Beacon in the Darkness
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Beacon in the Darkness
- Quest giver
- Firmalbert
- Location
- Foundation (X:12.9, Y:11.2)
- Quest line
- Dawntrail Role Quests
- Level
- 96
- Required items
- 2 Sun-drenched Dandelion
1 Great Putrid Morbol Saliva - Requirements
- Experience
- Gil
- Previous quest
Between Sleep and Death
- Next quest
Awakened, Not Stirred
- Patch
- 7.0
- Links
“Firmalbert's eyes light up when he sees you.
— In-game description
- Gather sun-drenched dandelions at the Four Arms. 0/2
- Survey the designated location and slay the great putrid morbol for its saliva.
- Deliver the sun-drenched dandelions and the morbol saliva to Loazenikwe.
- Speak with Tentoawa.
- Firmalbert's eyes light up when he sees you.
- You and Firmalbert ponder how best to find Leophyne when you hear a familiar voice. It seems Loazenikwe traveled to Ishgard out of concern for Tentoawa's well-being. After you reveal his condition, she suggests gathering ingredients for a mixture which her people have used to rouse previous Shut Eyes from inescapable slumbers. She requires dandelions from the Churning Mists and saliva from morbols in the Dravanian hinterlands, and asks that you gather the former ingredient first.
- After searching the Four Arms for its most vibrant dandelions, you find two that should go well with Loazenikwe's mixture. Your next task is to travel to the Dravanian hinterlands and seek out a mature morbol near the Answering Quarter. Once you find your quarry, gather its saliva by any means necessary.
- The aged morbol's scent is almost overpowering, but you manage to focus long enough to strike it down. Now that you have the required ingredients, return them to Loazenikwe before they spoil.
- With the ingredients you deliver, Loazenikwe concocts a mixture that successfully awakens Tentoawa from his deep sleep. The pair shares a heartfelt reunion, and although Tentoawa regrets his failure, a few encouraging words from you and Loazenikwe lift his spirits. With his purpose reaffirmed, he seems eager to speak with you.
- Now fully awake, Tentoawa declares his desire to abandon the rigid roles that define him and Loazenikwe, and choose a path where they can live normal lives together. Before that becomes a reality, however, Leophyne must be stopped. Tentoawa admits that he feels much weaker, and you suggest that perhaps the artifact transfers the aether of its target to its wielder, rather than the wielder transferring their fatigue. This has dire implications should Leophyne chose to use the artifact without restraint, and so Tentoawa pledges to train himself back into fighting shape before she acts again. Until then, he encourages you to do the same.
- ※The next role quest will be available from Tentoawa upon reaching level 98 in any tank class.
Talk to Firmalbert
Firmalbert: Leophyne remains as elusive as ever. If she is in league with Ishgard's more unsavory elements, she could be hidden anywhere... Firmalbert: We have only her cryptic statements to guide us. It seems that whatever her plan is, her actions thus far have been but a prelude to its climax. Firmalbert: We can but hope that Tentoawa awakens before she emerges again.
Familiar Voice: Forename, there you are!
Loazenikwe: I'm so glad I found you. I was starting to think I was in the wrong city, but the narwhal guided me true!
Firmalbert: Oh, you must be the maiden Tentoawa mentioned. You hail from the same village, yes? Firmalbert: I am Firmalbert, of the Temple Knights. 'Tis an honor to meet you.
Loazenikwe: Ah, Tentoawa wrote about you in his letters. I'm Loazenikwe, and the honor is all mine! Loazenikwe: Is Tentoawa with you? I haven't received a letter from him for some time, so I came here to check on him myself.
Loazenikwe: ...You insufferable fool! What have I always told you about rushing ahead without thinking!? Now you even have the gall to be sleeping when I arrive! Loazenikwe: You promised you'd write to me. What was I supposed to do when the letters stopped coming? Loazenikwe: I...I was so worried. Loazenikwe: At least I can take some small comfort that he appears otherwise unharmed. I take it you're to thank for that, Forename.
What will you say? > Is there any way to counteract the cradle's influence? > He told me you were the Shut Eye.
<Is there any way to counteract the cradle's influence?> Loazenikwe: Can one stay awake forever by sheer force of will? The answer is the same. Although we can deny ourselves food or drink, sleep is another matter. It always finds us in time. Loazenikwe: And to rouse oneself from a slumber this deep is an impossible task. Even for someone like Tentoawa...
