Shadowbringers content

Diamond Plating

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Diamond Plating

Item type
Material type
Blacksmith frame icon.png 80
Armorer frame icon.png 80
Goldsmith frame icon.png 80
Alchemist frame icon.png 80
Vendor Value
Gil 48
Market board icon1.png MB prices

A hunk of glistening metal torn from the Diamond Weapon.
Crafting Material

— In-game description



Desynthesis icon1.png  Desynthesis

Used For

Crafting Ingredient

Item Rarity Class Level Ingredients
Adamant battleaxe icon1.png  Adamant Battleaxe
(Learned from: Master Blacksmith VIII)
CBlue Blacksmith frame icon.png BSM 80 ★★
Adamant blade icon1.png  Adamant Blade
(Learned from: Master Blacksmith VIII)
CBlue Blacksmith frame icon.png BSM 80 ★★
Adamant cane icon1.png  Adamant Cane
(Learned from: Master Goldsmith VIII)
CBlue Goldsmith frame icon.png GSM 80 ★★
Adamant chakrams icon1.png  Adamant Chakrams
(Learned from: Master Blacksmith VIII)
CBlue Blacksmith frame icon.png BSM 80 ★★
Adamant cleavers icon1.png  Adamant Cleavers
(Learned from: Master Blacksmith VIII)
CBlue Blacksmith frame icon.png BSM 80 ★★
Adamant codex icon1.png  Adamant Codex
(Learned from: Master Alchemist VIII)
CBlue Alchemist frame icon.png ALC 80 ★★
Adamant guillotine icon1.png  Adamant Guillotine
(Learned from: Master Blacksmith VIII)
CBlue Blacksmith frame icon.png BSM 80 ★★
Adamant gunblade icon1.png  Adamant Gunblade
(Learned from: Master Blacksmith VIII)
CBlue Blacksmith frame icon.png BSM 80 ★★
Adamant hanger icon1.png  Adamant Hanger
(Learned from: Master Goldsmith VIII)
CBlue Goldsmith frame icon.png GSM 80 ★★
Adamant index icon1.png  Adamant Index
(Learned from: Master Alchemist VIII)
CBlue Alchemist frame icon.png ALC 80 ★★
Adamant knuckles icon1.png  Adamant Knuckles
(Learned from: Master Blacksmith VIII)
CBlue Blacksmith frame icon.png BSM 80 ★★
Adamant longbow icon1.png  Adamant Longbow
(Learned from: Master Blacksmith VIII)
CBlue Blacksmith frame icon.png BSM 80 ★★
Adamant partisan icon1.png  Adamant Partisan
(Learned from: Master Blacksmith VIII)
CBlue Blacksmith frame icon.png BSM 80 ★★
Adamant pistol icon1.png  Adamant Pistol
(Learned from: Master Blacksmith VIII)
CBlue Blacksmith frame icon.png BSM 80 ★★
Adamant planisphere icon1.png  Adamant Planisphere
(Learned from: Master Goldsmith VIII)
CBlue Goldsmith frame icon.png GSM 80 ★★
Adamant rod icon1.png  Adamant Rod
(Learned from: Master Goldsmith VIII)
CBlue Goldsmith frame icon.png GSM 80 ★★
Paladins adamant arms icon1.png  Paladin's Adamant Arms
(Learned from: Master Armorer VIII)
CBlue Armorer frame icon.png ARM 80 ★★
Paladins adamant arms icon1.png  Paladin's Adamant Arms
(Learned from: Master Blacksmith VIII)
CBlue Blacksmith frame icon.png BSM 80 ★★
Diamond barding icon1.png  Diamond Barding
(Learned from: Master Armorer VIII)
ABasic Armorer frame icon.png ARM 80 ★★★★
Diamond weapon bust icon1.png  Diamond Weapon Bust
(Learned from: Master Armorer VIII)
ABasic Armorer frame icon.png ARM 80 ★★★★