Esuna Necessity Guide

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See also: Esuna



Stormblood Dungeons

Instance Esuna Needed? Esuna Targets Selene Instead? Selene Reason
The Temple of the Fist Minorly Helpful Paralyze for Coeurl mobs
Kugane Castle Highly Helpful Vuln Up on second boss flip panels
Ala Mhigo Useless
Castrum Abania Required Vulnerability and Bleed on last boss No Happens too often
Doma Castle Useless
Bardam's Mettle Highly Helpful Boss 1 Debuffs
Shisui of the Violet Tides Minorly Helpful Vuln Up on first trash pull Yes
The Sirensong Sea Useless

Heavensward Dungeons

Instance Esuna Needed? Esuna Targets Selene Instead? Selene Reason
Sohm Al (Hard) Minorly Helpful Heavy at first boss, Vuln debuff from geysers No Happens too often
Baelsar's Wall Minorly Helpful Last boss's flash bomb, archer poisons, slow from mobs? Yes
The Great Gubal Library (Hard) Useless
Xelphatol Highly Helpful Windburn on the first boss Yes
Hullbreaker Isle (Hard) Required Heavy at last boss, Paralyze, Vuln, etc. from random mobs Yes
Sohr Khai Required Heavy at last boss Yes
The Lost City of Amdapor (Hard) Minorly Helpful Blind from Pots on last trash pack Mixed Happens too often, but Selene is super helpful
The Antitower Required Concussion at first boss Yes
Pharos Sirius (Hard) Useless
Saint Mocianne's Arboretum Highly Helpful Morbol debuffs at first boss No Too many debuffs
The Fractal Continuum Required Bomb debuff at last boss No Happens too often
Neverreap Minorly Helpful Bleed at second boss No
The Aetherochemical Research Facility Highly Helpful Stun on first boss, Poison on second, Debuff party on last Mixed Yes on first boss, Maybe on Second, No on last, too many debuffs
The Great Gubal Library Required Heavy/Slow on first boss, Blind from inkhorns
The Vault Highly Helpful Slow/Bleed from Horse mobs, Heavy on second boss, burns from priests No Happens too often
The Aery Highly Helpful Heavy on first boss, Disease on second No Happens too often
Sohm Al Minorly Helpful Poison from seed pods before first boss No Happens too often
The Dusk Vigil Useless

A Realm Reborn Dungeons

Instance Esuna Needed? Esuna Targets Selene Instead? Selene Reason
Amdapor Keep (Hard) Useless
The Wanderer's Palace (Hard) Required Poison room, Rot Gas on last boss Yes
The Keeper of the Lake Useless
The Sunken Temple of Qarn (Hard) Useless
Sastasha (Hard) Required Slime Debuff/Instant Kill on first boss Yes Must be manually controlled, second round has 2x Slime Debuff
Snowcloak Useless
The Tam-Tara Deepcroft (Hard) Highly Helpful Disease after second boss, Poison on mobs No Happens too often
The Stone Vigil (Hard) Useless
Hullbreaker Isle Minorly Helpful Flesh wound from traps, poison and vuln up from trash
Brayflox's Longstop (Hard) Minorly Helpful Paralyze for Coeurl near end No Happens too often
Halatali (Hard) Minorly Helpful Lightning debuff on first boss, archer poisons
The Lost City of Amdapor Minorly Helpful Poison from trash, heavy on last boss
Haukke Manor (Hard) Highly Helpful Slow on first boss, paralyze on second Yes
Copperbell Mines (Hard) Highly Helpful Disease on first boss, burns on second, heavy on third
Pharos Sirius Minorly Helpful Vuln Debuff early on, paralysis from corrupted sprites Yes
Amdapor Keep Required Disease on first and last boss, slow from demon wall Yes
The Wanderer's Palace Required Poison and Debuff on first boss, debuffs on second boss No
The Aurum Vale Highly Helpful Poison everywhere, and cause DF can't with Morbols No Too many debuffs
Dzemael Darkhold Minorly Helpful Amnesia from first boss, Vuln from Orobon
The Stone Vigil Highly Helpful Burn from first boss, Windburn on second, Frost/Paralyze from third No Happens too often
Cutter's Cry Highly Helpful Sludge on second boss, Frost/Paralyze on third, Poison from slimes No Happens too often
The Sunken Temple of Qarn Highly Helpful Paralyze on last boss Yes
Brayflox's Longstop Highly Helpful [[Coeurl, Magic Vuln from Eft No Happens too often
Haukke Manor Minorly Helpful Poison on succubi mobs, Slow on second boss Yes
The Thousand Maws of Toto-Rak Highly Helpful Slow on second boss adds, Poison everywhere Yes Happens too often, but Selene is super helpful
Halatali Highly Helpful Poison from snakes
Copperbell Mines Minorly Helpful Poison from Uragnites
The Tam-Tara Deepcroft Useless
Sastasha Minorly Helpful Paralyze from first boss, Captain Madison accuracy down N/A Selen doesn't have that ability yet


