Miner Levequests

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See also: Fieldcraft Leves and Miner

A Realm Reborn

Guildleve Category Level NPC Zone Area Coordinates EXP Gil Items Needed
Rubble Bubble Piety 1 Graceful Song Western Thanalan Scorpion Crossing (x26,y24) Experience 3,000 Gil 10 Weather-worn brick icon1.png  Weather-worn Brick, Undamaged brick icon1.png  Undamaged Brick
Miners' Holiday Munificence 1 Graceful Song Western Thanalan Scorpion Crossing (x26,y24) Experience 3,300 Gil 11 Low-quality copper ore icon1.png  Low-quality Copper Ore
Who Needs the Paperwork Piety 1 Graceful Song Western Thanalan Scorpion Crossing (x26,y24) Experience 3,000 Gil 11 Wind-worn slab icon1.png  Wind-worn Slab, Undamaged slab icon2.png  Undamaged Slab
The Primrose Path Munificence 1 Graceful Song Western Thanalan Scorpion Crossing (x26,y24) Experience 3,300 Gil 11 Rich yellow copper ore icon1.png  Rich Yellow Copper Ore
I Don't Zinc It's a Coincidence Candor 5 Graceful Song Western Thanalan Scorpion Crossing (x26,y24) Experience 7,040 Gil 58 Rich zinc ore icon1.png  Rich Zinc Ore
Pipikkuli's Ship Comes In Munificence 5 Graceful Song Western Thanalan Scorpion Crossing (x26,y24) Experience 7,040 Gil 50−60 Brown clod icon1.png  Brown Clod
Do They Ore Don't They Piety 5 Graceful Song Western Thanalan Scorpion Crossing (x26,y24) Experience 6,400 Gil 52−63 Rock sample icon1.png  Rock Sample, Ore sample icon1.png  Ore Sample
Vanishing Point Piety 5 Graceful Song Western Thanalan Scorpion Crossing (x26,y24) Experience 6,400 Gil 50−59 Weather-worn brick icon1.png  Weather-worn Brick, Undamaged brick icon1.png  Undamaged Brick
We Do This the Hard Way Benevolence 10 Totonowa Western Thanalan Horizon (x23,y16) Experience 14,535 Gil 98−131 Wind-worn slab icon1.png  Wind-worn Slab, Undamaged slab icon1.png  Undamaged Slab
Break It Up Piety 10 Totonowa Western Thanalan Horizon (x23,y16) Experience 19,380 Gil 99−132 Timeworn bondstone icon1.png  Timeworn Bondstone, Undamaged bondstone icon1.png  Undamaged Bondstone
It Peiste to Listen Munificence 10 Totonowa Western Thanalan Horizon (x23,y16) Experience 21,318 Gil 98−132 Peiste molt icon1.png  Peiste Molt
That's Why They Call It Fool's Gold Piety 10 Totonowa Western Thanalan Horizon (x23,y16) Experience 19,380 Gil 116 Rock sample icon2.png  Rock Sample, Ore sample icon2.png  Ore Sample
A Man's Gotta Dream Piety 15 Poponagu Eastern Thanalan Camp Drybone (x13,y24) Experience 36,673 Gil 147−153 Sample rock icon1.png  Sample Rock, Sample ore icon1.png  Sample Ore
Earth Sprites Are Easy Munificence 15 Poponagu Eastern Thanalan Camp Drybone (x13,y24) Experience 40,703 Gil 143−155 Earthen power stone icon1.png  Earthen Power Stone
The Doom That Came to Belah'dia Benevolence 15 Poponagu Eastern Thanalan Camp Drybone (x13,y24) Experience 27,807 Gil 137−156 Magicked stone icon1.png  Magicked Stone, Sunbaked stone icon1.png  Sunbaked Stone
Eiderdown for Eidolons Munificence 15 Poponagu Eastern Thanalan Camp Drybone (x13,y24) Experience 40,703 Gil 138−147 Gravestone block icon1.png  Gravestone Block
