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An Express Delivery

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An Express Delivery

Quest giver
The Rak'tika Greatwood (X:18.5, Y:26.0)
Required items
1 Well-worn journal icon1.png  Well-worn Journal
Experience 54,000-57,240
Gil 706
Previous quest
Main Scenario QuestSaying Good-bye

Hargra needs something delivered to her brother with all haste.

— In-game description



  • Hargra needs something delivered to her brother with all haste.


Accepting the Quest

Hargra: Please, [miss/sir], can you help me?
Hargra: My brother recently left to the Crystarium, but he forgot his journal. He would be devastated to know he left it behind.
Hargra: If you hurry, you can likely find him before he reaches Lakeland.
Hargra: He's rather tall and has red hair, so he should be easy to spot. Please go and deliver it to him, I beg of you. 
Hargra: That journal means the world to him. He must have it.

Delivering the well–worn journal to the red–haired Hume

Red-haired Hume: Yes? ...Something from my sister?
<Hand Over Well–Worn Journal>
Red-haired Hume: By the abyss, my journal! Thank you, [miss/sir]. Thank you so much.
Red-haired Hume: I thought I should pay one last visit to what remains of our old home and offer a prayer to our parents. And it's a good thing I did, it seems.
Red-haired Hume: If I may, I'd like to ask you a question.
Red-haired Hume: I can only assume you've been to all sorts of places, and seen incredible things in your travels.
Red-haired Hume: But do you ever get tired of being constantly on the move? Do you ever yearn to return home?
< What will you say? > 
< At times, yes. > 	
< Can't say that I have. >
< At times, yes. >
Red-haired Hume: And yet here you are. I could only hope to have such conviction.
< Can't say that I have. >
Red-haired Hume: I see. Truly, you are a [woman/man] of great conviction to stay so focused on the tasks before you.
Red-haired Hume: I can learn much from your example. All the more reason I should get going to the Crystarium. 
Red-haired Hume: Thanks again for the journal. Tell my sister I said thank you, as well.

Reporting to Hargra

Hargra: Were you able to find him? Is he doing all right?
Hargra: Thank goodness.
Hargra: After Master Matoya arrived, and began helping us piece our lives back together, he was constantly at her side learning all he could of the world outside the Greatwood. Everything he learned is written in that journal.
Hargra: His dream is to become a craftsman to someday help rebuild Fort Gohn.
Hargra: It pains me to see him leave, and I know it was hard for him too.
Hargra: But in the end, we both know it will be for the best.