Instance Esuna Needed? Esuna Targets Selene Instead? Selene Reason
The Minstrel's Ballad: Shinryu's Domain ????
The Royal Menagerie Required Paralysis Yes Happens too often, but Selene is super helpful
Emanation (Extreme) Useless
Emanation Useless
The Pool of Tribute (Extreme) Useless
The Pool of Tribute Useless
Containment Bay Z1T9 (Extreme) Useless
Containment Bay Z1T9 Useless
Containment Bay P1T6 (Extreme) Useless
Containment Bay P1T6 Useless
The Minstrel's Ballad: Nidhogg's Rage Minorly Helpful Bleed on 2nd phase
The Final Steps of Faith Minorly Helpful Bleed on 2nd phase
Containment Bay S1T7 (Extreme) Useless
Containment Bay S1T7 Useless
The Minstrel's Ballad: Thordan's Reign Highly Helpful Paralyze from towers fail Yes
The Singularity Reactor Minorly Helpful Bleed from orbs and Paralyze from towers Yes
The Limitless Blue (Extreme) Useless
The Limitless Blue (Hard) Useless
Thok ast Thok (Extreme) Useless
Thok ast Thok (Hard) Useless
The Akh Afah Amphitheatre (Extreme) Useless
The Akh Afah Amphitheatre (Hard) Useless
The Striking Tree (Extreme) Useless
The Striking Tree (Hard) Useless
The Whorleater (Extreme) Useless
The Whorleater (Hard) Useless
Thornmarch (Extreme) Required Thrown for a Loop from tank moogle Yes
Thornmarch (Hard) Highly Helpful Thrown for a Loop from tank moogle Yes
The Howling Eye (Extreme) Useless
The Howling Eye (Hard) Useless
The Howling Eye Useless
The Navel (Extreme) Useless
The Navel (Hard) Required Damage Down (if outgear you don't need it) Yes
The Navel Useless
The Bowl of Embers (Extreme) Useless
The Bowl of Embers (Hard) Useless
The Bowl of Embers Useless
The Minstrel's Ballad: Ultima's Bane Useless
Urth's Fount Highly Helpful Damage Down and Bleed Mixed Happens too often, though Selene is incredibly helpful
The Steps of Faith Minorly Helpful Poison Yes
The Chrysalis Useless
A Relic Reborn: The Hydra Highly Helpful Frostbite? Mixed Happens too often, though Selene is incredibly helpful
A Relic Reborn: The Chimera Highly Helpful Various Chimera debuffs Mixed Happens too often, though Selene is incredibly helpful
Cape Westwind Useless
Battle in the Big Keep Highly Helpful Slow/Heavy in first phase Yes
The Dragon's Neck Useless
Battle on the Big Bridge Useless