Rock My Wall Candor 20 Nyell South Shroud Quarrymill (x25,y20) Experience 50,298 Gil 204 Wall stone icon1.png  Wall Stone
Look How They Shine for You Piety 20 Nyell South Shroud Quarrymill (x25,y20) Experience 45,318 Gil 202 Dull sand icon1.png  Dull Sand, Sparkling sand icon1.png  Sparkling Sand
Location, Location, Location Munificence 20 Nyell South Shroud Quarrymill (x25,y20) Experience 50,298 Gil 194 High-density siltstone icon1.png  High-density Siltstone
Elemental Housekeeping Munificence 20 Nyell South Shroud Quarrymill (x25,y20) Experience 50,298 Gil 202 Moss-covered stone icon1.png  Moss-covered Stone
Can't Start a Fire Munificence 25 Nyell South Shroud Quarrymill (x25,y20) Experience 62,923 Gil 294 Sharpened flint stone icon1.png  Sharpened Flint Stone
Tag, You're It Candor 25 Nyell South Shroud Quarrymill (x25,y20) Experience 62,923 Gil 300 Wall stone shard icon1.png  Wall Stone Shard
Baby, Light My Way Candor 25 Nyell South Shroud Quarrymill (x25,y20) Experience 92,923 Gil 294 Unseeing stone icon1.png  Unseeing Stone
Fool Me Twice Piety 25 Nyell South Shroud Quarrymill (x25,y20) Experience 56,693 Gil 300 Dirt-caked stone icon1.png  Dirt-caked Stone, Engraved stone icon1.png  Engraved Stone
I Kidd You Not Piety 30 Nahctahr Eastern La Noscea Costa del Sol (x30,y30) Experience 78,897 Gil 327 Brown glass shard icon1.png  Brown Glass Shard, Green glass shard icon1.png  Green Glass Shard
That's What the Money Is For Munificence 30 Nahctahr Eastern La Noscea Costa del Sol (x30,y30) Experience 87,567 Gil 330 Rich iron ore icon1.png  Rich Iron Ore
The Midden Fair Candor 30 Nahctahr Eastern La Noscea Costa del Sol (x30,y30) Experience 87,567 Gil 318 Mollusk fossil icon1.png  Mollusk Fossil
Shell Game Munificence 30 Nahctahr Eastern La Noscea Costa del Sol (x30,y30) Experience 87,567 Gil 330 Moraby oyster icon1.png  Moraby Oyster
There Are No Good Answers Munificence 35 Cimeaurant Coerthas Central Highlands Observatorium (x26,y28) Experience 107,767 Gil 315−357 Block of snow icon1.png  Block of Snow
Rocks for Brains Piety 35 Cimeaurant Coerthas Central Highlands Observatorium (x26,y28) Experience 97,097 Gil 315−361 Repair stone icon1.png  Repair Stone, High-quality repair stone icon1.png  Superior Repair Stone
Mythril Madness Benevolence 35 Cimeaurant Coerthas Central Highlands Observatorium (x26,y28) Experience 73,623 Gil 333−361 Blue mythril ore icon1.png  Blue Mythril Ore, High-quality blue mythril ore icon1.png  Rich Blue Mythril Ore
Eye for an Eye Candor 35 Cimeaurant Coerthas Central Highlands Observatorium (x26,y28) Experience 107,767 Gil 319−357 Highland limestone icon1.png  Highland Limestone
Nature Is a Monster Piety 40 Voilinaut Coerthas Central Highlands Whitebrim Front (x12,y16) Experience 125,671 Gil 376−420 Snowcloak slab icon1.png  Snowcloak Slab, Clear snowcloak slab icon1.png  Clear Snowcloak Slab
Brother in Arms Munificence 40 Voilinaut Coerthas Central Highlands Whitebrim Front (x12,y16) Experience 139,481 Gil 376−440 Marcasite icon1.png  Marcasite
