Sea of Ash

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The Sea of Ash is a body of water to the southeast of Eorzea and makes up part of the Five Seas that surround the continent. The body of water is known for being choppy and rough and houses a particularly treacherous area known as The Drown, a rocky reef that has claimed the life of many sailors. The sea extends to the north of Othard.

Name Rank Alias Unlocked via Experience Items
Wreckage of the Windwalker 50 B South Isle of Zozonan 440,990 Wind shard icon1.png  Wind Shard, Wind crystal icon1.png  Wind Crystal, Teak log icon1.png  Teak Log, Spruce log icon1.png  Spruce Log, Deep-red cluster icon1.png  Deep-red Cluster, Deep-blue cluster icon1.png  Deep-blue Cluster, Balsa wood scrap icon1.png  Balsa Wood Scrap, Persimmon log icon1.png  Persimmon Log, Crystal boule icon1.png  Crystal Boule, White oak log icon1.png  White Oak Log, Cocobolo lumber icon1.png  Cocobolo Lumber, Cryptomeria log icon1.png  Cryptomeria Log
South Isle of Zozonan 50 A Sunken Vault 440,990 Earth shard icon1.png  Earth Shard, Earth crystal icon1.png  Earth Crystal, Stiperstone icon1.png  Stiperstone, Hardsilver sand icon1.png  Hardsilver Sand, Synthetic fiber icon1.png  Synthetic Fiber, Heavens eye materia vi icon1.png  Heavens' Eye Materia VI, Quickarm materia vi icon1.png  Quickarm Materia VI, Battledance Materia VI.png  Battledance Materia VI, Cloudsbreath icon1.png  Cloudsbreath, Truegold sand icon1.png  Truegold Sand, Hard mudstone icon1.png  Hard Mudstone, Pure titanium ore icon1.png  Pure Titanium Ore, Cocobolo lumber icon1.png  Cocobolo Lumber
North Isle of Zozonan 54 C Wreckage of the Windwalker 480,270 Water Shard.png  Water Shard, Water Crystal.png  Water Crystal, Platinum ore icon1.png  Platinum Ore, Adamantite ore icon1.png  Adamantite Ore, Bamboo weave icon1.png  Bamboo Weave, Red clay icon1.png  Red Clay, Black clay icon1.png  Black Clay, Savage aim materia vi icon1.png  Savage Aim Materia VI, Savage might materia vi icon1.png  Savage Might Materia VI, Quicktongue materia vi icon1.png  Quicktongue Materia VI, Truegold sand icon1.png  Truegold Sand, Truegold ore icon1.png  Truegold Ore, Savage might materia vii icon1.png  Savage Might Materia VII, Heavens eye materia vii icon1.png  Heavens' Eye Materia VII, Pure titanium ore icon1.png  Pure Titanium Ore
Sea of Ash 1 54 D North Isle of Zozonan 480,270 Fire Shard.png  Fire Shard, Fire crystal icon1.png  Fire Crystal, Mahogany log icon1.png  Mahogany Log, Teak log icon1.png  Teak Log, Red clay icon1.png  Red Clay, Old-growth camphorwood log icon1.png  Old-growth Camphorwood Log, White ash log icon1.png  White Ash Log, Truegold ore icon1.png  Truegold Ore, White oak log icon1.png  White Oak Log, Miracle apple log icon1.png  Miracle Apple Log, Piety materia vii icon1.png  Piety Materia VII, Cocobolo lumber icon1.png  Cocobolo Lumber, Cryptomeria log icon1.png  Cryptomeria Log
The Southern Charnel Trench 57 E Sea of Ash 1 522,300 Lightning shard icon1.png  Lightning Shard, Lightning crystal icon1.png  Lightning Crystal, Cobalt ore icon1.png  Cobalt Ore, Vivianite icon1.png  Vivianite, Mythrite sand icon1.png  Mythrite Sand, Smithsonite ore icon1.png  Smithsonite Ore, Marine wax ester icon1.png  Marine Wax Ester, Crimson coral icon1.png  Crimson Coral, Manasilver sand icon1.png  Manasilver Sand, Bluespirit ore icon1.png  Bluespirit Ore, Sharksucker-class insubmersible icon2.png  Sharksucker-class Insubmersible
Sea of Ash 2 57 F North Isle of Zozonan 522,300 Ice shard icon1.png  Ice Shard, Ice crystal icon1.png  Ice Crystal, Astral moraine icon1.png  Astral Moraine, Cedar log icon1.png  Cedar Log, Cassia log icon1.png  Cassia Log, Dark chestnut log icon1.png  Dark Chestnut Log, Torreya log icon1.png  Torreya Log, Zelkova log icon1.png  Zelkova Log, Abroader otter icon2.png  Abroader Otter, White ash log icon1.png  White Ash Log, Sandteak log icon1.png  Sandteak Log, Miracle apple log icon1.png  Miracle Apple Log, Battledance materia vii icon1.png  Battledance Materia VII, Cocobolo lumber icon1.png  Cocobolo Lumber
