Goldsmith Recipes/Level 80

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< Goldsmith Recipes
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Item Class Recipe Level Type Yield Durability Difficulty Max Quality Ingredients
Audio spare parts icon1.png  Audio Spare Parts Goldsmith 80 Miscellany 1 35 1335 4600
Carrotlight pieces icon1.png  Carrotlight Pieces Goldsmith 80 Miscellany 1 35 1335 4600
Cleaner upgrade component icon1.png  Cleaner Upgrade Component Goldsmith 80 Miscellany 1 35 1335 4600
Coin manufacturing component icon1.png  Coin Manufacturing Component Goldsmith 80 Miscellany 1 35 1335 4600
Cookbook printing paraphernalia icon1.png  Cookbook Printing Paraphernalia Goldsmith 80 Miscellany 1 35 1335 4600
Fungi fighter icon1.png  Fungi Fighter Goldsmith 80 Miscellany 1 35 1335 4600
Musicking station component icon1.png  Musicking Station Component Goldsmith 80 Miscellany 1 35 1335 4600
Paint-mixers toolbox icon1.png  Paint-mixer's Toolbox Goldsmith 80 Miscellany 1 35 1335 4600
Parasital infection protection suit component icon1.png  Parasital Infection Protection Suit Component Goldsmith 80 Miscellany 1 35 1335 4600
Signed memorabilia icon1.png  Signed Memorabilia Goldsmith 80 Miscellany 1 35 1335 4600
Onyx icon1.png  Onyx Goldsmith 80 Stone 1 40 890 3680
Aetheroconductive quill icon1.png  Aetheroconductive Quill Goldsmith 80 Collectable recipe icon.png Miscellany 1 60 1780 3680
Grade 2 skybuilders brazier icon1.png  Grade 2 Skybuilders' Brazier Goldsmith 80 Collectable recipe icon.png Miscellany 1 60 1780 11960
Grade 3 skybuilders brazier icon1.png  Grade 3 Skybuilders' Brazier Goldsmith 80 Collectable recipe icon.png Miscellany 1 60 1780 11960
Grade 4 skybuilders brazier icon1.png  Grade 4 Skybuilders' Brazier Goldsmith 80 Collectable recipe icon.png Miscellany 1 60 1780 11960
Skybuilders brazier icon1.png  Skybuilders' Brazier Goldsmith 80 Collectable recipe icon.png Miscellany 1 60 1780 11960
Aetheroconductive focus icon1.png  Aetheroconductive Focus Goldsmith 80 Collectable recipe icon.png Miscellany 1 60 1900 3960
Lighting parts icon1.png  Lighting Parts Goldsmith 80 Miscellany 1 70 1780 4600
Loporrits gathering tool component icon1.png  Loporrit's Gathering Tool Component Goldsmith 80 Miscellany 1 70 1780 4600
Machining supplies icon1.png  Machining Supplies Goldsmith 80 Miscellany 1 70 1780 4600
Popular kitchen goods icon1.png  Popular Kitchen Goods Goldsmith 80 Miscellany 1 70 1780 4600
Restaurant-grade supplies icon1.png  Restaurant-grade Supplies Goldsmith 80 Miscellany 1 70 1780 4600
Wind instrument component icon1.png  Wind Instrument Component Goldsmith 80 Miscellany 1 70 1780 4600
"exercise equipment" icon1.png  "Exercise Equipment" Goldsmith 80 Miscellany 1 70 1780 6440
Audio recording component icon1.png  Audio Recording Component Goldsmith 80 Miscellany 1 70 1780 6440
Carrot chiller component icon1.png  Carrot Chiller Component Goldsmith 80 Miscellany 1 70 1780 6440
