Embraced by Gods
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Embraced by Gods
- Quest giver
- Deryk
- Location
- Thaleia (X:11.2, Y:11.3)
- Quest line
- Myths of the Realm Quests
- Level
- 90
- Experience
- Gil
- Previous quest
The Heart of the Myth
- Patch
- 6.5
“Deryk is the very picture of peace.
— In-game description
- Unlocks
- Wait at the designated location at The Bramble Patch.
- Speak with Deryk in Limsa Lominsa.
- Speak with Deryk at the Tempest Gate.
- Speak with Deryk and follow his lead.
- Speak with Deryk again.
- Deryk is the very picture of peace.
- Deryk explains that he is now simply a man, remade from the portion of his essence that was not returned to the star. At the last, he found that he could not bear to be parted from his newfound friends, and chose to remain. Henceforth, he means to travel the world with a renewed perspective, but ere he sets out, he wishes to move his brethren's hopes, harbored in the Omphalos monument, to a place in men's midst. It is decided that everyone will accompany Deryk on this task, and you set off for the Sanctum of the Twelve in the East Shroud.
- Gathering before the Sanctum's gate, your party watches intently as Deryk imbues the arch with his brethren's hopes. He then speaks fondly of the remarkable people they used to be, hopeful that they remain with you in some way. With the task complete, you next make your way to Limsa Lominsa, there to send off those of your fellows who are bound for Sharlayan.
- Having bid Krile, G'raha Tia, and Snoegeim farewell, you are left alone with Deryk. The erstwhile deity asks you to accompany him to a place outside the city, and so you make your way to the Tempest Gate.
- In order to mark his new beginning as a man, Deryk wishes to see Oschon's Embrace with you. He continues on to the bridge, and you follow close on his heels.
※You must be following Deryk to complete this task. Speak with him again should you become separated.
- You make your way across Oschon's Embrace side by side with Deryk, who is impressed with the bridge in progress. Upon arriving at the other end, your companion looks at you sheepishly, as if he had another request...
- Wishing to talk a little more, Deryk asks you for your honest opinion of the Twelve. You are happy to oblige, and after you share your heartfelt thoughts, he declares his readiness to set forth upon his journey. So it is that you go your separate ways, with the promise to look for one another out on the road. What the future holds, none can say, but one thing is certain: come what may, the Twelve shall ever watch over their beloved Etheirys.
Krile: Well, we must return to Sharlayan. The Forum will be expecting a report. Krile: Yet if the entire truth were to be revealed to the public, it would shake the very foundation of the worship of the Twelve... G'raha Tia: Aye, in penning our report, we would do well to consult the Forum on what details are safe to disclose. G'raha Tia: Much pertaining to the field of mythology will need to be obfuscated, I fear... Snoegeim: Worry not on my account! Inspired by our findings, I have a mind to examine the Twelve in the context of reception theory. Snoegeim: The people's perception of deities are wont to be informed by their culture. Snoegeim: By comparing the differences across eras and regions, I believe we may uncover heretofore unseen aspects to the Twelve! Deryk: Reception theory, you say. Most intriguing. I should like to see the fruits of your research when I visit Sharlayan. Krile: When you do, have care not to reveal who you used to be. Our scholars would be all over you like starved beasts. Deryk: I see... Perhaps I shall wait a while before I come calling... Deryk:Before I came to you, I simply roamed the world. I had no objective─nothing I wished to find. Deryk:With this second chance I have, I mean to undertake my travels with a renewed perspective. Deryk:But ere I set out... Deryk:I would move my brethren's hopes elsewhere, to a place in men's midst. Krile:Oh, what a wonderful idea! If you don't mind, we should like to accompany you. Deryk:By all means. We make for the Sanctum of the Twelve, in the East Shroud.