Ascetic's Demise 60 H Sea of Ash 3 548,410 Electrum ingot icon1.png  Electrum Ingot, Gold ore icon1.png  Gold Ore, Platinum ingot icon1.png  Platinum Ingot, Rhodonite icon1.png  Rhodonite, Salvaged ring icon1.png  Salvaged Ring, Extravagant salvaged necklace icon1.png  Extravagant Salvaged Necklace, Extravagant salvaged ring icon1.png  Extravagant Salvaged Ring, Extravagant salvaged earring icon1.png  Extravagant Salvaged Earring, Salvaged bracelet icon1.png  Salvaged Bracelet, Extravagant salvaged bracelet icon1.png  Extravagant Salvaged Bracelet, Salvaged coinage icon1.png  Salvaged Coinage, Undersea spoils icon1.png  Undersea Spoils
Sea of Ash 3 60 G Sea of Ash 2 548,410 Clear glass lens icon1.png  Clear Glass Lens, Polarized glass icon1.png  Polarized Glass, Unaspected crystal icon1.png  Unaspected Crystal, Raw celestine icon1.png  Raw Celestine, Red moko grass icon1.png  Red Moko Grass, Aetherochemical fiber icon1.png  Aetherochemical Fiber, Crystal glass icon1.png  Crystal Glass, Synthetic resin icon1.png  Synthetic Resin, Tempered glass icon1.png  Tempered Glass, Kudzu cloth icon1.png  Kudzu Cloth, Abroader otter icon2.png  Abroader Otter, Emerald crystal boule icon1.png  Emerald Crystal Boule
The Catacombs of the Father 60 J The Central Charnel Trench 548,410 Ice cluster icon1.png  Ice Cluster, Earth cluster icon1.png  Earth Cluster, Wind cluster icon1.png  Wind Cluster, Fire cluster icon1.png  Fire Cluster, Lightning cluster icon1.png  Lightning Cluster, Water cluster icon1.png  Water Cluster, Star ruby icon1.png  Star Ruby, Rhodonite icon1.png  Rhodonite, Titanium Ore.png  Titanium Ore, Synthetic fiber icon1.png  Synthetic Fiber, Volcanic tuff icon1.png  Volcanic Tuff, Hard mudstone icon1.png  Hard Mudstone, Ruby crystal boule icon1.png  Ruby Crystal Boule, Antique vessels icon1.png  Antique Vessels
Sea of Ash 4 60 K Ascetic's Demise 548,410 Wind crystal icon1.png  Wind Crystal, Cassia log icon1.png  Cassia Log, Astral oil icon1.png  Astral Oil, Beech log icon1.png  Beech Log, Zelkova log icon1.png  Zelkova Log, Nagxian silk icon1.png  Nagxian Silk, White oak log icon1.png  White Oak Log, Miracle apple log icon1.png  Miracle Apple Log, Savage aim materia vii icon1.png  Savage Aim Materia VII, Quickarm materia vii icon1.png  Quickarm Materia VII, Cryptomeria log icon1.png  Cryptomeria Log, Sharksucker-class insubmersible icon2.png  Sharksucker-class Insubmersible
The Central Charnel Trench 60 I Sea of Ash 3 548,410 Silver ore icon1.png  Silver Ore, Ferberite icon1.png  Ferberite, Hardsilver nugget icon1.png  Hardsilver Nugget, Vivianite icon1.png  Vivianite, Koppranickel nugget icon1.png  Koppranickel Nugget, Kamacite ore icon1.png  Kamacite Ore, Cerulean crystal boule icon1.png  Cerulean Crystal Boule, Manasilver sand icon1.png  Manasilver Sand, Titancopper sand icon1.png  Titancopper Sand, Bluespirit ore icon1.png  Bluespirit Ore, Quickarm materia vii icon1.png  Quickarm Materia VII, Pure titanium ore icon1.png  Pure Titanium Ore, Cryptomeria log icon1.png  Cryptomeria Log, Sharksucker-class insubmersible icon2.png  Sharksucker-class Insubmersible
The Lone Glove 63 M The Central Charnel Trench 595,020 Ice crystal icon1.png  Ice Crystal, Astral moraine icon1.png  Astral Moraine, White scorpion icon1.png  White Scorpion, Grade 7 dark matter icon1.png  Grade 7 Dark Matter, Manasilver sand icon1.png  Manasilver Sand, Truegold sand icon1.png  Truegold Sand, Dimythrite sand icon1.png  Dimythrite Sand, Battledance materia vii icon1.png  Battledance Materia VII, Pure titanium ore icon1.png  Pure Titanium Ore, Cocobolo lumber icon1.png  Cocobolo Lumber