Fashionable thingums icon1.png  Fashionable Thingums Goldsmith 80 Miscellany 1 70 1780 6440
Occult paraphernalia icon1.png  Occult Paraphernalia Goldsmith 80 Miscellany 1 70 1780 6440
Super sudsy soap bars icon1.png  Super Sudsy Soap Bars Goldsmith 80 Miscellany 1 70 1780 6440
Painting supplies icon1.png  Painting Supplies Goldsmith 80 Miscellany 1 70 1780 6900
Radio equipment icon1.png  Radio Equipment Goldsmith 80 Miscellany 1 70 1780 7360
Enchanting ring icon1.png  Enchanting Ring Goldsmith 80 Other 1 80 1246 2530
Gold plating icon1.png  Gold Plating Goldsmith 80 Collectable recipe icon.png Other 1 80 1335 2760
Crystarium mechanical till icon1.png  Crystarium Mechanical Till Goldsmith 80 Tabletop 1 80 1780 2300
Eastern indoor pond icon1.png  Eastern Indoor Pond Goldsmith 80 Furnishing 1 80 1780 2300
Goobbue wall chronometer icon1.png  Goobbue Wall Chronometer Goldsmith 80 Wall-mounted 1 80 1780 2300
Marble alcove bed icon1.png  Marble Alcove Bed Goldsmith 80 Furnishing 1 80 1780 2300
Mounted dinosaur skull icon1.png  Mounted Dinosaur Skull Goldsmith 80 Wall-mounted 1 80 1780 2300
Philosophers stone table icon1.png  Philosopher's Stone Table Goldsmith 80 Table 1 80 1780 2300
Rough stone flooring icon1.png  Rough Stone Flooring Goldsmith 80 Flooring 1 80 1780 2300
Rough stone interior wall icon1.png  Rough Stone Interior Wall Goldsmith 80 Interior Wall 1 80 1780 2300
Dwarven mythril bracelets icon1.png  Dwarven Mythril Bracelets Goldsmith 80 Bracelets 1 80 1780 4600
Dwarven mythril choker icon1.png  Dwarven Mythril Choker Goldsmith 80 Necklace 1 80 1780 4600
Dwarven mythril ear cuffs icon1.png  Dwarven Mythril Ear Cuffs Goldsmith 80 Earrings 1 80 1780 4600
Dwarven mythril needle icon1.png  Dwarven Mythril Needle Goldsmith 80 Weaver's Primary Tool 1 80 1780 4600
Dwarven mythril ring icon1.png  Dwarven Mythril Ring Goldsmith 80 Ring 1 80 1780 4600
Oddly specific whetstone icon1.png  Oddly Specific Whetstone Goldsmith 80 Skysteel lapidary hammer icon1.png  Stone 1 80 1780 4600
Rarefied mythril ring icon1.png  Rarefied Mythril Ring Goldsmith 80 Collectable recipe icon.png Miscellany 1 80 1780 4600
Titania shadow box icon1.png  Titania Shadow Box
(Learned from: Master goldsmith vi icon1.png  Master Goldsmith VI)
Goldsmith 80 ★ Wall-mounted 1 70 1900 3000
Alumina whetstone icon1.png  Alumina Whetstone
(Learned from: Master goldsmith vii icon1.png  Master Goldsmith VII)
Goldsmith 80 ★★ Stone 1 35 1640 6320
Prismatic ingot icon1.png  Prismatic Ingot
(Learned from: Master goldsmith vii icon1.png  Master Goldsmith VII)
Goldsmith 80 ★★ Stone 1 35 1640 6320
Oddly specific gemstone icon1.png  Oddly Specific Gemstone Goldsmith 80 ★★ Skysteel lapidary hammer +1 icon1.png  Stone 1 70 1845 7900
Oddly specific silver nugget icon1.png  Oddly Specific Silver Nugget Goldsmith 80 ★★ Collectable recipe icon.pngDragonsung lapidary hammer icon1.png  Metal 1 70 1909 8100
Crystallized coral icon1.png  Crystallized Coral
