Doman Reconstruction: Ihase
Doman Reconstruction: Ihase
- Quest giver
- Kozakura
- Location
- The Doman Enclave (X:7.2, Y:7.3)
- Quest line
- Doman Reconstruction Quests
- Level
- 70
- Requirements
120,000 donated to Donation Basket
- Previous quest
Doman Reconstruction: Araragi
Doman Reconstruction: Tsuranuki
- Next quest
Doman Reconstruction: Minazuki
- Patch
- 4.4
“A new chapter has begun for the reconstruction effort.
— In-game description
Doman Reconstruction: Ihase is a level 70 quasi-quest and a part of the Doman Reconstruction storyline. Specifically, this quest covers the restoration of the Enclave Demesne. There are no true steps to this quest, but donating more items continues the story and further improves the Demesne.
The first part of the quest starts after players have donated items worth a total of 120,000 gil to the Donation Basket. After that, subsequent parts of the quest occur at 130,000 gil and 150,000 gil donated.
120,000 Gil Donated (Cutscene)
Kozakura: [Forename]! Just the person with whom I was hoping to speak. Kozakura: There have been some interesting developments in our plans for the enclave. Kozakura: The Shazenkai and the residents have made a combined effort to clear away a vast amount of debris, opening up more land for us to develop. Kozakura: We are considering a number of different projects, such as allocating land for farming, buildings for new enterprises, and so forth. Kozakura: Naturally, our need for resources has never been greater. I do not speak only of material costs, but also of the labor required. Kozakura: In order to adequately explain our next undertaking, I must—
???: Sorry to interrupt, but perhaps it would be best coming from me. Formidable Farmer: We meet again, Warrior of Light. You may not remember me, but I was there the day you and Lady Yugiri freed me and my countrymen from Castrum Fluminis. I owe my freedom to you. Formidable Farmer: Though I must admit, I was in something of a panicked state when we first met. So much so, that I neglected to thank you or give my name. I am Ihase. Ihase: The Shazenkai has agreed to assist us with one of the newly opened patches of land. Like the rest of Yanxia, the enclave is blessed with a constant supply of clean water, ideally suited to rice farming. I was practically raised in a paddy field, and aim to put my experience to good use. Ihase: You see, now that a lot of the basic living quarters and such are in a decent state, a few of us would like to turn our attention to cultivating crops—rice in particular. Ihase: It is no exaggeration to say that it is our lifeblood. That is why I asked for permission to use the land. Ihase: If you are not otherwise engaged, it would be a great honor to show you around. It is to the northwest, not far from here.
Kozakura: I for one am in total agreement with Ihase. Prosperous harvests would be an enormous boon as we strive towards self-sufficiency. Kozakura: Any surplus produced would fetch a high price beyond our borders, and it would go a long way to the revival of the enclave. Kozakura: Ihase and the other farmers have already started plotting out their erm... plots. It would mean the world to them if you paid a visit. (Optional) Kozakura: It may not be long before we can eat homegrown rice─I can hardly wait! Being from Eorzea, you may not be aware of the subtle differences between varieties, but to us Domans, they are as clear as night and day.
Speaking with Ihase (Cutscene)
Ihase: I never thought that one day the Warrior of Light would come to see my paddy fields, and yet here you are. Ihase: So, may I ask what you think of the place?
< What will you say? > < Seems like as good a location as any. > < A bit on the bleak side, isn't it? >
< Seems like as good a location as any. > Ihase: Yes, I feel it has endless possibilities. Ihase: Although it may not look like much now, once we have made a few improvements, we should soon see results.
< A bit on the bleak side, isn't it? > Ihase: At first, that certainly appears to be the case. Until recently, the soil was covered in rubble, which is shy hardly anything grew here.
(Both) Ihase: Once we had gotten rid of the debris, we found the earth below fairly easy to till. Ihase: I have also heard that before houses were built on this land, it was actually used for growing rice. Ihase: It would give me a huge sense of satisfaction if the area were to come full circle and produce crops once more. Ihase: The area is well suited to farming. Water naturally drains out of the fields and into the river without much intervention on our part. However, we must occasionally bring in fresh soil to replenish the nutrients. Ihase: Of course, even earth of the highest quality will be of little value until we get more water flowing into the fields. Ihase: Relying purely on the streams flowing down from the mountains will lead to a poor yield. We could dig a channel leading off from the One River, to bring in some of its mineral-rich silt. Yes, should work. Ihase: Oh! I do apologize—No doubt you have better things to do than listen to my ruminations on paddy field drainage. Ihase: My workers and I do not lack for motivation, only for funding and materials. With your support, the people of the enclave will soon be feasting on delicious, homegrown rice!