Not Losing Our Heads This Time Benevolence 40 Voilinaut Coerthas Central Highlands Whitebrim Front (x12,y16) Experience 95,289 Gil 360−433 Tundra icon1.png  Tundra, Permafrost icon1.png  Permafrost
Breach and Build Candor 40 Voilinaut Coerthas Central Highlands Whitebrim Front (x12,y16) Experience 139,481 Gil 372−412 Building stone icon1.png  Building Stone
Metal Has No Master Piety 45 K'leytai Mor Dhona Saint Coinach's Find (x29,y12) Experience 137,592 Gil 405−495 Dreadnaught hull icon1.png  Dreadnaught Hull, Dreadnaught heatshield icon1.png  Dreadnaught Heatshield
Crystal Mess Munificence 45 K'leytai Mor Dhona Saint Coinach's Find (x29,y12) Experience 152,712 Gil 405−495 Overgrown crystal icon1.png  Overgrown Crystal
Hybrid Hypotheses Benevolence 45 K'leytai Mor Dhona Saint Coinach's Find (x29,y12) Experience 104,328 Gil 503 Crystallized root icon1.png  Crystallized Root, Crystallized trunk icon1.png  Crystallized Trunk
Sucker Seer Candor 45 K'leytai Mor Dhona Saint Coinach's Find (x29,y12) Experience 152,712 Gil 503 Scratched allagan runestone icon1.png  Scratched Allagan Runestone


Guildleve Category Level NPC Zone Coordinates Objective Location EXP Gil Items Needed
The Merits of Upcycling Benevolence 50 Eloin Foundation (x10.1,y10.4) Falcon's Nest Experience 142,374 Gil 639 Jagged stone icon1.png  Jagged Stone, Weather-worn rock icon1.png  Weather-worn Rock
The Road to Pilgrimage Munificence 50 Eloin Foundation (x10.1,y10.4) Falcon's Nest Experience 210,060 Gil 834 Head-sized stone icon1.png  Head-sized Stone
Taken for Granite Piety 50 Eloin Foundation (x10.1,y10.4) Falcon's Nest Experience 189,054 Gil 834 Solid volcanic rock icon1.png  Solid Volcanic Rock, Porous volcanic rock icon1.png  Porous Volcanic Rock
Breaking Beacons (L) Benevolence 50 Eloin Foundation (x10.1,y10.4) Falcon's Nest Experience 639,516 Gil 3,369 Jagged stone icon1.png  Jagged Stone, Weather-worn rock icon1.png  Weather-worn Rock
The Basics of Forgery (L) Piety 50 Eloin Foundation (x10.1,y10.4) Falcon's Nest Experience 851,910 Gil 4,994 Solid volcanic rock icon1.png  Solid Volcanic Rock, Porous volcanic rock icon1.png  Porous Volcanic Rock
For Vares Beyond Compare (L) Munificence 50 Eloin Foundation (x10.1,y10.4) Falcon's Nest Experience 935,934 Gil 4,344 Head-sized stone icon1.png  Head-sized Stone
I'll Show You My Battle Shards Candor 52 Eloin Foundation (x10.1,y10.4) Tailfeather Experience 252,110 Gil 1,062 Lancite icon1.png  Lancite
Polished till They Shine (L) Munificence 52 Eloin Foundation (x10.1,y10.4) Tailfeather Experience 1,133,012 Gil 4,117 Large raw sapphire icon1.png  Large Raw Sapphire
Permit for Destruction of Religious Property Piety 52 Eloin Foundation (x10.1,y10.4) Tailfeather Experience 228,382 Gil 932 Rune-covered rock icon1.png  Rune-covered Rock, Foundation stone icon1.png  Foundation Stone
Halone's Jewelry Box Munificence 52 Eloin Foundation (x10.1,y10.4) Tailfeather Experience 252,110 Gil 997 Large raw sapphire icon1.png  Large Raw Sapphire
