UserWiki:Dr Agon

From Final Fantasy XIV Online Wiki
Revision as of 06:15, 28 July 2023 by Dr Agon (talk | contribs)
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Item Class Recipe Level Type Yield Durability Difficulty Max Quality Ingredients
Enchanted mythrite ink icon1.png  Enchanted Mythrite Ink Alchemist 51 Reagent 1 40 110 1656
Growth formula epsilon icon1.png  Growth Formula Epsilon Alchemist 51 Reagent 1 40 110 1656
Void Glue.png  Void Glue Alchemist 51 Reagent 1 40 110 1656
Archaeoskin codex icon1.png  Archaeoskin Codex Alchemist 51 Scholar's Arm 1 80 220 2070
Archaeoskin grimoire icon1.png  Archaeoskin Grimoire Alchemist 51 Arcanist's Grimoire 1 80 220 2070
Deep-blue enchanted ink icon1.png  Deep-blue Enchanted Ink
(Learned from: Master alchemist i icon1.png  Master Alchemist I)
Alchemist 51 Reagent 3 80 220 2070
Deep-green enchanted ink icon1.png  Deep-green Enchanted Ink
(Learned from: Master alchemist i icon1.png  Master Alchemist I)
Alchemist 51 Reagent 3 80 220 2070
Deep-red enchanted ink icon1.png  Deep-red Enchanted Ink
(Learned from: Master alchemist i icon1.png  Master Alchemist I)
Alchemist 51 Reagent 3 80 220 2070
Mythrite nugget icon1.png  Mythrite Nugget Armorer 51 Metal 1 40 110 1656
Mythrite rivets icon1.png  Mythrite Rivets Armorer 51 Metal 1 40 110 1656
Mythrite gauntlets of fending icon1.png  Mythrite Gauntlets of Fending Armorer 51 Hands 1 80 220 2070
Mythrite gauntlets of maiming icon1.png  Mythrite Gauntlets of Maiming Armorer 51 Hands 1 80 220 2070
Mythrite hauberk of fending icon1.png  Mythrite Hauberk of Fending Armorer 51 Body 1 80 220 2070
Mythrite hauberk of maiming icon1.png  Mythrite Hauberk of Maiming Armorer 51 Body 1 80 220 2070
Mythrite sabatons of fending icon1.png  Mythrite Sabatons of Fending Armorer 51 Feet 1 80 220 2070
Mythrite sabatons of maiming icon1.png  Mythrite Sabatons of Maiming Armorer 51 Feet 1 80 220 2070
Mythrite sallet of fending icon1.png  Mythrite Sallet of Fending Armorer 51 Head 1 80 220 2070
Mythrite sallet of maiming icon1.png  Mythrite Sallet of Maiming Armorer 51 Head 1 80 220 2070
Mythrite scutum icon1.png  Mythrite Scutum Armorer 51 Shield 1 80 220 2070
Mythrite nugget icon1.png  Mythrite Nugget Blacksmith 51 Metal 1 40 110 1656
Mythrite rivets icon1.png  Mythrite Rivets Blacksmith 51 Metal 1 40 110 1656
Mythrite claymore icon1.png  Mythrite Claymore Blacksmith 51 Dark Knight's Arm 1 80 220 2070
Mythrite katzbalger icon1.png  Mythrite Katzbalger Blacksmith 51 Gladiator's Arm 1 80 220 2070
Mythrite patas icon1.png  Mythrite Patas Blacksmith 51 Pugilist's Arm 1 80 220 2070
Mythrite pugiones icon1.png  Mythrite Pugiones Blacksmith 51 Rogue's Arm 1 80 220 2070
Mythrite uchigatana icon1.png  Mythrite Uchigatana Blacksmith 51 Samurai's Arm 1 80 220 2070
Mythrite war axe icon1.png  Mythrite War Axe Blacksmith 51 Marauder's Arm 1 80 220 2070
Mythrite-barreled arquebus icon1.png  Mythrite-barreled Arquebus Blacksmith 51 Machinist's Arm 1 80 220 2070
Cedar lumber icon1.png  Cedar Lumber Carpenter 51 Lumber 1 40 110 1656
Imitation shuttered window icon1.png  Imitation Shuttered Window Carpenter 51 Wall-mounted 1 80 220 1035
Round banquet table icon1.png  Round Banquet Table Carpenter 51 Table 1 80 220 1035
Cedar crook icon1.png  Cedar Crook Carpenter 51 Two-handed Conjurer's Arm 1 80 220 2070
Cedar longbow icon1.png  Cedar Longbow Carpenter 51 Archer's Arm 1 80 220 2070
Mythrite trident icon1.png  Mythrite Trident Carpenter 51 Lancer's Arm 1 80 220 2070