<He told me you were the Shut Eye.> Loazenikwe: Yes, that's right. For ten years I bore his fatigue, and as a result my body is more fragile than most. Loazenikwe: But since arriving in Tuliyollal, my life has become...normal. As I've walked the city's streets and eaten my fill of its food, I've felt my strength grow. I can even stay awake for a full day now!
Firmalbert: Do you know why Tentoawa sleeps so soundly? The reports of other incidents indicated that those affected awoke in a matter of moments. Yet Tentoawa shows no signs of stirring...
Loazenikwe: Well, that... I'm sorry, I can't say for certain. Loazenikwe: But I do know the stories of those who came before me. More than one Shut Eye has fallen into a sleep much like this. One so absolute that they become deaf to the outside world. Loazenikwe: With no means to sustain their bodies, they would waste away if left alone. So, our people found a mixture of herbs and other materials that help usher the Shut Eye back to the waking world.
Firmalbert: What could possibly be strong enough to bring someone back from this?
Loazenikwe: We call it springdew, and the secrets of its making are passed down through generations. Each drop acts as a ray of sunshine in the darkness of sleep─a beacon for the dreamer to follow. Loazenikwe: I carry some of the ingredients on my person, but others must be gathered fresh. It won't be an easy task, but I'm certain it will save Tentoawa. Loazenikwe: I don't know their Eorzean name...but one of the flowers blooms a striking yellow, and grows only where mountain peaks soar above the clouds. Loazenikwe: Being so close to the heavens, it drinks in the sunlight, and its petals cleanse the body and promote wakefulness.
Firmalbert: In the Churning Mists blooms a yellow flower called the dandelion. In no other place in Eorzea can one be closer to touching the sun.
Loazenikwe: Good! Next, we'll need the saliva of a beast we call morbols─and the thicker it is, the better. The pungent odor could wake the dead.
Firmalbert: Ah, I know them well. Morbols are not an uncommon sight in the Dravanian hinterlands. A mature specimen should possess saliva with the desired effect. Firmalbert: The prospect of gathering it, however, is an unenviable task.
Loazenikwe: Once we have those two ingredients, mixing them with the rest should be a simple matter. Do you think you could procure them, Forename?
Loazenikwe: Oh, your confidence is reassuring! Since the morbol saliva must be the fresher of the two, I ask that you first climb into the heavens and pick “dandelions” for Tentoawa!
Gather sun-drenched dandelions at the Four Arms
System: The sun-drenched dandelions shine an almost golden yellow. Now for a much more gruesome task. Venture to the Dravanian hinterlands and collect saliva from the mouth of a full-grown morbol.
Deliver the sun-drenched dandelions and the morbol saliva to Loazenikwe
Loazenikwe: I'm ready to start mixing the ingredients at once! That is, of course, assuming you've brought them with you.
Loazenikwe: These are difficult to acquire at the best of times, so I thank you for gathering them so quickly. I shall get started immediately!
Loazenikwe: We've done all we can. Now we wait for Tentoawa to open his eyes...
Tentoawa: ...Huh? Where am I?
Loazenikwe: I hope you enjoyed sleeping the days away, Tentoawa! Loazenikwe: And...I'm glad you're finally awake.
Tentoawa: L-Loazenikwe? What're you doing here?
Tentoawa: I see... So Leophyne wielded the cradle against me. And while I was tucked soundly in bed, Loazenikwe came all this way... Tentoawa: Curse my weakness! Just when we had her...just when I was needed the most...I failed! For ten years I endured countless trials, and when the time came I couldn't even swing my damn weapon!
Loazenikwe: It's not your fault, Tentoawa. If anyone's to blame for what's happened, it's me...
Tentoawa: No! I won't hear it!
Loazenikwe: As you may know, Leophyne won our trust by posing as a scholar traveling the width and breadth of Tural. She expressed great interest in the cradle and our customs, and I was so excited to meet an outsider that I answered her every question... Loazenikwe: I told her that the Wide Eye keeps the cradle with them at all times...and then she hatched her plan. She took me hostage to draw out Tentoawa.