8-Man Raids

Instance Esuna Needed? Esuna Targets Selene Instead? Selene Reason
Sigmascape V4.0 (Savage) ????
Sigmascape V3.0 (Savage) ????
Sigmascape V2.0 (Savage) ????
Sigmascape V1.0 (Savage) ????
Sigmascape V4.0 ????
Sigmascape V3.0 ????
Sigmascape V2.0 ????
Sigmascape V1.0 ????
Deltascape V4.0 (Savage) Required?? Doom (assuming)
Deltascape V3.0 (Savage) ????
Deltascape V2.0 (Savage) ????
Deltascape V1.0 (Savage) ????
Deltascape V4.0 Required Doom ???
Deltascape V3.0 ????
Deltascape V2.0 ????
Deltascape V1.0 ????
Alexander - The Soul of the Creator (Savage) Useless
Alexander - The Heart of the Creator (Savage) Minorly Helpful Vulnerability from Numbers Yes Better than doing it manually
Alexander - The Breath of the Creator (Savage) Useless
Alexander - The Eyes of the Creator (Savage) Highly Helpful Concussion, Bleed from Scrap Bomb Yes
Alexander - The Soul of the Creator Useless
Alexander - The Heart of the Creator Highly Helpful Confusion Yes
Alexander - The Breath of the Creator Useless
Alexander - The Eyes of the Creator Highly Helpful Burn from floor, Bleed from Scrap Bomb Yes Unless your party really sucks
Alexander - The Burden of the Son (Savage) Required Bleed
Alexander - The Arm of the Son (Savage) Useless
Alexander - The Cuff of the Son (Savage) Useless
Alexander - The Fist of the Son (Savage) Useless
Alexander - The Burden of the Son Useless
Alexander - The Arm of the Son Useless
Alexander - The Cuff of the Son Useless
Alexander - The Fist of the Son Useless
Alexander - The Burden of the Father (Savage) Useless
Alexander - The Arm of the Father (Savage) Required Throttle Debuff ???
Alexander - The Cuff of the Father (Savage) Useless
Alexander - The Fist of the Father (Savage) Useless
Alexander - The Burden of the Father Useless
Alexander - The Arm of the Father Useless
Alexander - The Cuff of the Father Useless
Alexander - The Fist of the Father Useless
The Final Coil of Bahamut - Turn 4 High damage DoT
The Final Coil of Bahamut - Turn 3 Useless
The Final Coil of Bahamut - Turn 2 Useless
The Final Coil of Bahamut - Turn 1 Useless
The Second Coil of Bahamut - Turn 4 (Savage) ????
The Second Coil of Bahamut - Turn 3 (Savage) ????
The Second Coil of Bahamut - Turn 2 (Savage) Poisons Yes
The Second Coil of Bahamut - Turn 1 (Savage) ????
The Second Coil of Bahamut - Turn 4 Useless
The Second Coil of Bahamut - Turn 3 Highly Helpful Bleed Yes
The Second Coil of Bahamut - Turn 2 Poison Yes
The Second Coil of Bahamut - Turn 1 Useless
The Binding Coil of Bahamut - Turn 5 Useless
The Binding Coil of Bahamut - Turn 4 Useless
The Binding Coil of Bahamut - Turn 3 Useless
The Binding Coil of Bahamut - Turn 2 Highly Helpful Paralysis from High Voltage Mixed Happens too often, but Selene is super helpful
The Binding Coil of Bahamut - Turn 1 Highly Helpful Paralysis from High Voltage Mixed Happens too often, but Selene is super helpful

24-Man Raids

Instance Esuna Needed? Esuna Targets Selene Instead? Selene Reason
Dun Scaith Required Doom on first and last boss, Nightmare on last boss Yes
Weeping City of Mhach Required Doom and poison on second boss adds, Bleed on third and last Mixed Too often, but Selene really helps
The Void Ark Highly Helpful Poison on third boss Yes
World of Darkness Highly Helpful Chimeras, Poisons on second and third bosses, Debuff on final boss lurkers
Syrcus Tower Highly Helpful Bomb debuff on third boss Yes
The Labyrinth of the Ancients Useless

MSQ Roulette

Instance Esuna Needed? Esuna Targets Selene Instead? Selene Reason
The Praetorium Useless
Castrum Meridianum Useless


Instance Esuna Needed? Esuna Targets Selene Instead? Selene Reason
Solemn Trinity Useless
Ward Up Useless
Long Live the Queen Minorly Helpful Sleep from initial slime adds
Shadow and Claw Useless
Annoy the Void Useless
More than a Feeler Highly Helpful Morbol Breath
Flicking Sticks and Taking Names Useless
All's Well that Ends in the Well Required Debuff party hest
Stinging Back Useless
Pulling Poison Posies Useless
Hero on the Halfshell Useless
Basic Training: Enemy Strongholds Useless
Under the Armor Useless
Basic Training: Enemy Parties Useless