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Bombfish (Enemy)

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Disambig icon.png This article is about the enemy. For the minion, see Bombfish.


When excited, these fish will bloat their bodies full of water or air, more than doubling in size and sending once-retracted spines erect. When sailors from the West first witnessed these Far Eastern marvels, they were immediately reminded of the voidsent bombs which had harried them back home, and thusly dubbed them bombfish.

— In-game description

Bombfish is a Wavekin in The Ruby Sea.


Name Type Item Level Rarity Quantity
Bombfish spine icon1.png  Bombfish Spine Material 265 ABasic 1


Zone Coordinates Level range
The Ruby Sea (X:31, Y:35) 62
The Ruby Sea (X:32, Y:38) 62
Bombfish in The Ruby Sea


Quest Type Level Quest Giver