Tentoawa: While Loazenikwe was sleeping, Leophyne snuck into her chamber and held a blade to her throat. I had no choice but to give her what she wanted─the Cradle of the Sleepless. Tentoawa: I put Loazenikwe's life before the future of our people. It was at that moment I became unfit to be their guardian.
What will you say? > Once we get the cradle back, all will be forgiven. > Loazenikwe is one of your people. Protecting her was your duty.
<Once we get the cradle back, all will be forgiven.> Tentoawa: Don't get me wrong. I haven't given up. No matter what, I'll repay Leophyne's treachery a thousandfold! Loazenikwe: Not just you─we're in this together!
<Loazenikwe is one of your people. Protecting her was your duty.> Tentoawa: ...Thank you, Forename. You know just what to say. That was the only way to see a future where none of my people come to harm─especially Loazenikwe. Loazenikwe: Even without the cradle, you're still our guardian─my guardian. We'll find a way through this together!
Tentoawa: Seeing you in such high spirits lifts my own. Tentoawa: Oh, and before I forget. You trounced Leophyne's thugs while I was dreaming in the snow, didn't you? I owe you a debt I won't soon forget. Tentoawa: And I wager that debt will grow larger before we pry the treasure from Leophyne's clutches. But whatever it takes, I won't stop until she's answered for her crimes!
Optional Dialogue
Loazenikwe: I'm embarrassed to admit that was the first time I've ever created the mixture. I'm glad it worked as intended!
Speak with Tentoawa (cutscene)
Tentoawa: You know, while I was sleeping...I dreamed. Tentoawa: I saw Loazenikwe and I as children. Nothing particularly interesting happened, we just...whiled the days away, without a care in the world. Tentoawa: I'd forgotten what it was like to dream. It was...pleasant. Tentoawa: I can remember wanting to stay there, to never open my eyes again. But of course the moment I gave form to that thought... Tentoawa: ...I opened them, and Loazenikwe was there. Tentoawa: Even if we get the cradle back, will things return to the way they were? Will you go back to spending your life in dreams?
Loazenikwe: I...suppose so. It's my duty as the Shut Eye, after all...
Tentoawa: Your duty. And it was your duty, too, that compelled you to come all the way here to Ishgard... Tentoawa: ...But no more.
Loazenikwe: What are you saying?
Tentoawa: I tried so hard to convince myself that you were glad spending so much time asleep. But being on the other side made me realize...I was lying to myself all along. Tentoawa: I don't want to return to a life where you and I are bound together, but always so far apart. I want to go back to those happy days when we were by each other's sides. Tentoawa: I guess what I'm saying is...if there's a different path for us, I want to find it. And I want to walk it with you. Tentoawa: But not yet. First, we reclaim the cradle, and when we have, we'll take our first steps towards that new future─I promise! Tentoawa: I must confess, I haven't felt the same since I woke up. Tentoawa: I know I was in that bed for a while, but instead of feeling refreshed, my body feels...weaker, somehow. Tentoawa: It's almost as if my very strength was sapped when the treasure was turned on me. I can't even grip my weapon properly...
What will you say? > Perhaps the cradle has been sapping the aether of its target all along. > Leophyne did remark that she felt invigorated. Maybe she took your vitality for herself.
Tentoawa: Then does that mean...the cradle has powers we don't know about!?
Loazenikwe: Not exactly. It may just mean the cradle works differently than we thought. Its wielder might not pass on their fatigue...rather, they absorb another's vigor.
Tentoawa: The end effect would be the same. The cradle's wielder can go on without sleep, and its victim loses the strength to even keep their eyes open.
Loazenikwe: You never took more than you needed, so my slumber was always light enough to awaken from. But if the treasure was used without restraint...
Tentoawa: If we've had this realization, it won't be long until Leophyne does, too. And then it will be too late. We have to root her out! Tentoawa: But...I mustn't rush ahead blindly, as Loazenikwe never tires of telling me. I feel nearly weak as a child right now. I must spend what precious time we have training to regain what strength Leophyne stole from me. Tentoawa: You have my word I won't rest until I'm in top form again. I suggest that you do the same, if for no other reason than to give me some stiff competition!
Optional Dialogue
Loazenikwe: I don't have enough ingredients to make springdew again. We'll have to deal with Leophyne before the cradle's power returns.