(Learned from: Master goldsmith vii icon1.png  Master Goldsmith VII)
Goldsmith 80 ★★ Furnishing 1 70 2050 3950
Hades trophy icon1.png  Hades Trophy
(Learned from: Master goldsmith vii icon1.png  Master Goldsmith VII)
Goldsmith 80 ★★ Furnishing 1 70 2050 3950
Adamant cane icon1.png  Adamant Cane
(Learned from: Master goldsmith viii icon1.png  Master Goldsmith VIII)
Goldsmith 80 ★★ Two-handed Conjurer's Arm 1 70 2050 7900
Adamant hanger icon1.png  Adamant Hanger
(Learned from: Master goldsmith viii icon1.png  Master Goldsmith VIII)
Goldsmith 80 ★★ Red Mage's Arm 1 70 2050 7900
Adamant planisphere icon1.png  Adamant Planisphere
(Learned from: Master goldsmith viii icon1.png  Master Goldsmith VIII)
Goldsmith 80 ★★ Astrologian's Arm 1 70 2050 7900
Adamant rod icon1.png  Adamant Rod
(Learned from: Master goldsmith viii icon1.png  Master Goldsmith VIII)
Goldsmith 80 ★★ Two-handed Thaumaturge's Arm 1 70 2050 7900
Augmented agonia icon1.png  Augmented Agonia
(Learned from: Master goldsmith vii icon1.png  Master Goldsmith VII)
Goldsmith 80 ★★ Red Mage's Arm 1 70 2050 7900
Augmented deima icon1.png  Augmented Deima
(Learned from: Master goldsmith vii icon1.png  Master Goldsmith VII)
Goldsmith 80 ★★ Archer's Arm 1 70 2050 7900
Augmented himeros icon1.png  Augmented Himeros
(Learned from: Master goldsmith vii icon1.png  Master Goldsmith VII)
Goldsmith 80 ★★ Astrologian's Arm 1 70 2050 7900
Augmented kelesis icon1.png  Augmented Kelesis
(Learned from: Master goldsmith vii icon1.png  Master Goldsmith VII)
Goldsmith 80 ★★ Two-handed Conjurer's Arm 1 70 2050 7900
Facet bracelet of aiming icon1.png  Facet Bracelet of Aiming
(Learned from: Master goldsmith vii icon1.png  Master Goldsmith VII)
Goldsmith 80 ★★ Bracelets 1 70 2050 7900
Facet bracelet of casting icon1.png  Facet Bracelet of Casting
(Learned from: Master goldsmith vii icon1.png  Master Goldsmith VII)
Goldsmith 80 ★★ Bracelets 1 70 2050 7900
Facet bracelet of fending icon1.png  Facet Bracelet of Fending
(Learned from: Master goldsmith vii icon1.png  Master Goldsmith VII)
Goldsmith 80 ★★ Bracelets 1 70 2050 7900
Facet bracelet of healing icon1.png  Facet Bracelet of Healing
(Learned from: Master goldsmith vii icon1.png  Master Goldsmith VII)
Goldsmith 80 ★★ Bracelets 1 70 2050 7900
Facet bracelet of slaying icon1.png  Facet Bracelet of Slaying
(Learned from: Master goldsmith vii icon1.png  Master Goldsmith VII)
Goldsmith 80 ★★ Bracelets 1 70 2050 7900
Facet choker of aiming icon1.png  Facet Choker of Aiming
(Learned from: Master goldsmith vii icon1.png  Master Goldsmith VII)
Goldsmith 80 ★★ Necklace 1 70 2050 7900
Facet choker of casting icon1.png  Facet Choker of Casting
(Learned from: Master goldsmith vii icon1.png  Master Goldsmith VII)
Goldsmith 80 ★★ Necklace 1 70 2050 7900
Facet choker of fending icon1.png  Facet Choker of Fending
(Learned from: Master goldsmith vii icon1.png  Master Goldsmith VII)
Goldsmith 80 ★★ Necklace 1 70 2050 7900
Facet choker of healing icon1.png  Facet Choker of Healing