System: A new chapter has begun for the reconstruction effort. Your contributions to the Shazenkai will help the Doman Enclave continue to grow.
(Optional) Ihase: When it comes to growing rice, creating the perfect conditions is something of a fine art.
130,000 Gil Donated
Accepting the Quest (Cutscene)
Kozakura: On behalf of the Shazenkai, [Forename], I thank you for your support. Kozakura: Ihase and the other farmers are working hard to develop the reclaimed land. I hear their new tools have made a world of difference. Kozakura: While we are able to produce some of the necessary equipment here, our craftsmen are already working at maximum capacity. In many cases, it is quicker to simply purchase what we require. Kozakura: Your contributions helped us secure these tools for Ihase and the others. If you are curious to know how their work is proceeding, why not pay them a visit? (Optional) Kozakura: Have you been to see Ihase? I think he has something to discuss with you.
Speaking with Ihase (Cutscene)
Ihase: Ah, come to see how we are getting on? The new tools have helped us a great deal. We are very grateful. Ihase: There is still a lot of work to be done before we can start planting the rice. That reminds me—I placed an order with Kozakura and the delivery is due any day now.
???: Which one of you is Ihase?
Ihase: That would be me. And you must be here to deliver two sturdy-looking dzos, as requested.
Brotherly Buduga: Glad are we to trade for Doman goods, so coveted are they by our brothers.
Brotherly Buduga: But may we ask why you require two live dzos? 'Twould be simpler to bring you horns or pelts or meat. Or do you prefer to slaughter them yourselves?
Ihase: Kami forfend! We wish to use them as beasts of burden, to help plough our fields. Ihase: Well-tilled soil is essential in the cultivation of crops. Ah... Just the thought of eating the first rice ball from our own harvest makes my mouth water.
Brotherly Buduga: Rice balls? We remember these fondly. So vivid is the memory I can almost taste it! Brotherly Buduga: Mitsuba first introduced us to their heavenly goodness. I shall never forget the flavor. Brotherly Buduga: To think that dzos from the Steppe can assist in producing rice makes me very proud.
Bedraggled Buduga: Brother, if we were to stay and help, maybe they will share some of the harvest with us!
Brotherly Buduga: Is this some jest? We Buduga live only for battle—Not for plowing fields and scattering seeds! And what of our aim to secure the firewalker?
Bedraggled Buduga: We owe our lives not only to Mitsuba, but to the whole enclave! They are the ones who nursed us back to health when we were close to death! Surely we should repay this debt before attempting to seize Hien?
Beggarly Buduga: If we work these fields, we can observe his comings and goings, and find the right moment.
Brotherly Buduga: Not you too! Brotherly Buduga: So that makes it two against one... Loath as I am to admit it, the idea is not entirely without merit. Brotherly Buduga: Ihase, will you allow us to work alongside you? The only payment we ask is a few bales of rice.
Ihase: We need all the help we can get, and you seem to have a knack for steering dzos in the right direction, which will no doubt prove useful. But I must warn you—the process takes several moons. You will get your share of the harvest once we are done, though.
Brotherly Buduga: Then we have an agreement. If it leads to the capture of Hien, there is no hardship we would not bear. Brotherly Buduga: Come to think of it, Ihase, perhaps when this is finished, you should return to the Steppe with us. A man of your stature and obvious strength could make a name for himself.
Ihase: You want me to join the Buduga? I cannot imagine my wife and children would be very happy about that. Besides, I am much more at home in a paddy field than on a battlefield!
System: Work in the Enclave Demesne is proceeding apace. The new workers and beasts of burden will increase productivity and lighten the load for Ihase and his farmers. System: As you continue to contribute to the Shazenkai and the reconstruction effort, in what other ways might the Doman Enclave grow and change?
(Optional) Ihase: I've high hopes for those Buduga. By all accounts, the Steppe is an unforgiving place, and a lifetime there should have prepared them for long days tilling the soil here. Ihase: They will be expected to pull their weight, the same as everyone else.