Forging Lance Base (L) Candor 52 Eloin Foundation (x10.1,y10.4) Tailfeather Experience 1,133,012 Gil 5,742 Lancite icon1.png  Lancite
Rose Never Lets Go (L) Piety 52 Eloin Foundation (x10.1,y10.4) Tailfeather Experience 1,029,202 Gil 4,767 Rune-covered rock icon1.png  Rune-covered Rock, Foundation stone icon1.png  Foundation Stone
Dreams of War, Dreams of Liars, Dreams of Dragon Fire Munificence 54 Eloin Foundation (x10.1,y10.4) Moghome Experience 295,440 Gil 902 Heavensand icon1.png  Heavensand
Talk about Boundaries Benevolence 54 Eloin Foundation (x10.1,y10.4) Moghome Experience 199,422 Gil 902 Burnished arrowhead icon1.png  Burnished Arrowhead, Buried coin icon1.png  Buried Coin
From Creepers to Squatters Piety 54 Eloin Foundation (x10.1,y10.4) Moghome Experience 265,896 Gil 902 Floating rock icon1.png  Floating Rock, Floating soil icon1.png  Floating Soil
History Needs Some Revisions (L) Benevolence 54 Eloin Foundation (x10.1,y10.4) Moghome Experience 897,399 Gil 3,502 Burnished arrowhead icon1.png  Burnished Arrowhead, Buried coin icon1.png  Buried Coin
All of These Bases Belong to Us (L) Piety 54 Eloin Foundation (x10.1,y10.4) Moghome Experience 1,196,532 Gil 3,502 Floating rock icon1.png  Floating Rock, Floating soil icon1.png  Floating Soil
There's Sand in My Water (L) Munificence 54 Eloin Foundation (x10.1,y10.4) Moghome Experience 1,318,401 Gil 3,502 Heavensand icon1.png  Heavensand
The Puppets of War (L) Munificence 56 Eloin Foundation (x10.1,y10.4) Camp Cloudtop Experience 1,378,330 Gil 3,428 Lightsand icon1.png  Lightsand
Fool Me Once (L) Candor 56 Eloin Foundation (x10.1,y10.4) Camp Cloudtop Experience 1,378,330 Gil 3,428 Fools furite icon1.png  Fool's Furite
Mortarin' Benevolence 56 Eloin Foundation (x10.1,y10.4) Camp Cloudtop Experience 208,590 Gil 929 Dravanian pumice pebble icon1.png  Dravanian Pumice Pebble, Dravanian pumice icon1.png  Dravanian Pumice
A Spire for New Heights (L) Benevolence 56 Eloin Foundation (x10.1,y10.4) Camp Cloudtop Experience 940,700 Gil 3,428 Dravanian pumice pebble icon1.png  Dravanian Pumice Pebble, Dravanian pumice icon1.png  Dravanian Pumice
What Goes Up Munificence 56 Eloin Foundation (x10.1,y10.4) Camp Cloudtop Experience 306,750 Gil 828 Lightsand icon1.png  Lightsand
Fake-icite Candor 56 Eloin Foundation (x10.1,y10.4) Camp Cloudtop Experience 306,750 Gil 828 Fools furite icon1.png  Fool's Furite
Sticking It Out Piety 58 Eloin Foundation (x10.1,y10.4) The Paths of Creation Experience 305,235 Gil 916 Pommel ore icon1.png  Pommel Ore, High-quality pommel ore icon1.png  High-quality Pommel Ore
Not So Crystal Clear (L) Candor 58 Eloin Foundation (x10.1,y10.4) The Paths of Creation Experience 1,511,640 Gil 3,516 Transparent crystal icon1.png  Transparent Crystal
Pommeling the Enemy (L) Piety 58 Eloin Foundation (x10.1,y10.4) The Paths of Creation Experience 1,375,980 Gil 3,516 Pommel ore icon1.png  Pommel Ore, High-quality pommel ore icon1.png  High-quality Pommel Ore