(Learned from: Master goldsmith vii icon1.png  Master Goldsmith VII)
Goldsmith 80 ★★ Necklace 1 70 2050 7900
Facet choker of slaying icon1.png  Facet Choker of Slaying
(Learned from: Master goldsmith vii icon1.png  Master Goldsmith VII)
Goldsmith 80 ★★ Necklace 1 70 2050 7900
Facet circlet of fending icon1.png  Facet Circlet of Fending
(Learned from: Master goldsmith vii icon1.png  Master Goldsmith VII)
Goldsmith 80 ★★ Head 1 70 2050 7900
Facet circlet of striking icon1.png  Facet Circlet of Striking
(Learned from: Master goldsmith vii icon1.png  Master Goldsmith VII)
Goldsmith 80 ★★ Head 1 70 2050 7900
Facet earrings of aiming icon1.png  Facet Earrings of Aiming
(Learned from: Master goldsmith vii icon1.png  Master Goldsmith VII)
Goldsmith 80 ★★ Earrings 1 70 2050 7900
Facet earrings of casting icon1.png  Facet Earrings of Casting
(Learned from: Master goldsmith vii icon1.png  Master Goldsmith VII)
Goldsmith 80 ★★ Earrings 1 70 2050 7900
Facet earrings of fending icon1.png  Facet Earrings of Fending
(Learned from: Master goldsmith vii icon1.png  Master Goldsmith VII)
Goldsmith 80 ★★ Earrings 1 70 2050 7900
Facet earrings of healing icon1.png  Facet Earrings of Healing
(Learned from: Master goldsmith vii icon1.png  Master Goldsmith VII)
Goldsmith 80 ★★ Earrings 1 70 2050 7900
Facet earrings of slaying icon1.png  Facet Earrings of Slaying
(Learned from: Master goldsmith vii icon1.png  Master Goldsmith VII)
Goldsmith 80 ★★ Earrings 1 70 2050 7900
Facet needle icon1.png  Facet Needle
(Learned from: Master goldsmith vii icon1.png  Master Goldsmith VII)
Goldsmith 80 ★★ Weaver's Primary Tool 1 70 2050 7900
Facet ring of aiming icon1.png  Facet Ring of Aiming
(Learned from: Master goldsmith vii icon1.png  Master Goldsmith VII)
Goldsmith 80 ★★ Ring 1 70 2050 7900
Facet ring of casting icon1.png  Facet Ring of Casting
(Learned from: Master goldsmith vii icon1.png  Master Goldsmith VII)
Goldsmith 80 ★★ Ring 1 70 2050 7900
Facet ring of fending icon1.png  Facet Ring of Fending
(Learned from: Master goldsmith vii icon1.png  Master Goldsmith VII)
Goldsmith 80 ★★ Ring 1 70 2050 7900
Facet ring of healing icon1.png  Facet Ring of Healing
(Learned from: Master goldsmith vii icon1.png  Master Goldsmith VII)
Goldsmith 80 ★★ Ring 1 70 2050 7900
Facet ring of slaying icon1.png  Facet Ring of Slaying
(Learned from: Master goldsmith vii icon1.png  Master Goldsmith VII)
Goldsmith 80 ★★ Ring 1 70 2050 7900
Merveilleuse icon1.png  Merveilleuse
(Learned from: Master goldsmith vii icon1.png  Master Goldsmith VII)
Goldsmith 80 ★★ Red Mage's Arm 1 70 2050 7900
Pollux icon1.png  Pollux
(Learned from: Master goldsmith vii icon1.png  Master Goldsmith VII)
Goldsmith 80 ★★ Astrologian's Arm 1 70 2050 7900
Rubellux astrometer icon1.png  Rubellux Astrometer
(Learned from: Master goldsmith viii icon1.png  Master Goldsmith VIII)
Goldsmith 80 ★★ Astrologian's Arm 1 70 2050 7900
Rubellux hanger icon1.png  Rubellux Hanger
