Containment Bay S1T7 (Extreme)

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See also: Containment Bay S1T7



Phase 1

First of all i'd like to say this fight is a dance and you have to know that all moves will blend into each other, I'll try to keep them in order and as detailed as possible.

Ratzon - Four green circles will pop up growing in size over time, go to the side where no circle pops, and while doing this at the same time the next move will be happening so split up here healers on one side with off-tank and DPS on the other.
Fiendish Rage - Two players will be marked and you'll have to split up the group to share damage for the two hits (usually people will stack the healers and the off tank on one side and the DPS on the other)
main tank cannot be hit by either of the split AoE hits or a deadly death blowing debuff will be applied to him
Super Charged Punched - This will happen after you guys are done splitting up the damage from the previous ability, tank will usually re-center the boss ASAP after both groups have been hit, and usually soon after he's back in the center you'll see his arm charge back for a super hit on the main tank which I think will happen twice back-to-back (one tank buff+adlo usually works wonders).
Ain - This move will happen when you see one green circle spawn on the map (same looking as the ones from ratzon), best practice is to center your self between the boss and the green circle, usually closer to the boss then the green circle to avoid extra damage, and this is done to bait the Ain ability in the direction of the green circle (safe to usually start moving past him after his arms pull back, in preperation for the next ability which will be markers/circles).
Markers/Circles - For this I know most people in learning groups have been doing big circle right behind the boss and the rest spread out, and i think this is the worst practice happening at the moment, and whats causing much problems for newer groups trying to get to Phase 3 continuously. In my opinion Big circle at the edge of the map would work best because then only one player is having to move really far rather then 3-5 other players having to struggle getting out of the bigger circle's AoE to be safe.
-Repeat from Ratzon till phase 2

Phase 2

Not quite sure what to put for this part yet cause different groups do different things and it's sad/weird to me that we can't figure out the best way, if i understand it correctly and being a healer, and decent with numbers 2 big adds spawn and 12 small ones spawn, so I don't understand why 6-1-6-1 wouldn't always be the best way to go, for heals sake and tank sake. but please i know this part will need a edit hopefully someone more enlightened has a more solid answer.
Cochma (big add) - Physical Damage and will apply magic down vulnerability stacks over time, also healers note that this big add has it's own little mini tank buster so just be ready to heal this adds tank around that time.
-upon dying a Cochma add can do roughly 10K damage per person party wide without proper buffs and what not
Binah (little adds) - Magical Damage (these guys can really hurt the big add tank if not careful with the positioning of them)
-upon dying each Binah add can do roughly 2K damage per person party wide without proper buffs and what not

Phase 3

should have this part completed by the end of today, aboutz to go hard.
Yesad - Interestingly enough this move is the first and probably most important move to be on the lookout for throughout the entirety of phase 3, and this first one is usually dealt with by just stacking together in the middle of the map for the start of phase 3. The best way to know that this move is coming or that it's time to move is the entire floor will flash a yellowish color and will then crack up all green, start moving after the yellow flash.
Force Field - This will be the next ability and all this does is applies one of two possible debuffs on you which will come into play for a couple of the next abilities we're about to talk about.
-Orange Debuff: physical resistance, will stack far south of the boss, after first two towers during Razton (green growing balls), also these guys will be stuck with the responsibility of being in the towers AoE while they are up, if at least one person with orange is not in the towers AoE when it goes off it's going to hurt and party will get paralyzed. Best practice here is four people will have orange and as soon as they get it they should call right or left, so that way all four people with orange don't end up at the same tower.
-Blue Debuff: magic resistance, will stack at boss's chin breaking the tethers, after towers during Razton (green growing balls), Very important to break the tethers here blue people, or most likely someone's going to die.
Big Balls in his Hands - This will happen right after everyone gets their force field debuff, and to not die just make sure you go to the hand where you're matching your debuff color with the color of the ball in his hand.




Item Icon Level Item Level Requirement Damage (Type) Delay Auto Attack Materia Slots Stats and Attributes
Axe of the Sephirot Axe of the sephirot icon1.png 60 220 MRD WAR 77 (Physical) 3.44 88.29 2 Strength +119, Vitality +128, Determination +103, Skill Speed +76
Blade of the Sephirot Blade of the sephirot icon1.png 60 220 GLA PLD 77 (Physical) 2.24 57.49 1 Strength +85, Vitality +91, Parry +54, Skill Speed +77
Bow of the Sephirot Bow of the sephirot icon1.png 60 220 ARC BRD 69 (Physical) 3.04 69.92 2 Dexterity +119, Vitality +128, Critical Hit Rate +76, Skill Speed +108
Cane of the Sephirot Cane of the sephirot icon1.png 60 220 CNJ WHM 106 (Magical) 3.44 88.29 2 Vitality +115, Mind +119, Critical Hit Rate +108, Spell Speed +76
Edge of the Sephirot Edge of the sephirot icon1.png 60 220 DRK 77 (Physical) 2.96 75.97 2 Strength +119, Vitality +128, Determination +103, Skill Speed +76
Fire of the Sephirot Fire of the sephirot icon1.png 60 220 MCH 69 (Physical) 2.64 60.72 2 Dexterity +119, Vitality +128, Critical Hit Rate +108, Skill Speed +76
Fists of the Sephirot Fists of the sephirot icon1.png 60 220 PGL MNK 77 (Physical) 2.56 65.70 2 Strength +119, Vitality +128, Critical Hit Rate +76, Skill Speed +108
Pike of the Sephirot Pike of the sephirot icon1.png 60 220 LNC DRG 77 (Physical) 2.88 73.92 2 Strength +119, Vitality +128, Critical Hit Rate +76, Skill Speed +108
Points of the Sephirot Points of the sephirot icon1.png 60 220 ROG NIN 77 (Physical) 2.56 65.70 2 Dexterity +119, Vitality +128, Critical Hit Rate +108, Skill Speed +76
Song of the Sephirot Song of the sephirot icon1.png 60 220 SCH 106 (Magical) 3.12 80.08 2 Vitality +115, Mind +119, Determination +72, Spell Speed +108
Staff of the Sephirot Staff of the sephirot icon1.png 60 220 THM BLM 106 (Magical) 3.28 84.18 2 Vitality +115, Intelligence +119, Determination +72, Spell Speed +108
Star of the Sephirot Star of the sephirot icon1.png 60 220 AST 106 (Magical) 3.20 82.13 2 Vitality +115, Mind +119, Critical Hit Rate +76, Determination +103
Word of the Sephirot Word of the sephirot icon1.png 60 220 ACN SMN 106 (Magical) 3.12 80.08 2 Vitality +115, Intelligence +119, Critical Hit Rate +108, Determination +72


Item Icon Level Item Level Requirement Slot Block Strength Block Rate Materia Slots Stats and Attributes
Shield of the Sephirot Shield of the sephirot icon1.png 60 220 GLA, PLD Shield 364 364 1 Strength +34, Vitality +37, Critical Hit Rate +31, Determination +21


Preserved upon the Allagan tomestone you received from Unukalhai was an extraordinary history─a detailed record of the battles fought between the eikon Sephirot and the armies of Allag. After feeding the account of this epic conflict into Azys Lla’s verification systems, you have succeeded in activating what the node describes as a “combat simulation.”

Can the enigmatic technology of the ancient empire truly manifest an enhanced simulacrum of the formidable Fiend? Can this artificial incarnation truly surpass the threat posed by the original Sephirot? There is but one way to know for certain...