Sharlayan Sympathizers (L) Benevolence 58 Eloin Foundation (x10.1,y10.4) The Paths of Creation Experience 1,031,985 Gil 3,516 Sharlayan flagstone icon1.png  Sharlayan Flagstone, Cracked sharlayan flagstone icon1.png  Cracked Sharlayan Flagstone
Dragonproofing Benevolence 58 Eloin Foundation (x10.1,y10.4) The Paths of Creation Experience 232,560 Gil 916 Sharlayan flagstone icon1.png  Sharlayan Flagstone, Cracked sharlayan flagstone icon1.png  Cracked Sharlayan Flagstone
Crystal Chronicles Candor 58 Eloin Foundation (x10.1,y10.4) The Paths of Creation Experience 339,150 Gil 916 Transparent crystal icon1.png  Transparent Crystal


Guildleve Category Level NPC Zone Coordinates Objective Location EXP Gil Items Needed
Cermet Breaker Piety 60 Keltraeng Kugane (x11.6,y9.6) The Striped Hills Experience 390,715 Gil 967 Cermet plating icon1.png  Cermet Plating, Anodized cermet plating icon1.png  Anodized Cermet Plating
Set in Stone Munificence 60 Keltraeng Kugane (x11.6,y9.6) The Striped Hills Experience 432,792 Gil 1,217 Mollusk fossil (set in stone) icon1.png  Mollusk Fossil
Axe to Grind Benevolence 60 Keltraeng Kugane (x11.6,y9.6) The Striped Hills Experience 294,539 Gil 717 Eroded rock icon1.png  Eroded Rock, Uneroded rock icon1.png  Uneroded Rock
Ready Ore Not Piety 62 Keltraeng Kugane (x11.6,y9.6) Rasen Kaikyo Experience 415,480 Gil 707 Flawless ruby sea ore sample icon1.png  Flawless Ruby Sea Ore Sample, Ruby sea ore sample icon1.png  Ruby Sea Ore Sample
Hit Rock Bottom Candor 62 Keltraeng Kugane (x11.6,y9.6) Rasen Kaikyo Experience 460,224 Gil 867 Greensea marl icon1.png  Greensea Marl
Coral-lary Munificence 62 Keltraeng Kugane (x11.6,y9.6) Rasen Kaikyo Experience 460,224 Gil 974 Acan lord coral icon1.png  Acan Lord Coral
No Stone Unturned Benevolence 64 Keltraeng Kugane (x11.6,y9.6) Eastern Ryurin Bridge Experience 351,232 Gil 804 Ryurin bridge paving stone icon1.png  Ryurin Bridge Paving Stone, Ryurin bridge cornerstone icon1.png  Ryurin Bridge Cornerstone
Simply Marble Us Piety 64 Keltraeng Kugane (x11.6,y9.6) The Gensui Chain Experience 465,920 Gil 917 Cracked marble icon1.png  Cracked Marble, Uncracked marble icon1.png  Uncracked Marble
Scraptacular Munificence 64 Keltraeng Kugane (x11.6,y9.6) Castrum Fluminis Experience 516,096 Gil 1,314 Imperial assault craft exoplate icon1.png  Imperial Assault Craft Exoplate
Dunes of Our Lives Benevolence 66 Keltraeng Kugane (x11.6,y9.6) Nhaama's Retreat Experience 401,800 Gil 667 Nhaama desert sand icon1.png  Nhaama Desert Sand, Coarse nhaama desert sand icon1.png  Coarse Nhaama Desert Sand
Bead 'Em Up Candor 66 Keltraeng Kugane (x11.6,y9.6) Onsal Hakair Experience 590,400 Gil 1,147 Colorful pebbles icon1.png  Colorful Pebbles
O Say Can You Rock Munificence 66 Keltraeng Kugane (x11.6,y9.6) Ceol Aen Experience 490,400 Gil 1,147 Steppe glowstone icon1.png  Steppe Glowstone
Mine All Mine Piety 68 Keltraeng Kugane (x11.6,y9.6) Wightrock Experience 540,000 Gil 1,144 Violet gravel icon1.png  Violet Gravel, Raw gravel icon1.png  Raw Gravel