(Learned from: Master goldsmith viii icon1.png  Master Goldsmith VIII)
Goldsmith 80 ★★ Red Mage's Arm 1 70 2050 7900
Smaragdine cane icon1.png  Smaragdine Cane
(Learned from: Master goldsmith viii icon1.png  Master Goldsmith VIII)
Goldsmith 80 ★★ Two-handed Conjurer's Arm 1 70 2050 7900
Smaragdine rapier icon1.png  Smaragdine Rapier
(Learned from: Master goldsmith viii icon1.png  Master Goldsmith VIII)
Goldsmith 80 ★★ Red Mage's Arm 1 70 2050 7900
Smaragdine rod icon1.png  Smaragdine Rod
(Learned from: Master goldsmith viii icon1.png  Master Goldsmith VIII)
Goldsmith 80 ★★ Two-handed Thaumaturge's Arm 1 70 2050 7900
Smaragdine torquetum icon1.png  Smaragdine Torquetum
(Learned from: Master goldsmith viii icon1.png  Master Goldsmith VIII)
Goldsmith 80 ★★ Astrologian's Arm 1 70 2050 7900
The faes crown rapier icon1.png  The Fae's Crown Rapier
(Learned from: Master goldsmith vii icon1.png  Master Goldsmith VII)
Goldsmith 80 ★★ Red Mage's Arm 1 70 2050 7900
The faes crown star globe icon1.png  The Fae's Crown Star Globe
(Learned from: Master goldsmith vii icon1.png  Master Goldsmith VII)
Goldsmith 80 ★★ Astrologian's Arm 1 70 2050 7900
Purpure bead icon1.png  Purpure Bead
(Learned from: Master goldsmith viii icon1.png  Master Goldsmith VIII)
Goldsmith 80 ★★★ Stone 1 35 2240 6375
Grade 2 artisanal skybuilders bathtub icon1.png  Grade 2 Artisanal Skybuilders' Bathtub Goldsmith 80 ★★★ Collectable recipe icon.pngExpert recipe icon.png Miscellany 1 60 3856 12323
Oddly specific silver ingot icon1.png  Oddly Specific Silver Ingot Goldsmith 80 ★★★ Collectable recipe icon.pngDragonsung lapidary hammer icon1.png  Metal 1 70 1960 8500
Aesthetes bracelets of crafting icon1.png  Aesthete's Bracelets of Crafting
(Learned from: Master goldsmith viii icon1.png  Master Goldsmith VIII)
Goldsmith 80 ★★★ Bracelets 1 70 2800 8500
Aesthetes choker of crafting icon1.png  Aesthete's Choker of Crafting
(Learned from: Master goldsmith viii icon1.png  Master Goldsmith VIII)
Goldsmith 80 ★★★ Necklace 1 70 2800 8500
Aesthetes ear cuffs of crafting icon1.png  Aesthete's Ear Cuffs of Crafting
(Learned from: Master goldsmith viii icon1.png  Master Goldsmith VIII)
Goldsmith 80 ★★★ Earrings 1 70 2800 8500
Aesthetes needle icon1.png  Aesthete's Needle
(Learned from: Master goldsmith viii icon1.png  Master Goldsmith VIII)
Goldsmith 80 ★★★ Weaver's Primary Tool 1 70 2800 8500
Aesthetes ring of crafting icon1.png  Aesthete's Ring of Crafting
(Learned from: Master goldsmith viii icon1.png  Master Goldsmith VIII)
Goldsmith 80 ★★★ Ring 1 70 2800 8500
Neo-ishgardian choker of aiming icon1.png  Neo-Ishgardian Choker of Aiming
(Learned from: Master goldsmith viii icon1.png  Master Goldsmith VIII)
Goldsmith 80 ★★★ Necklace 1 70 2800 8500
Neo-ishgardian choker of casting icon1.png  Neo-Ishgardian Choker of Casting
(Learned from: Master goldsmith viii icon1.png  Master Goldsmith VIII)
Goldsmith 80 ★★★ Necklace 1 70 2800 8500
Neo-ishgardian choker of fending icon1.png  Neo-Ishgardian Choker of Fending
