Black Uma Doshin

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Black Uma Doshin

You have finished your task, m'lord. Well did you run your appointed course. I have watched you from afar and near alike, and aye, you were as a charger! Who could fail to be awed by the spittle flying from beneath your kabuto? ...Your boots as thundering hooves sending up plumes of dust, your taut flanks gleaming with sweat...well! A worthy mount you would make, m'lord. I am not the only horse-lover in the Silver Bazaar tonight, I'll wager. I saw many a pair of eyes shining at the sight of flying manes, lips parted as though to drink in the muscular gallop... And did you yourself not feel a dim echo of the exhilaration that is the natural gift of riders and mount alike? So long have we of the East partaken of this that we feel the need...the need for speed. It is our custom to reward a horse with a carrot. Take this, my fleet piebald steed, and present it to the black uma yoriki in Ul'dah. You will continue to don the kabuto, I hope. With so many eager eyes upon you, it would be a sore disappointment to see the horse revealed as mere man.

— In-game description

Black Uma Doshin is a Hyur in Western Thanalan.

Quests Started

Quest Type Level Quest Giver

Quests Involved In

Quest Type Level Quest Giver
Heavens Know You're Fast Sidequest 15 Black Uma Yoriki

Additional Information