Sour cream icon1.png  Sour Cream Culinarian 51 Ingredient 3 40 110 1656
Fig bavarois icon1.png  Fig Bavarois Culinarian 51 Meal 3 80 220 2070
Agate icon1.png  Agate Goldsmith 51 Stone 1 40 110 1656
Mythrite nugget icon1.png  Mythrite Nugget Goldsmith 51 Metal 1 40 110 1656
Tigers eye icon1.png  Tiger's Eye Goldsmith 51 Stone 1 40 110 1656
Agate ring of aiming icon1.png  Agate Ring of Aiming Goldsmith 51 Ring 1 80 220 2070
Agate ring of casting icon1.png  Agate Ring of Casting Goldsmith 51 Ring 1 80 220 2070
Agate ring of fending icon1.png  Agate Ring of Fending Goldsmith 51 Ring 1 80 220 2070
Agate ring of healing icon1.png  Agate Ring of Healing Goldsmith 51 Ring 1 80 220 2070
Agate ring of slaying icon1.png  Agate Ring of Slaying Goldsmith 51 Ring 1 80 220 2070
Mythrite bangle of aiming icon1.png  Mythrite Bangle of Aiming Goldsmith 51 Bracelets 1 80 220 2070
Mythrite bangle of casting icon1.png  Mythrite Bangle of Casting Goldsmith 51 Bracelets 1 80 220 2070
Mythrite bangle of fending icon1.png  Mythrite Bangle of Fending Goldsmith 51 Bracelets 1 80 220 2070
Mythrite bangle of healing icon1.png  Mythrite Bangle of Healing Goldsmith 51 Bracelets 1 80 220 2070
Mythrite bangle of slaying icon1.png  Mythrite Bangle of Slaying Goldsmith 51 Bracelets 1 80 220 2070
Mythrite circlet of striking icon1.png  Mythrite Circlet of Striking Goldsmith 51 Head 1 80 220 2070
Mythrite earrings of aiming icon1.png  Mythrite Earrings of Aiming Goldsmith 51 Earrings 1 80 220 2070
Mythrite earrings of casting icon1.png  Mythrite Earrings of Casting Goldsmith 51 Earrings 1 80 220 2070
Mythrite earrings of fending icon1.png  Mythrite Earrings of Fending Goldsmith 51 Earrings 1 80 220 2070
Mythrite earrings of healing icon1.png  Mythrite Earrings of Healing Goldsmith 51 Earrings 1 80 220 2070
Mythrite earrings of slaying icon1.png  Mythrite Earrings of Slaying Goldsmith 51 Earrings 1 80 220 2070
Mythrite goggles of crafting icon1.png  Mythrite Goggles of Crafting Goldsmith 51 Head 1 80 220 2070
Mythrite goggles of gathering icon1.png  Mythrite Goggles of Gathering Goldsmith 51 Head 1 80 220 2070
Mythrite rapier icon1.png  Mythrite Rapier Goldsmith 51 Red Mage's Arm 1 80 220 2070
Mythrite star globe icon1.png  Mythrite Star Globe Goldsmith 51 Astrologian's Arm 1 80 220 2070
Yeti staff icon1.png  Yeti Staff Goldsmith 51 Two-handed Thaumaturge's Arm 1 80 220 2070
Archaeornis Leather.png  Archaeornis Leather Leatherworker 51 Leather 1 40 110 1656
Archaeoskin boots icon1.png  Archaeoskin Boots Leatherworker 51 Feet 1 80 220 2070
Archaeoskin boots of scouting icon1.png  Archaeoskin Boots of Scouting Leatherworker 51 Feet 1 80 220 2070
Archaeoskin boots of striking icon1.png  Archaeoskin Boots of Striking Leatherworker 51 Feet 1 80 220 2070
Archaeoskin breeches of fending icon1.png  Archaeoskin Breeches of Fending Leatherworker 51 Legs 1 80 220 2070
Archaeoskin breeches of maiming icon1.png  Archaeoskin Breeches of Maiming Leatherworker 51 Legs 1 80 220 2070
Archaeoskin cloche icon1.png  Archaeoskin Cloche Leatherworker 51 Head 1 80 220 2070
Archaeoskin gloves of aiming icon1.png  Archaeoskin Gloves of Aiming Leatherworker 51 Hands 1 80 220 2070
Archaeoskin gloves of casting icon1.png  Archaeoskin Gloves of Casting Leatherworker 51 Hands 1 80 220 2070
Archaeoskin gloves of crafting icon1.png  Archaeoskin Gloves of Crafting Leatherworker 51 Hands 1 80 220 2070
Archaeoskin gloves of gathering icon1.png  Archaeoskin Gloves of Gathering Leatherworker 51 Hands 1 80 220 2070
