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Azami Smile.jpg

Female ♀
Hyur (Midlander)
Yanxia (25.6,20.9)
Isse (older brother)

Azami Shibunuri is a Hyur in Yanxia. She was first introduced with the Stormblood expansion along with her older brother Isse, and plays a role in a number of quests that involve her home of Namai.

Quests Started

Quest Type Level Quest Giver

Quests Involved In

Quest Type Level Quest Giver
Gone Like the Morning Dew Main Scenario quest 70 Hien
The Ones We Leave Behind Main Scenario quest 64 Yugiri


"Can't you see how scared she is? How can you be scared of her? She's not the same."

"Brother's still too shy to speak to Lady Yugiri. He can’t even say thank you!"

Younger sister to Isse, Azami is likewise mature for her years. The twelve-year-old knows how her brother worries for her, and she tries her utmost to lighten his burdens. For her daily routine, she visits their parents' grave and makes sure there are always fresh flowers. Possessed of a noble heart, she showed the stricken Tsuyu kindness when others were baying for blood, proffering the persimmon the woman had sought--a gesture that was more powerful than she may ever know. Though set aside for the present, the Hyuran lass harbors aspirations to become a writer, and one day she will be credited as the author of a book about the life of the woman named Yotsuyu, but that is a future as yet unconsidered. For the time being, she focuses on being there to support her brother, who has developed a fondness for a lady shinobi.

— Encyclopedia Eorzea vol 2, page 107, "Azami Shibunuri"