The Ores Have It Benevolence 68 Keltraeng Kugane (x11.6,y9.6) Mount Yorn Experience 405,000 Gil 764 Valuable ore icon1.png  Valuable Ore, Worthless ore (the ores have it) icon1.png  Worthless Ore
Adios, Ala Mhigo Candor 68 Keltraeng Kugane (x11.6,y9.6) Wightrock Experience 594,000 Gil 1,080 Earthenware Shingle icon1.png  Earthenware Shingle


Guildleve Category Level NPC Zone Coordinates Objective Location EXP Gil Items Needed
Barmy for Ballistas Benevolence 70 Eirikur The Crystarium (x9.7,y9.0) Kholusia Experience 453,593 Gil 1,517 Kholusian iron ore icon1.png  Kholusian Iron Ore, Exceptional kholusian iron ore icon1.png  Exceptional Kholusian Iron Ore
Jewelry for All Piety 70 Eirikur The Crystarium (x9.7,y9.0) Kholusia Experience 601,705 Gil 1,517 Raw callais icon1.png  Raw Callais, Exquisite callais icon1.png  Exquisite Callais
The Search for Slag Munificence 70 Eirikur The Crystarium (x9.7,y9.0) Kholusia Experience 666,504 Gil 1,517 Kholusian slag icon1.png  Kholusian Slag
Secret Stones Piety 72 Eirikur The Crystarium (x9.7,y9.0) Il Mheg Experience 617,500 Gil 1,577 Voeburtite quartz icon1.png  Voeburtite Quartz, Immaculate voeburtite quartz icon1.png  Immaculate Voeburtite Quartz
New Necklaces Candor 72 Eirikur The Crystarium (x9.7,y9.0) Il Mheg Experience 684,000 Gil 1,577 Pink sapphire icon1.png  Pink Sapphire
Crystallized Revenge Munificence 72 Eirikur The Crystarium (x9.7,y9.0) Il Mheg Experience 684,000 Gil 1,577 Il mheg topaz icon1.png  Il Mheg Topaz
Knowledge Is Power Benevolence 74 Eirikur The Crystarium (x9.7,y9.0) The Rak'tika Greatwood Experience 504,847 Gil 1,637 Pip of the protector icon1.png  Pip of the Protector, Perfect pip of the protector icon1.png  Perfect Pip of the Protector
Jewels for Jewelry Munificence 74 Eirikur The Crystarium (x9.7,y9.0) The Rak'tika Greatwood Experience 741,816 Gil 1,637 Rak tika jade icon1.png  Rak'tika Jade
Rocks from Rak'tika Piety 74 Eirikur The Crystarium (x9.7,y9.0) The Rak'tika Greatwood Experience 669,695 Gil 1,637 Poison-soaked gravel icon1.png  Poison-soaked Gravel, Poison-coated gravel icon1.png  Poison-coated Gravel
The Magic of Mining Benevolence 76 Eirikur The Crystarium (x9.7,y9.0) Amh Araeng Experience 581,140 Gil 1,697 Talos component icon1.png  Talos Component, Untarnished talos component icon1.png  Untarnished Talos Component
Jewelry Is Forever Munificence 76 Eirikur The Crystarium (x9.7,y9.0) Amh Araeng Experience 853,920 Gil 1,697 Nabaathite ore icon1.png  Nabaathite Ore
Road to Recovery Candor 76 Eirikur The Crystarium (x9.7,y9.0) Amh Araeng Experience 853,920 Gil 1,697 Puricon icon1.png  Puricon
Lakeland's Legacy Piety 78 Eirikur The Crystarium (x9.7,y9.0) Lakeland Experience 905,710 Gil 1,757 Useful-looking debris icon1.png  Useful-looking Debris, Sturdy-looking debris icon1.png  Sturdy-looking Debris
Crystal Meds Benevolence 78 Eirikur The Crystarium (x9.7,y9.0) Lakeland Experience 682,766 Gil 1,757 Source salt crystal icon1.png  Source Salt Crystal, Source salt geode icon1.png  Source Salt Geode
