to answer. Minfilia is most troubled by Iceheart's final words to you, from which she concludes that the heretics' leader is blessed with the power of the Echo. What drove the young maiden to take such drastic action remains unclear, but if she is to be believed, then the answer may lie with Midgardsormr─the great wyrm that perished at the Battle of Silvertear Skies, and that Ishgardian astrologians fear may soon rise from the dead...


Accepting the Quest

Alphinaud: It would seem we have much to discuss with our friends at the Rising Stones.
Alphinaud: If what you say is true, Iceheart's method of summoning Shiva defies all precedent. It necessitates a complete reappraisal of the primal threat, and of our approach to combating it.
Alphinaud: Moreover, there are grave ramifications if word of this incident reaches imperial ears.
Alphinaud: The Garlean Empire believes that primals are an insufferable menace─that their mere existence is a threat to this very star. As such, they deem any action taken against the beast tribes to be justified by default.
Alphinaud: Imagine then...if it became known that it was not only the beast tribes of Eorzea that could summon primals, but her civilized peoples as well, any lingering objections to the Eorzean campaign would vanish overnight.
Alphinaud: Where before we had to contend with a single imperial legion, we could well find ourselves facing the combined might of all Garlemald...
Alphinaud: But I speak unadvisedly. Come, [Forename]─it is better that we continue this conversation in Mor Dhona.
Alphinaud: If there is one thing that can be said for Ser Aymeric, it is that he understands how dangerous knowledge can be in the wrong hands.
Alphinaud: We are but fortunate that this incident took place in so remote a location. The truth should not be too difficult to suppress─for now, at least.

Optional Dialogue in the Rising Stones

Tataru: There's little fortune and far less fame in being a receptionist. But one must be realistic!
Tataru: ...Also, it would seem that I was grossly misinformed regarding the average earnings of a street performer.
Y'shtola: True, young leaders can be more amenable to new ideas. Then again, their lack of experience and influence can hinder their ability to enact reforms.
Papalymo: I do not fault Ser Aymeric for being less than forthcoming with his beliefs. Not even the highborn are beyond the reach of the inquisition.
F'lahminn: Ah, forgive me [Forename]... I thought I had prepared enough meals for everyone, but the others were most hungry...
Higiro: Our stocks of wine have nearly run dry. That Sharlayan scholar is drinking us out of house and home!
Coultenet: A sip before practice, a sip after practice, and all too often a sip during practice! I do believe Moenbryda is having quite the bad influence on you.
Hoary Boulder: Calm yourshelf, Coultenet! It'sh jusht a little ship after practish... Clearsh out the cobwebsh no end!
Thancred: Hey... Hey... I jus' gotta say... Yer a—hic—a pretty—hic—a...A... Yer all right.
Yda: What you two do is your own business. Don't say I didn't warn you!
Moenbryda: Trying to tumble the table now, are we? Don't give up yet, bot! Yda! Line 'em up!

Speaking with Minfilia at the Rising Stones

Minfilia: Words cannot well express how glad I am to see you returned to us hale and whole. 
Minfilia: Needless to say, I am most eager to hear your account of that which occurred in Coerthas─assuming you are ready to speak of it? 
Minfilia: Excellent. I shall summon the others at once. 
Minfilia: Iceheart used her own body as a vessel for a primal's soul? 
Y'shtola: Master Louisoix's writings make no mention of such a possibility. Can we be certain this entity was a primal?
Papalymo: As certain as we can be that Good King Moggle Mog XII was a primal, I should think. Both were ostensibly summoned. 
Thancred: Let's not quibble over definitions. Of more concern is the implication that Iceheart retained her will even after she was possessed. We are talking about a mortal wielding the power of a primal! 
Yda: It can't possibly be that easy, can it? There must be some sort of sacrifice required. Or maybe she's just special? 
Urianger: What qualities this woman possesseth, I know not, but full sure am I that she was groomed for this role. 
Urianger: Few are privy to the secrets of summoning, and but a single party standeth to profit from their dissemination. 
Moenbryda: Well, I wouldn't presume to comment on how the lass came to know about summoning, but I will say that what she summoned was a primal. The readings were the same, or near as damn it. 
Moenbryda: Strange as it all sounds, it's really no different from what you've faced before. 
Y'shtola: Then mayhap it is time that we reexamined our previous encounters. 
Papalymo: Pack your things, Yda. We're going back to Gridania. 
Yda: Yes sir! 
Minfilia: About Iceheart's final words to you... 
Minfilia: "Hear... Feel... Think...“ 
Minfilia: Hydaelyn speaks to her as well. 
Minfilia: If Iceheart is blessed with the power of the Echo, she will doubtless have used it to further her goals. 
Minfilia: ...Or could it be that it was a revelation granted her by the Echo which first set her on this path? She did say that the Ishgardians were blind to the truth. 
Minfilia: Do you think she has knowledge of the origins of the Ishgardian-Dravanian war? It would do much to explain her unwavering conviction. 
Urianger: Did not the Lady Iceheart implore thee to seek the Keeper of the Lake? And did she not imply that in so doing thou wouldst come to see with eyes unclouded? 
Minfilia: Midgardsormr was a king amongst kings who reigned for centuries on end... But he is dead, and his wisdom lost to the ages─unless the Ishgardians' fears are well founded... 
Minfilia: It would seem we have yet another reason to stand watch over the Keeper of the Lake. For a mercy, we are well positioned to do so. 
Minfilia: Iceheart, Shiva, Ascians, and Midgardsormr. I shudder to think how they are all connected...