(Learned from: Master goldsmith viii icon1.png  Master Goldsmith VIII)
Goldsmith 80 ★★★ Necklace 1 70 2800 8500
Neo-ishgardian choker of healing icon1.png  Neo-Ishgardian Choker of Healing
(Learned from: Master goldsmith viii icon1.png  Master Goldsmith VIII)
Goldsmith 80 ★★★ Necklace 1 70 2800 8500
Neo-ishgardian choker of slaying icon1.png  Neo-Ishgardian Choker of Slaying
(Learned from: Master goldsmith viii icon1.png  Master Goldsmith VIII)
Goldsmith 80 ★★★ Necklace 1 70 2800 8500
Neo-ishgardian foil icon1.png  Neo-Ishgardian Foil
(Learned from: Master goldsmith viii icon1.png  Master Goldsmith VIII)
Goldsmith 80 ★★★ Red Mage's Arm 1 70 2800 8500
Neo-ishgardian planisphere icon1.png  Neo-Ishgardian Planisphere
(Learned from: Master goldsmith viii icon1.png  Master Goldsmith VIII)
Goldsmith 80 ★★★ Astrologian's Arm 1 70 2800 8500
Neo-ishgardian rod icon1.png  Neo-Ishgardian Rod
(Learned from: Master goldsmith viii icon1.png  Master Goldsmith VIII)
Goldsmith 80 ★★★ Two-handed Thaumaturge's Arm 1 70 2800 8500
Neo-ishgardian wristbands of aiming icon1.png  Neo-Ishgardian Wristbands of Aiming
(Learned from: Master goldsmith viii icon1.png  Master Goldsmith VIII)
Goldsmith 80 ★★★ Bracelets 1 70 2800 8500
Neo-ishgardian wristbands of casting icon1.png  Neo-Ishgardian Wristbands of Casting
(Learned from: Master goldsmith viii icon1.png  Master Goldsmith VIII)
Goldsmith 80 ★★★ Bracelets 1 70 2800 8500
Neo-ishgardian wristbands of fending icon1.png  Neo-Ishgardian Wristbands of Fending
(Learned from: Master goldsmith viii icon1.png  Master Goldsmith VIII)
Goldsmith 80 ★★★ Bracelets 1 70 2800 8500
Neo-ishgardian wristbands of healing icon1.png  Neo-Ishgardian Wristbands of Healing
(Learned from: Master goldsmith viii icon1.png  Master Goldsmith VIII)
Goldsmith 80 ★★★ Bracelets 1 70 2800 8500
Neo-ishgardian wristbands of slaying icon1.png  Neo-Ishgardian Wristbands of Slaying
(Learned from: Master goldsmith viii icon1.png  Master Goldsmith VIII)
Goldsmith 80 ★★★ Bracelets 1 70 2800 8500
Solstice ingot icon1.png  Solstice Ingot
(Learned from: Master goldsmith viii icon1.png  Master Goldsmith VIII)
Goldsmith 80 ★★★★ Stone 1 35 2340 7125
Grade 3 artisanal skybuilders chronometer icon1.png  Grade 3 Artisanal Skybuilders' Chronometer Goldsmith 80 ★★★★ Collectable recipe icon.pngExpert recipe icon.png Miscellany 1 50 4672 15656
Grade 4 artisanal skybuilders astroscope icon1.png  Grade 4 Artisanal Skybuilders' Astroscope Goldsmith 80 ★★★★ Collectable recipe icon.pngExpert recipe icon.png Miscellany 1 55 5059 15474
Resplendent goldsmiths component a icon1.png  Resplendent Goldsmith's Component A
(Learned from: Master goldsmith viii icon1.png  Master Goldsmith VIII)
Goldsmith 80 ★★★★ Collectable recipe icon.pngExpert recipe icon.png Miscellany 1 55 5077 14321
Resplendent goldsmiths component b icon1.png  Resplendent Goldsmith's Component B
(Learned from: Master goldsmith viii icon1.png  Master Goldsmith VIII)
