Under the Sea
Revision as of 00:36, 19 August 2024 by Maleficentabsinthe (talk | contribs) (formatted dialogue, added optional dialogue)
Under the Sea
- Quest giver
- Rasho
- Location
- The Ruby Sea (X:23.0, Y:8.0)
- Quest line
- Stormblood Main Scenario Quests
- Level
- 62
- Experience
- Gil
- Previous quest
Alisaie's Stones
- Next quest
Of Kojin and Kami
- Patch
- 4.0
Main Scenario Progress: 425 / 960 (44.3%)
Stormblood Progress: 46 / 162 (28.4%)
“Though Rasho is a man of few words, he has some left to say.
— In-game description
- Choose one of the following options:
- 1 High Steel Mail of Fending
- 1 High Steel Mail of Maiming
- 1 Ruby Cotton Gilet of Striking
- 1 Ruby Cotton Gilet of Scouting
- 3 Heavens' Eye Materia V
- Unlocks
Cave entrance is at x33.3, y20.2. To get there head to the north shore of the Isle of Bekko, find the center of that shore, then head south through the small path to the coordinate and you will see the cave. After jumping down on the pillars, the entrance to the city will be to your right.
- Search for Lyse.
- Join Alisaie on the Isle of Bekko.
- Search for the Blue Kojin village.
- Speak with Alisaie.
- Though Rasho is a man of few words, he has some left to say.
Tansui: Bold claims and even bolder promises. I should be interested to see if you can live up to them.
Alisaie: Thank you for placing your faith in me. All that remains is to carry out your promise...ambitious as it is.
Accepting the Quest
Rasho: So. Alone you will deal with the Kojin. Rasho: If you are set upon this course, I shall give to you a word of advice. Rasho: Two factions have the Kojin. The mercenaries who serve the Empire belong to the Red. Rasho: Those who belong to the Blue are the traders. They have made no pact with the imperials, and so may be willing to aid your cause. Rasho: Seek the Blue on the Isle of Bekko. There you will find a cave. The rest is up to you.
Alisaie: Thank you, Captain. We shall endeavor not to keep you waiting overlong for your sign. Alisaie: Right, then. Let us head for─ Wait, where is Lyse? We cannot leave without her.
(Optional) Rasho: We will be watching.
Searching for Lyse (Cutscene)
Lyse: Hm? [Forename]? What is it? Lyse: Oh, sorry. I didn't mean to wander off. I...I just wanted to have a think.
Alisaie: You're worried we won't be able to live up to our promises?
Lyse: No, it's not that at all! If anything, I'm frustrated that I didn't think of it first... Lyse: Yda and my father had a way with words. They knew how to inspire people─how to bring them together. I always hoped I might have something of that in me too, but I'm starting to think I don't. Lyse: What am I even doing here...?
Alisaie: ...Lyse, you─
Lyse: Gods, listen to me! I don't know where that came from. Forget I said anything! Lyse: We have places to go, imperials to fight, and friends to save! And we're not going to get any of it done by standing around here moaning, right? Lyse: ...Right?
Alisaie: ...Before we first traveled to Gyr Abania, I was in Limsa Lominsa, visiting...visiting a friend. A young child who had been through a great deal. Alisaie: ...That's neither here nor there, I suppose. Anyway, on the way back, I passed a patisserie which sold some of the most exquisite-looking tarts I had ever seen. I've always preferred cookies, to be honest, but nevertheless I decided to stop and try one... Alisaie: ...I'll treat you to one, when all this is over. [Forename] too─and I won't take no for an answer.
Lyse: What about Y'shtola? We'd never hear the end of it!
Alisaie: All right, all right─Y'shtola too, once she's better. Deal? Good. Then let's hurry, shall we? We have a million things to do before then!
(Optional) Lyse: Red, Blue... Wait—didn't Soroban say something about this before?
Joining Alisaie on the Isle of Bekko
Alisaie: I think this is the Isle of Bekko─though, to be honest, it looks the same to me as however many other islands around here... Alisaie: Rasho said there was a cave that would lead us to their village. We should search further inland.
(Optional) Lyse: How much further do you think it is?
Searching for the Blue Kojin village (Cutscene)
Alisaie: Is that light I see up ahead? Alisaie: We, uh...appear to be standing inside a giant bubble. By the Twelve...I think we're on the seabed!
Soroban: Well, well! I thought I heard familiar voices.
Lyse: Soroban? What are you doing here?
Soroban: Hmm? What a curious question. I live here.
Lyse: Then this is the home of the Blue Kojin?
Soroban: Just so. I bid you welcome to Tamamizu!
Soroban: Pleased though I am to see you again, I am confused. Were you not bound for Othard?
Lyse: Of course! Soroban said he was a Kojin of the Blue, didn't he?
Speaking with Alisaie
Alisaie: How fortunate that we should find a familiar face in this place... Alisaie: We should tell Soroban about our situation. If anyone here can help us, it's him!