The Dragon's Neck

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The Dragon's Neck

The dragons neck banner1.png
50 (Sync: 50)
Item Level
Party size
Full Party
8 man 2 Tank role.png 2 Healer role.png 4 DPS role.png
Time limit
60 minutes
Duty Finder
Trials (A Realm Reborn)
Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 15 
Req. quest
Feature quest The Coliseum Conundrum
Eastern Thanalan (X:14.7, Y:30.2)
The echo icon1.png The Echo
On wipe: +10% (max +50%)

It's a frenetic free-for-all as the Mythril Cup moves to Halatali for the climactic confrontation! Rain will lash and winds will bluster in this perfect storm of a battle. When the tempest subsides, who will rise above the chaos to lay claim to the victor's spoils? Will it be the Warrior of Light, savior of Eorzea and champion of her people, or the dastardly duo of Ultros and Typhon!? All will be answered in Halatali, atop the Dragon's Neck!

— In-game description

The Dragon's Neck is a level 50 trial introduced in patch 2.4. It is part of the Hildibrand Adventures questline.


Ultros and Typhon Video Guide

Aggressive difficulty r6.png Ultros & Typhon

The fight takes place in a circular arena. If a player is knocked out of the arena they will be Stun icon1.png stunned for several seconds, though will be able to jump back in once they are no longer stunned. If all players are outside of the arena at the same time, then the fight will wipe.

At the start, Ultros and Typhon should be tanked separately, with DPS focusing on Ultros.

Ultros will perform the following attacks:

  • Megavolt: Circle AoE around Ultros
  • Aqua Breath.png  Aqua Breath: Cone in front of Ultros

Typhon will perform the following attacks:

  • Grind: Untelegraphed tankbuster.
  • Fungah: Instant-cast cone in front of Typhon that deals knockback.
  • Fungahhh: Cone behind Typhon that deals knockback.
  • Fireball: Circle AoE on a random player.

Typhon's front-facing Fungah will knock back the tank, and there is a chance this will push the tank out of the arena - if that happens, then Typhon will de-aggro from the tank and attack other players. This can quickly kill a non-tank, if Typhon hits them with Grind.

First imp phase

At around 80% HP, Ultros will cast Imp Song, which will transform all DPS into Imp icon1.png Imps, losing all their abilities but being able to use "Imp Punch".

As Imps, players must be hit by Ultros' Aqua Breath.png  Aqua Breath attack in order to gain a stack of Wet Plate. Each DPS should aim to get 2 stacks of wet plate.

Typhon will then move to the center of the arena, gain 8 stacks of Invigorate, and begin to cast Severe Snort. At this point, imps should approach Typhon and cast Imp Punch on him - each Wet-Plate-enhanced-punch removes 1 stack of Invigorate. If players remove all 8 Invigorate stacks, then Typhon will stop casting and imps will return to normal early.

If Severe Snort is not stopped (which is the case in most duty finder groups), all players will be knocked back a significant distance, potentially pushing them out of the arena. Stand near the center of the arena to decrease the chance of being pushed off. Alternatively, knockback immunity from actions like Arm's Length.png  Arm's Length or Surecast.png  Surecast can negate the knockback.

Second imp phase

After some time, Ultros will cast Imp Song again, once more transforming DPS into Imp icon1.png Imps. All players should approach Ultros as soon as possible.

Typhon will move to the center of the arena and cast Snortsault, which places cones of wind in front and behind him that deal a lot of knockback. He will start rotating counter-clockwise while the cones are still active, potentially pushing players off the arena.

Ultros gains an additional move, 4-tonze Weight.png  4-tonze Weight, which is a circle AoE on random players that drops a weight. Any players hit by a weight will be inflicted by Down for the count icon1.png Down for the Count and be unable to act for a few seconds.

Imps need to repeat the process of obtaining Wet Plate from Ultros' Aqua Breath.png  Aqua Breath, then using Imp Punch to stop Severe Snort.

Final phase

Imp Song will no longer occur from this point on. Ultros and Typhon will repeat their usual moves, with some additions:

Typhon uses the following:

  • FUNGAH: Targets a random player with a red circular marker. This player will be knocked upward in place, while anyone in the circle will be knocked away.
  • Snortsault: This time, Typhon goes to the center of the arena and deals a huge knockback, followed by 4 back-to-back casts of Snort.png  Snort that also deal knockback. Stay near the center and continuously run toward the center until the Snorts stop.

Ultros will occasionally spawn 3 tentacles, which will then perform either Wallop or Clearout:

  • Wallop: Line AoEs directed at random players, dealing knockback.
  • Clearout: Large cone AoEs directed at the center of the arena, dealing knockback.

Blue Mage spell notes:

  • Running this duty solo unsynced is not really viable - the incoming damage during the imp phase, combined with the inability to use actions, will lead to a quick death.
  • Aqua Breath.png  Aqua Breath is frequently used by Ultros, so this is the preferred place to obtain it.
  • 4-tonze Weight.png  4-tonze Weight is used by Ultros during the second imp phase, and onward.
  • Snort.png  Snort is used by Typhon late in the fight, and may require stalling as to not kill him too quickly. Alternatively, Typhon uses Snort more frequently in The Masked Carnivale Lock up Your Snorters.


Gold Coffer (small).png Treasure Coffer

Name Type Item Level Rarity Quantity
Wind-up ultros icon2.png  Wind-up Ultros Minion N/A ABasic 1



Pre duty Cutscene

Dour Meadow: Combatants! The final confrontation will be held here, atop the Dragon's Neck!
Dour Meadow: If all members of a team fall from the platform, they forfeit the match. Let the battle begin!
Ultros: Seafood soup is not on the menu today, kids! 

Duty Dialogue

Typhon: Fu...Fu... Fungaaahhh!
Typhon: Funga... Fungaguna...
Typhon: Fuuunnn—gaaaaahhhh!!!
Typhon: Fu...Fu... Fungaaahhh!
Typhon: Fu...Fu... Fungaaahhh!

Post duty Cutscene

Ultros: Thwarted again! I feel like such a sucker...
Dour Meadow: And [Forename] claims the Mythril Cup!