Goldsmith 80 ★★★★ Collectable recipe icon.pngExpert recipe icon.png Miscellany 1 55 5095 14854
Oddly delicate celestine icon1.png  Oddly Delicate Celestine Goldsmith 80 ★★★★ Collectable recipe icon.pngExpert recipe icon.pngSkysung lapidary hammer icon1.png  Stone 1 60 4220 14618
Exarchic circlet of healing icon1.png  Exarchic Circlet of Healing
(Learned from: Master goldsmith viii icon1.png  Master Goldsmith VIII)
Goldsmith 80 ★★★★ Head 1 70 3600 9500
Exarchic earrings of aiming icon1.png  Exarchic Earrings of Aiming
(Learned from: Master goldsmith viii icon1.png  Master Goldsmith VIII)
Goldsmith 80 ★★★★ Earrings 1 70 3600 9500
Exarchic earrings of casting icon1.png  Exarchic Earrings of Casting
(Learned from: Master goldsmith viii icon1.png  Master Goldsmith VIII)
Goldsmith 80 ★★★★ Earrings 1 70 3600 9500
Exarchic earrings of fending icon1.png  Exarchic Earrings of Fending
(Learned from: Master goldsmith viii icon1.png  Master Goldsmith VIII)
Goldsmith 80 ★★★★ Earrings 1 70 3600 9500
Exarchic earrings of healing icon1.png  Exarchic Earrings of Healing
(Learned from: Master goldsmith viii icon1.png  Master Goldsmith VIII)
Goldsmith 80 ★★★★ Earrings 1 70 3600 9500
Exarchic earrings of slaying icon1.png  Exarchic Earrings of Slaying
(Learned from: Master goldsmith viii icon1.png  Master Goldsmith VIII)
Goldsmith 80 ★★★★ Earrings 1 70 3600 9500
Exarchic rapier icon1.png  Exarchic Rapier
(Learned from: Master goldsmith viii icon1.png  Master Goldsmith VIII)
Goldsmith 80 ★★★★ Red Mage's Arm 1 70 3600 9500
Exarchic ring of aiming icon1.png  Exarchic Ring of Aiming
(Learned from: Master goldsmith viii icon1.png  Master Goldsmith VIII)
Goldsmith 80 ★★★★ Ring 1 70 3600 9500
Exarchic ring of casting icon1.png  Exarchic Ring of Casting
(Learned from: Master goldsmith viii icon1.png  Master Goldsmith VIII)
Goldsmith 80 ★★★★ Ring 1 70 3600 9500
Exarchic ring of fending icon1.png  Exarchic Ring of Fending
(Learned from: Master goldsmith viii icon1.png  Master Goldsmith VIII)
Goldsmith 80 ★★★★ Ring 1 70 3600 9500
Exarchic ring of healing icon1.png  Exarchic Ring of Healing
(Learned from: Master goldsmith viii icon1.png  Master Goldsmith VIII)
Goldsmith 80 ★★★★ Ring 1 70 3600 9500
Exarchic ring of slaying icon1.png  Exarchic Ring of Slaying
(Learned from: Master goldsmith viii icon1.png  Master Goldsmith VIII)
Goldsmith 80 ★★★★ Ring 1 70 3600 9500
Exarchic rod icon1.png  Exarchic Rod
(Learned from: Master goldsmith viii icon1.png  Master Goldsmith VIII)
Goldsmith 80 ★★★★ Two-handed Thaumaturge's Arm 1 70 3600 9500
Exarchic star globe icon1.png  Exarchic Star Globe
(Learned from: Master goldsmith viii icon1.png  Master Goldsmith VIII)
Goldsmith 80 ★★★★ Astrologian's Arm 1 70 3600 9500
Resplendent goldsmiths component c icon1.png  Resplendent Goldsmith's Component C
(Learned from: Master goldsmith viii icon1.png  Master Goldsmith VIII)
Goldsmith 80 ★★★★★ Collectable recipe icon.pngExpert recipe icon.png Miscellany 1 60 5470 16156