Alexander - The Cuff of the Son (Savage)

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Alexander - The Cuff of the Son (Savage) or A6S is the second section of Alexander: Midas (Savage).



Mind Blast - Must be silenced (BRD/MNK/PLD/SCH).

Mines (Red/Blue) - OT should be popping the blue mines for now with cooldown(s).

Mirages - Dropping them in a line usually works best from what I've seen in most guides.

ADDS - 5 Mirages will started casting mind blast in the middle, all 5 adds must be destroyed.

Mirages #2 - If tethered mirage has hands up face away, if tethered mirage has hands down face towards that mirage.

Extra: not sure yet.


Single Buster - Tank must eat alone with cooldown(s).

Double Buster - This must be shared with the party.

Single Drill - Does damage to a random player based on proximity to the boss.

Double Drill - Dose damage to the farthest and closest players to the boss.

Steam Chakrams - Avoid these at all times (paralyze+damage).

ADDS (Pink Orbs/Green Orbs/Big Orbs)

Pink Alpha Orbs - Must be DPS'd down to 0% (if needed they can also be stunned and slowed).
Green Gamma Orbs - These do high splash damage and should be popped by tanks.
Big Beta Orbs - One should be stunned and slowed to delay it's movement to the middle.
Wave Patter - 2xPink+2xGreen / 2xPink+1xGreen+2xBig / 2xPink+1xGreen / 3xPink+1xGreen .
Extra: not sure yet.


Hand Armor

Item Icon Level Item Level Requirement Slot Defence Magic Defence Materia Slots Stats and Attributes
Midan Gauntlets of Fending Midan gauntlets of fending icon1.png 60 240 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK Hands 335 335 2 Strength +81, Vitality +88, Accuracy +48, Skill Speed +69
Midan Gloves of Aiming Midan gloves of aiming icon1.png 60 240 ARC, BRD, MCH Hands 184 184 2 Dexterity +81, Vitality +88, Determination +66, Skill Speed +48
Midan Gloves of Casting Midan gloves of casting icon1.png 60 240 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN Hands 134 234 2 Vitality +79, Intelligence +81, Accuracy +48, Determination +66
Midan Gloves of Healing Midan gloves of healing icon1.png 60 240 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST Hands 134 234 2 Vitality +79, Mind +81, Piety +72, Spell Speed +48
Midan Gloves of Maiming Midan gloves of maiming icon1.png 60 240 LNC, DRG Hands 234 184 2 Strength +81, Vitality +88, Accuracy +69, Determination +46
Midan Gloves of Scouting Midan gloves of scouting icon1.png 60 240 ROG, NIN Hands 184 184 2 Dexterity +81, Vitality +88, Critical Hit Rate +48, Determination +66
Midan Gloves of Striking Midan gloves of striking icon1.png 60 240 PGL, MNK Hands 184 184 2 Strength +81, Vitality +88, Accuracy +69, Critical Hit Rate +48

Waist Armor

Item Icon Level Item Level Requirement Slot Defence Magic Defence Materia Slots Stats and Attributes
Midan Belt of Aiming Midan belt of aiming icon1.png 60 240 ARC, BRD, MCH Waist 159 159 1 Dexterity +61, Vitality +66, Critical Hit Rate +51, Determination +34
Midan Belt of Casting Midan belt of casting icon1.png 60 240 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN Waist 116 203 1 Vitality +59, Intelligence +61, Determination +49, Spell Speed +36
Midan Belt of Fending Midan belt of fending icon1.png 60 240 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK Waist 290 290 1 Strength +61, Vitality +66, Accuracy +51, Skill Speed +36
Midan Belt of Healing Midan belt of healing icon1.png 60 240 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST Waist 116 203 1 Vitality +59, Mind +61, Piety +54, Determination +34
Midan Belt of Maiming Midan belt of maiming icon1.png 60 240 LNC, DRG Waist 203 159 1 Strength +61, Vitality +66, Critical Hit Rate +36, Skill Speed +51
Midan Belt of Scouting Midan belt of scouting icon1.png 60 240 ROG, NIN Waist 159 159 1 Dexterity +61, Vitality +66, Critical Hit Rate +51, Determination +34
Midan Belt of Striking Midan belt of striking icon1.png 60 240 PGL, MNK Waist 159 159 1 Strength +61, Vitality +66, Critical Hit Rate +36, Skill Speed +51

Feet Armor

Item Icon Level Item Level Requirement Slot Defence Magic Defence Materia Slots Stats and Attributes
Midan Boots of Aiming Midan boots of aiming icon1.png 60 240 ARC, BRD, MCH Feet 184 184 2 Dexterity +81, Vitality +88, Accuracy +69, Skill Speed +48
Midan Boots of Casting Midan boots of casting icon1.png 60 240 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN Feet 134 234 2 Vitality +79, Intelligence +81, Accuracy +69, Determination +46
Midan Boots of Healing Midan boots of healing icon1.png 60 240 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST Feet 134 234 2 Vitality +79, Mind +81, Piety +72, Determination +46
Midan Boots of Maiming Midan boots of maiming icon1.png 60 240 LNC, DRG Feet 234 184 2 Strength +81, Vitality +88, Critical Hit Rate +69, Skill Speed +48
Midan Boots of Scouting Midan boots of scouting icon1.png 60 240 ROG, NIN Feet 184 184 2 Dexterity +81, Vitality +88, Accuracy +69, Critical Hit Rate +48
Midan Boots of Striking Midan boots of striking icon1.png 60 240 PGL, MNK Feet 184 184 2 Strength +81, Vitality +88, Accuracy +69, Determination +46
Midan Sabatons of Fending Midan sabatons of fending icon1.png 60 240 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK Feet 335 335 2 Strength +81, Vitality +88, Parry +48, Determination +66


Sometimes even the most thrilling tale can benefit from slight embellishment, and the wandering minstrel's reimagining of your foray into Midas─while stretching the bounds of believability─proves to be even more invigorating than your memory of it. A memory you must relive in order to compare...