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Male ♂
Garlemald (17.3, 23.2)
Garlond Ironworks

Ebrelnaux is a Garlean in Garlemald. He is an imperial engineer who has defected from the Empire, who is conducting field research across Garlemald. He has been provided with a bodyguard by the Maelstrom called Keltlona. Their adventures form a four-part FATE chain.


Zone Coordinates Level range
Garlemald (X:17.3, Y:23.2)
Garlemald (X:11.4, Y:11.2)
Garlemald (X:11.2, Y:11.7)
Garlemald (X:25.7, Y:19.4)



FATE: Kill BossArtificial Malevolence: 15 Minutes to Comply

Upon successful completion

Ebrelnaux: Phew... Too close for comfort...
Ebrelnaux: Many thanks for your timely assistance!
Ebrelnaux: Aye. The methods I'd researched prior to my defection...
Ebrelnaux: ...were used in this magitek.
Ebrelnaux: Let's search the facility at which I was stationed.
Ebrelnaux: We may be able to glean vital information there.

FATE: Slay EnemiesArtificial Malevolence: The Drone Army

Starting the FATE

Ebrelnaux: It's an honor to meet you, Warrior of Light. My name is Ebrelnaux, and I serve under your friend Cid Garlond in the Ironworks, but it wasn't always this way. I was once a magitek engineer, stationed right at this very location.
Ebrelnaux: My area of expertise was the automation of machina used in everyday life, that it may be used by the common man. Eventually, the military expressed an interest in my work and requisitioned it for their own ends. The warmachina that haunt these ruins are driven by the magitek I created, though it has changed much since my defection.
Ebrelnaux: I seek to gain a greater understanding of the latest Garlean technological advances, in order to silence these instruments of destruction. Will you grant me your protection while I scour the area for research materials?
< If the player answers Yes >
Ebrelnaux: We must gather the necessary components as swiftly as possible.
< If the player answers No >
Ebrelnaux: Understood. I shall look to other members of our contingent for aid. With luck, someone will pass through ere long.

During the FATE

Ebrelnaux: Nothing. That can only mean...
Ebrelnaux: There must be some hint as to the inner working of these automated weapons...
Ebrelnaux: Please... Let there be something left!
(If attacked)
Ebrelnaux: Argh! Someone help!

Upon successful completion

Ebrelnaux: Were you able to find anything of note, Keltlona?
Ebrelnaux: Alas, my search proved equally unproductive.
Ebrelnaux: However, there's another location that is worth a try.
Ebrelnaux: We are now close to the munitions factory.

Upon unsuccessful completion

Ebrelnaux: It's no good. We'll have to abandon the search!

FATE: Slay EnemiesArtificial Malevolence: Unmanned Aerial Villains

Starting the FATE

Ebrelnaux: That is where the automation process must've been carried out on older units.
< If the player answers Yes >
Ebrelnaux: And there is our welcoming party, right on cue!

During the FATE

Ebrelnaux: During my days as an imperial magitek engineer, I sought to simplify the methods for operating the machina used in daily life, so that the average citizen could more easily contribute towards the Empire's technological revolution.
Ebrelnaux: This led me to pursue automation of certain processes, only for my research to be used for military purposes. I had never intended for my work to be used for such destructive ends, and when my protestations fell on deaf ears, I defected to Eorzea.
Ebrelnaux: In my absence, the selfsame technology I created has brought untold misery upon my former compatriots. This automated machina must be stopped, and for that, I require all the information I can gather.

Upon successful completion

Ebrelnaux: But they were no more than sub-units, or underlings, one might say.
Ebrelnaux: The commanding unit should be nearby!

Upon unsuccessful completion

Ebrelnaux: We'll never get past them at this rate.

FATE: Kill BossArtificial Malevolence: Mighty Metatron

Starting the FATE

Ebrelnaux: Correct. I believe it contains the components I require.

During the FATE

Ebrelnaux: That warmachina was once a manned vehicle, but is now fully automated. The technology I helped create prior to my defection has become the driving force behind that monstrosity, so I must use my knowledge to end this menace once and for all.
Ebrelnaux: By analyzing the parts added to replace a living pilot, I should be able to find a method for deactivating similar machina.

Upon successful completion

Ebrelnaux: Words cannot express my gratitude.
Ebrelnaux: Once I've retrieved the necessary parts, I'll make my way back to camp.
Ebrelnaux: Soon, Garlemald will be free of automated magitek, and the people may reclaim their city.

Upon unsuccessful completion

Ebrelnaux: A far more stubborn foe than anticipated. Let us retreat for the time being.