Back Stronger Candor 78 Eirikur The Crystarium (x9.7,y9.0) Lakeland Experience 1,003,248 Gil 1,757 Prasiolite icon1.png  Prasiolite


Guildleve Category Level NPC Zone Coordinates Objective Location EXP Gil Items Needed
One Man's Rock Piety 80 Grigge Old Sharlayan (x12.2,y13.4) Labyrinthos Experience 1,032,135 Gil 1,864 Eye-catching stone icon1.png  Eye-catching Stone, Dpellbinding stone icon1.png  Spellbinding Stone
Explosive Progress Munificence 80 Grigge Old Sharlayan (x12.2,y13.4) Labyrinthos Experience 1,143,288 Gil 2,044 Sturdy silica icon1.png  Sturdy Silica
An Unstable Foundation Benevolence 80 Grigge Old Sharlayan (x12.2,y13.4) Labyrinthos Experience 778,071 Gil 1,774 Bedrock sample icon1.png  Bedrock Sample, Rich bedrock sample icon1.png  Rich Bedrock Sample
To Boldly Gall Munificence 82 Grigge Old Sharlayan (x12.2,y13.4) Thavnair Experience 1,224,576 Gil 2,088 Enchanting giantsgall icon1.png  Enchanting Giantsgall
The Gall on That Giant Piety 82 Grigge Old Sharlayan (x12.2,y13.4) Thavnair Experience 1,105,520 Gil 1,904 Thavnairian giantsgall icon1.png  Thavnairian Giantsgall, Shimmering thavnairian giantsgall icon1.png  Shimmering Thavnairian Giantsgall
Just in Lime Candor 82 Grigge Old Sharlayan (x12.2,y13.4) Thavnair Experience 1,224,576 Gil 2,088 Enriching limestone icon1.png  Enriching Limestone
A Rock After My Own Heart Candor 84 Grigge Old Sharlayan (x12.2,y13.4) Garlemald Experience 1,316,160 Gil 2,132 Entrancing northern stone icon1.png  Entrancing Northern Stone
Training Up Piety 84 Grigge Old Sharlayan (x12.2,y13.4) Garlemald Experience 1,188,200 Gil 1,944 Mark xlix plating icon1.png  Mark XLIX Plating, Flawless mark xlix plating icon1.png  Flawless Mark XLIX Plating
March for Magitek Benevolence 84 Grigge Old Sharlayan (x12.2,y13.4) Garlemald Experience 895,720 Gil 1,794 Military-grade ceruleum engine component icon1.png  Military-grade Ceruleum Engine Component, Undamaged military-grade ceruleum engine component icon1.png  Undamaged Military-grade Ceruleum Engine Component
Sand in My Boots Munificence 86 Grigge Old Sharlayan (x12.2,y13.4) Thavnair Experience 1,409,040 Gil 2,176 Fine sand (key item) icon1.png  Fine Sand
Enriching the Soil Benevolence 86 Grigge Old Sharlayan (x12.2,y13.4) Thavnair Experience 958,930 Gil 1,812 Stone powder icon1.png  Stone Powder, Glimmering stone powder icon1.png  Glimmering Stone Powder
Stone Cold Candor 86 Grigge Old Sharlayan (x12.2,y13.4) Thavnair Experience 1,409,040 Gil 2,176 Dazzling volcanic rock icon1.png  Dazzling Volcanic Rock
Rocks of a Feather Piety 88 Grigge Old Sharlayan (x12.2,y13.4) Labyrinthos Experience 1,366,495 Gil 2,024 Captivating mineral icon1.png  Captivating Mineral, Marvelous mineral icon1.png  Marvelous Mineral
Reactionary Reactors Benevolence 88 Grigge Old Sharlayan (x12.2,y13.4) Labyrinthos Experience 1,030,127 Gil 1,828 Soil sample icon1.png  Soil Sample, Rich soil sample icon1.png  Rich Soil Sample
The Final Touch Munificence 88 Grigge Old Sharlayan (x12.2,y13.4) Labyrinthos Experience 1,513,656 Gil 2,220 Dark annite icon1.png  Dark Annite