A Void at All Costs
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A Void at All Costs
- Quest giver
- Cid
- Location
- The Interdimensional Rift (X:17.3, Y:18.9)
- Quest line
- Omega Quests
- Level
- 70
- Experience
- Gil
- Previous quest
The Croak Queen
- Next quest
The Anomaly
- Patch
- 4.01
“Cid is eager to tackle the Deltascape's final test subject.
— In-game description
- Unlocks
- Speak with Alpha.
- Enter Deltascape V4.0.
- Speak with Cid.
- Cid is eager to tackle the Deltascape's final test subject.
- Ahead of your battle with Subject Delta IV, Nero furnishes you with some much-needed intelligence. Your opponent is a being known as Exdeath, who commands the power of the void. Like Halicarnassus before him, he is apparently the defeated antagonist of an age-old folktale. It is at this moment that Cid finally gives voice to his earlier quandary: why did Omega choose the vanquished instead of the vanquishers? Before you can contemplate the question, Cid receives a call from Biggs and Wedge, who report that they have been unable to repair the stasis system. And so it is decided that you must continue with Omega's experiment, at least for the time being. As always, Alpha is ready to proceed when you are.
- ※In the event that you leave the Interdimensional Rift, you may re-enter by speaking with the Ironworks hand at the Yawn.
- In but three kwehs, Alpha expresses his determination to settle matters in the Deltascape. Fixing your gaze upon the nearby portal, you gird yourself for the coming trial.
- ※Deltascape V4.0 can be accessed via the Duty Finder.
- Exdeath proves to be a fearsome foe, but following in the footsteps of the tale's heroes, you succeed in vanquishing him. In the wake of the battle, your comrades join you in the Deltascape, which is the Deltascape no more, having been summarily shut down by Omega, its purpose served. After congratulating you on your victory, your host bids you rest while you await the next call, and you are glad of the opportunity to leave the rift behind.
- You find yourself back on the surface at the Yawn, your companions gathered nearby.
- Cid thanks you for the pivotal role you have played in advancing the investigation. Though there are many and more battles to come, you have taken a momentous step towards solving the mystery that is Omega, and may now enjoy some well-earned respite.
Accepting the Quest (Cutscene)
Cid: The next battle is with Subject Delta IV─this test world's final resident.
Nero tol Scaeva: From what I have been able to gather, your opponent is, and I quote, “a great tree born of an agglomeration of evil will, which assumes the form of a dark mage.” All of which I suggest you ignore. Nero tol Scaeva: His name is Exdeath, and he plays the role of chief antagonist in another ancient tale. Nero tol Scaeva: Though I was unable to glean the specifics of his abilities, he appears to command the power of the void─as indeed the story states. Nero tol Scaeva: When I first encountered the work, I naturally assumed said power to be a metaphor of sorts. But I am quite sure Omega will have interpreted it as something more tangible. Nero tol Scaeva: Alas, no amount of analysis can tell us what may happen when Exdeath calls upon the power of the void. Which is to say: beware.
Cid: Tell me something, Nero. What happens at the end of the tale?
Nero tol Scaeva: Why, good triumphs over evil and the heroes defeat Exdeath, of course. What did you expect?
Cid: I expected exactly that, which is precisely what troubled me earlier. If the heroes won, why did Omega not make them its test subjects? Cid: If it seeks to determine the strongest being, why would it bother with those who were defeated? Cid: One moment─linkpearl. ...Ah, Biggs. At the control room, are you? What news? Cid: ...I see. Very well. I'll tell the others. You two take care over there. Cid: Sorry for the interruption. That was Biggs. Cid: He reports that the stasis system shows every sign of being engaged, despite the fact that it clearly isn't. Cid: It can only be a malfunction. While we were able to turn it off, it would seem the reverse is not possible.
Nero tol Scaeva: The system may have taken damage during the Calamity. Does it look like it can be repaired?
Cid: Hard to say. They tell me it seems complex even by Allagan standards. While they may be able to fix it, there's no telling how long it might take.