150,000 Gil Donated
Accepting the Quest (Cutscene)
Kozakura: Once again, allow me to thank you for your continued contributions. Kozakura: Ihase tells me that everything we need for rice production is now ready. Kozakura: The crops are growing remarkably well. If all goes according to plan, we can expect a decent harvest in a few moons. Kozakura: Are you interested to see the progress Ihase has made with the paddy fields? Perhaps you should stop for a chat with him. (Optional) Kozakura: If you have a chance, I recommend that you stop by the Enclave Demesne to see the good that your donations have done.
Speaking with Ihase (Cutscene)
Ihase: We now have all of the essentials for rice production. There is even a waterwheel for milling once it has been harvested. Ihase: Most of the more difficult tasks have been taken care of, so all we need to do now is keep the fields free of weeds and scatter fresh soil from time to time. Ihase: Some of the children came to help, and were here until a few moments ago. I wonder where they've run off to?
Yozan: Hey, everyone! Mitsuba brought food! Come on, let's eat!
Mitsuba: It was meant to be a surprise for you, but nothing gets past these younglings! Mitsuba: Thanks to them, my grand entrance is ruined, but I may as well say my piece. Can I interest any of you hardworking farmers in a meat-filled rice ball? Mitsuba: As for you, [Forename], you may not be a farmer, but I'd say you deserve one too. I know you've invested an awful lot into making a success of this place.
Yozan: Say, what brings you all the way here, [Forename]? Have you come to visit us? Yozan: You're helping with the enclave? Wow! You're the best! Yozan: Since we got back here, the Doman Adventurers' Guild has been busier than ever.
Koharu: There are all sorts of things to take care of. We'll need new members just to keep up!
Mitsuba: It looks like you've got some catching up to do. Why not talk about it over some good, old-fashioned Doman grub? But you're all covered in muck, so don't forget to wash your hands first!
Yozan: Last one clean is a rotten egg!
Kozakura: Good morning to you all.
Ihase: Kozakura! To what do we owe the pleasure?
Kozakura: Actually, I was hoping to speak with [Forename] concerning the reconstruction effort. Kozakura: The Shazenkai has reached a decision on our next project. We wish to rebuild Rissai-juku, a school for local children or anyone with a mind to learn. Kozakura: I would like you all to meet the tutor.
Yozan: You mean Miss Minazuki will be the teacher? That's great news!
Koharu: Guess what! We went to Revenant's Toll and had all kinds of adventures!
Kozakura: You mean to say that you are already acquainted?
Shiun: Yes, her husband was our Master of Lessons. They used to teach us when we lived here before.
Rokka: When we were taking breaks from training, she would give us snacks and tell us old stories.
Kozakura: Oh, what a wonderful coincidence! I am happy to see you reunited at long last.
Minazuki: I prayed that you would return safely. Words cannot express how worried we were after you and your families fled to seek refuge in Eorzea. But those dark days are behind us now. Minazuki: Kozakura tells me you have formed the Doman Adventurers' Guild and performed all manner of good deeds during your time in Mor Dhona. In fact, I hear you have been helping people here in the enclave, too. Minazuki: Well, if you can find time between guild assignments, perhaps we could resume your lessons?
Yozan: Yes, we'd love to! Yozan: The school can be our new headquarters! Come on─let's take a look!
Minazuki: You must be the hero whose name is on everyone's lips. It is an honor to finally meet you. Minazuki: As you heard, the “Master of Lessons” to whom the children referred was indeed my husband. After his death during Lord Kaien's rebellion, the Garleans kept a close eye on me, fearing my teachings might spark an uprising. Minazuki: Now, with the Empire gone, and our countrymen repatriated, I hope we can reclaim some semblance of normality. Minazuki: An old woman I may be, but I am not blind to the events of the outside world. I have heard the tales of your bravery. Were it not for you and your friends, Doma would still be under imperial rule and this place in ruins. Minazuki: Instead, it is now a thriving community. And I am sure the best is yet to come!
System: At the completion of the Enclave Demesne, the Shazenkai initiate an ambitious plan to revive an important place of learning─ Rissai-juku, a school for those with a thirst for knowledge!
Ihase: Patience is an essential part of cultivating rice. Even I can barely wait until the next harvest, though!