Archaeoskin gloves of healing icon1.png  Archaeoskin Gloves of Healing Leatherworker 51 Hands 1 80 220 2070
Archaeoskin gloves of striking icon1.png  Archaeoskin Gloves of Striking Leatherworker 51 Hands 1 80 220 2070
Archaeoskin halfboots icon1.png  Archaeoskin Halfboots Leatherworker 51 Feet 1 80 220 2070
Archaeoskin shoes of aiming icon1.png  Archaeoskin Shoes of Aiming Leatherworker 51 Feet 1 80 220 2070
Archaeoskin shoes of casting icon1.png  Archaeoskin Shoes of Casting Leatherworker 51 Feet 1 80 220 2070
Archaeoskin shoes of healing icon1.png  Archaeoskin Shoes of Healing Leatherworker 51 Feet 1 80 220 2070
Rainbow cloth icon1.png  Rainbow Cloth Weaver 51 Cloth 1 40 110 1656
Rainbow thread icon1.png  Rainbow Thread Weaver 51 Cloth 2 40 110 1656
Rainbow bolero of striking icon1.png  Rainbow Bolero of Striking Weaver 51 Body 1 80 220 2070
Rainbow breeches icon1.png  Rainbow Breeches Weaver 51 Legs 1 80 220 2070
Rainbow bustle icon1.png  Rainbow Bustle Weaver 51 Body 1 80 220 2070
Rainbow cap of aiming icon1.png  Rainbow Cap of Aiming Weaver 51 Head 1 80 220 2070
Rainbow cap of casting icon1.png  Rainbow Cap of Casting Weaver 51 Head 1 80 220 2070
Rainbow cap of healing icon1.png  Rainbow Cap of Healing Weaver 51 Head 1 80 220 2070
Rainbow coif of scouting icon1.png  Rainbow Coif of Scouting Weaver 51 Head 1 80 220 2070
Rainbow culottes of striking icon1.png  Rainbow Culottes of Striking Weaver 51 Legs 1 80 220 2070
Rainbow halfgloves of scouting icon1.png  Rainbow Halfgloves of Scouting Weaver 51 Hands 1 80 220 2070
Rainbow justaucorps icon1.png  Rainbow Justaucorps Weaver 51 Body 1 80 220 2070
Rainbow ribbon of aiming icon1.png  Rainbow Ribbon of Aiming Weaver 51 Necklace 1 80 220 2070
Rainbow ribbon of casting icon1.png  Rainbow Ribbon of Casting Weaver 51 Necklace 1 80 220 2070
Rainbow ribbon of fending icon1.png  Rainbow Ribbon of Fending Weaver 51 Necklace 1 80 220 2070
Rainbow ribbon of healing icon1.png  Rainbow Ribbon of Healing Weaver 51 Necklace 1 80 220 2070
Rainbow ribbon of slaying icon1.png  Rainbow Ribbon of Slaying Weaver 51 Necklace 1 80 220 2070
Rainbow robe of aiming icon1.png  Rainbow Robe of Aiming Weaver 51 Body 1 80 220 2070
Rainbow robe of casting icon1.png  Rainbow Robe of Casting Weaver 51 Body 1 80 220 2070
Rainbow robe of healing icon1.png  Rainbow Robe of Healing Weaver 51 Body 1 80 220 2070
Rainbow sarouel of scouting icon1.png  Rainbow Sarouel of Scouting Weaver 51 Legs 1 80 220 2070
Rainbow shirt of scouting icon1.png  Rainbow Shirt of Scouting Weaver 51 Body 1 80 220 2070
Rainbow slops of aiming icon1.png  Rainbow Slops of Aiming Weaver 51 Legs 1 80 220 2070
Rainbow slops of casting icon1.png  Rainbow Slops of Casting Weaver 51 Legs 1 80 220 2070
Rainbow slops of healing icon1.png  Rainbow Slops of Healing Weaver 51 Legs 1 80 220 2070

fending > maiming > striking > scouting > aiming > casting > healing

  • 027000 - pomanders
  • 28-29 - fish
  • 30-49 - gear
  • 50-57 - furniture, belts, accessories
  • 58-59 - barding, minions, mounts
  • 60 - some ui, weather, map symbol
  • 061000 - custom delivery portraits
  • 062000 - job icons
  • 070000 - misc location banners, variant dungeon lore
  • 072000/073000 - blue mage, bozja lore, duty support/trust, solo duty portraits
  • 081000 - sightseeing
  • 110000 - fishing log banners?
  • 112000 - duty banners
  • 113000 - WT banners

Category:Needs role future proofing

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