Nero tol Scaeva: Well then, we must keep on fighting the good fight here, must we not?
Cid: Nero has the right of it. At this time, focusing on Exdeath would seem to be our only recourse.
Nero tol Scaeva: The chocobo certainly has no objections. Come then, I would see you follow in the footsteps of the heroes of the tale!
Cid: The void... 'Tis not unlike the nothingness that Emperor Xande sought in the Crystal Tower. Cid: To desire nothingness is to deny life, yet life seeks to endure─to perpetuate itself. It is the nature of all creation. Be it reality or fantasy, man shall ever fight to survive.
Nero tol Scaeva: According to the tale, when the power of the void is finally unleashed, the laws of the universe will give way to chaos. I for one am eager to find out what that looks like.
Speaking with Alpha
Alpha: Kweh, kweh! Kweeeh!
System: Alpha is the picture of resolve. You may enter Deltascape V4.0 whenever you are ready.
Entering Deltascape V4.0
Exdeath: Finally, it is in my grasp! The power to control all creation! The power of the void!
Exdeath: Hahaha... You shall all be given to the void! Exdeath: My magic is steeped in the greatest of powers─the power of the void! Exdeath: My true strength lies in the void, and in the void all is laid bare! Exdeath: You will rue provoking me! I shall send you to your doom! Exdeath: Void devour you! Exdeath: Fall!
Post—battle Cutscene
Exdeath: Why!? The void was mine to command! Exdeath: How could it—Arrrgh!
(Optional) Level Checker: Delta IV eliminated. No more Deltascape subjects remain. Initiating world shutdown.
Post—duty Cutscene
Cid: [Forename]! Thank the gods you're safe! When the shell around this place began to crack, we feared the worst!
Nero tol Scaeva: Hmmm... Given that all of us are present and corporeal, does this mean this area is no longer the Deltascape?
Omega: <beep> Deltascape shutdown complete. Alpha group is victorious. Congratulations. Omega: Your combat record has been archived for future matchmaking. Omega: Results from other test worlds are still pending. In the meantime, please tend to your hurts and await further instructions. <blip>
Cid: And with that, we've taken a significant step towards solving the mystery that is Omega. It hasn't been easy, but all in all, I'd say things were proceeding rather smoothly. Cid: We couldn't have done it without you, old friend. Come, let us return to reality and enjoy what rest we can.
Nero tol Scaeva: Things are proceeding smoothly indeed. Too smoothly...
Midgardsomr: 'Tis well that thou harborest doubts, mortal, but they are misplaced. Midgardsomr: Omega could have conducted its tests in complete secrecy, unbeknown to all. Midgardsomr: Yet not only did it betray its presence to you; it allowed you to come this far. Midgardsomr: Alpha. What art thou, truly? Midgardsomr: The instrument of the mortals' triumph? Or the bait that lureth them unto the abyss? Midgardsomr: Hm. Thou knowest not thine own purpose. Then we can but watch and wait.
Omega: <blip> Outcome unexpected. Projections gave Delta subjects the upper hand. Omega: Outcome supports hypothesis. As previously observed, certain beings may unleash hidden potential when subjected to stress. Omega: Initiating new test: subject Alpha group members to severe stress. Searching database for suitable event... Omega: <bloop> Event found: the death of a comrade.
Ironworks Hand: Good to have you back, [madam/sir]! Worry not─I shall see to it that no one falls in.
Nero tol Scaeva: For all Garlond's whining, I was cooperative and helpful, was I not? I look forward to many more such forays together, hero.
Alpha: Kweh!
Cid: Ahhh, it feels good to be back on solid ground. Thank you again, old friend. Cid: You did well too, Alpha, fearlessly going into battle whenever you were called upon. We're glad to have you with us. Speaking of which, are you...comfortable joining us out here? Cid: I'll take that as a yes. Well then, at the risk of obeying Omega's orders, I suggest we permit ourselves a moment's respite─ Ah. But mayhap I should take this opportunity to compile the results of our investigation thus far. No rest for the righteous...