Snoegeim:Ahhh! No matter how many times I visit the Sanctum, its majesty never fails to move me! Snoegeim:And the rich history! Originally built during the dawn of the Fifth Astral Era, it was reclaimed by the wood before being restored in the wake of the Calamity. Snoegeim:Truly, it stands as a testament to the influence that magical civilizations and city states have had upon Eorzean culture! Deryk:This Sanctum harbors the hopes of men. And now, those of my brethren shall join them. Deryk:If you are not averse, I would speak a little of my brethren─that is, those individuals whose essence lent them form. As it pertains to another age, some concepts may be foreign to you, but would you be interested nonetheless? Deryk:Excellent. Deryk:Byregot was a man with a gift for creating inanimate objects such as buildings and furnishings. Deryk:With his abilities, he served a supervisory role at the Bureau of the Architect, where he was nothing short of a pillar. His chief was carefree to a fault, you see, and he took it upon himself to ensure the work was done. Deryk:Rhalgr was a brawny man whom Venat encountered on her travels. Deryk:They quickly struck up a friendship, and he joined her on a quest to destroy an enormous meteor that was hurtling towards the star. 'Tis fair to say this event gave rise to the legends surrounding the Destroyer. Deryk:Azeyma was a woman who served as a judicial officer in the Bureau of the Administrator─an experience which served her well as the Warden. Deryk:She was an ardent proponent of the seat of Azem, and dreamed of training under Venat and her successor. Deryk:Nald'thal was a close personal friend of mine. A merchant by trade, he was outwardly gregarious, but also possessed a reserved side and knew quiet joy in his passion for ore. Deryk:When men began treating him as a dual-aspected god, it reminded me of the person he used to be, and I couldn't help but be struck with the pang of nostalgia. Deryk:Nophica was a landscape architect of great repute who grew plants gathered from the star over. Deryk:Despite being skilled in magic, she preferred to nurture plants as nature intended, and her garden ever bloomed with beautiful flowers. All who visited were said to leave with their souls salved. Deryk:Althyk was a researcher who observed newly made creations in Elpis. Deryk:Although it was at his sister's urging that he first joined our faction, he soon became a stalwart believer in the cause, and always took the initiative in discussion. Deryk:Halone was a formidable warrior tasked with hunting creations that were deemed detrimental to the star. Deryk:For her prowess, she had been regarded as a leading candidate for the seat of Pashtarot, preserver of discipline and order. Deryk:Menphina was the youngest among us, a student affiliated with the Words of Lahabrea at the Akadaemia Anyder. Deryk:Even within that prestigious institution she was considered a prodigy, and hers were the hands that created the magick to isolate and seal Zodiark. Deryk:Thaliak was the headmaster of the Akadaemia Anyder. A man of learning and leadership both, he presided over the institution's myriad faculties. Deryk:No known phenomenon existed in which he wasn't versed. Words do not do justice to express the remarkable scholar that he was. Deryk:Nymeia was an observer in Elpis, like her older brother Althyk. Deryk:She possessed a caring and inquisitive nature, and was liked and trusted by her peers. Deryk:Llymlaen was a researcher at Metabaseos Thalassai, a facility for the observation and evaluation of sea life. Deryk:So passionate was she about her work, she once threw a knife at someone who inadvertently came too close to her observation subject. Deryk:Oschon was a traveler whom Venat encountered in the wilderness. They shared a campfire and discussed at length what it meant to be free. Deryk:Leaving my hopes as the Wanderer in this place, I shall set forth anew─as simply a man named Deryk. Deryk:And last but not least, the watcher. He was the chief archivist at Anamnesis Anyder, and respected Venat deeply as an individual even as he cared for her as a dear friend. Deryk:Indeed, among our number, none was more devoted to Venat. And that devotion made him best suited to his duty and the solitude that accompanies it. Deryk:...That is all. 'Tis a lot to remember, but I should be glad if they remain with you in some way. Krile:We're grateful that you should share with us these new aspects of Hydaelyn and the Twelve. Thank you. G'raha Tia:Well, 'tis past time we headed back to Sharlayan. It wouldn't do to keep Ojika waiting. Deryk:I assume you will be traveling via Limsa Lominsa. In which case, allow us to see you off from there. Deryk:Till now I have wandered alone, but as I recently learned─a journey is better shared.
Deryk:Is that so? The others will be glad to hear that. Deryk:Thank you for humoring me, [Forename]...and apologies for keeping you so long. Deryk:I am ready to set forth now. To witness a world filled with our blessing. Deryk:To begin with, I shall tour La Noscea and visit those locales which are named after the Twelve. After which, I shall go wherever the wind blows. Deryk:Together with this fellow, of course─until such time as he tires of my company. Deryk:This time, I shall embrace the joy of meeting and accept the sorrow of parting. Deryk:And when the time comes for me to return to the star, I shall share my experiences with my brethren. Deryk:Needless to say your words will feature prominently in my recounting. Deryk:You will continue your own journeys, will you not? Deryk:Then I shall look for you out there. Fare you well, my friend─and may the Twelve bless you and keep you.