The Midden Pit 63 L Sea of Ash 4 595,020 Water Crystal.png  Water Crystal, Unaspected crystal icon1.png  Unaspected Crystal, Rhodonite icon1.png  Rhodonite, Deep-green cluster icon1.png  Deep-green Cluster, Deep-blue cluster icon1.png  Deep-blue Cluster, Titancopper ore icon1.png  Titancopper Ore, Truegold ore icon1.png  Truegold Ore, Hard mudstone icon1.png  Hard Mudstone, Heavens eye materia vii icon1.png  Heavens' Eye Materia VII, Quicktongue materia vii icon1.png  Quicktongue Materia VII, Pure titanium ore icon1.png  Pure Titanium Ore, Ruby crystal boule icon1.png  Ruby Crystal Boule
Smuggler's Knot 65 O Coldtoe Isle 645,590 Gold ingot icon1.png  Gold Ingot, Lightning crystal icon1.png  Lightning Crystal, Rose gold ingot icon1.png  Rose Gold Ingot, Gold ore icon1.png  Gold Ore, Salvaged coinage icon1.png  Salvaged Coinage, Undersea spoils icon1.png  Undersea Spoils, Deepgold ingot icon1.png  Deepgold Ingot, Savage might materia vii icon1.png  Savage Might Materia VII, Tincture of intelligence icon1.png  Tincture of Intelligence, Grade 2 tincture of dexterity icon1.png  Grade 2 Tincture of Dexterity, Grade 2 tincture of strength icon1.png  Grade 2 Tincture of Strength, Antique vessels icon1.png  Antique Vessels, Golden ewer icon1.png  Golden Ewer
The Open Robe 65 P The Midden Pit 645,590 Lightning crystal icon1.png  Lightning Crystal, Earth crystal icon1.png  Earth Crystal, Torreya log icon1.png  Torreya Log, Emerald crystal boule icon1.png  Emerald Crystal Boule, White ash log icon1.png  White Ash Log, White oak log icon1.png  White Oak Log, Lignum vitae log icon1.png  Lignum Vitae Log, Sandteak log icon1.png  Sandteak Log, Cocobolo lumber icon1.png  Cocobolo Lumber, Cryptomeria log icon1.png  Cryptomeria Log, Meerkat icon2.png  Meerkat, Silver dasher icon2.png  Silver Dasher
Coldtoe Isle 65 N The Catacombs of the Father 645,590 Earth crystal icon1.png  Earth Crystal, Black scorpion icon1.png  Black Scorpion, Grade 7 dark matter icon1.png  Grade 7 Dark Matter, Old-growth camphorwood log icon1.png  Old-growth Camphorwood Log, White ash log icon1.png  White Ash Log, White oak log icon1.png  White Oak Log, Lignum vitae log icon1.png  Lignum Vitae Log, Sandteak log icon1.png  Sandteak Log, Piety materia vii icon1.png  Piety Materia VII, Cocobolo lumber icon1.png  Cocobolo Lumber, Cryptomeria log icon1.png  Cryptomeria Log, Meerkat icon2.png  Meerkat
Nald'thal's Pipe 66 Q The Southern Charnel Trench 661,730 Fire crystal icon1.png  Fire Crystal, Stiperstone icon1.png  Stiperstone, Titanium Ore.png  Titanium Ore, Abroader otter icon2.png  Abroader Otter, Titancopper ore icon1.png  Titancopper Ore, Ruby crystal boule icon1.png  Ruby Crystal Boule, Pelagic clay icon1.png  Pelagic Clay
The Slipped Anchor 67 R The Open Robe 678,274 Lightning crystal icon1.png  Lightning Crystal, Wind crystal icon1.png  Wind Crystal, Crimson coral icon1.png  Crimson Coral, Yellow alumen icon1.png  Yellow Alumen, Vampire vine sap icon1.png  Vampire Vine Sap, Sea swallow skin icon1.png  Sea Swallow Skin, Vampire cup vine icon1.png  Vampire Cup Vine, Pixie floss boll icon1.png  Pixie Floss Boll, Dwarven cotton boll icon1.png  Dwarven Cotton Boll, Quicktongue materia vii icon1.png  Quicktongue Materia VII, Antique vessels icon1.png  Antique Vessels, Sharksucker-class insubmersible icon2.png  Sharksucker-class Insubmersible, Golden crystal boule icon1.png  Golden Crystal Boule
Glutton's Belly 69 S Coldtoe Isle 712,612 Water Crystal.png  Water Crystal, Mythrite ore icon1.png  Mythrite Ore, Mythrite sand icon1.png  Mythrite Sand, Aurelia polyp icon2.png  Aurelia Polyp, Salvaged coinage icon1.png  Salvaged Coinage, Undersea spoils icon1.png  Undersea Spoils, Dimythrite ore icon1.png  Dimythrite Ore, Dimythrite sand icon1.png  Dimythrite Sand, Battledance materia vii icon1.png  Battledance Materia VII, Piety materia vii icon1.png  Piety Materia VII, Sintered whetstone icon1.png  Sintered Whetstone
The Blue Hole 70 T Sea of Ash 4 730,428 Water Crystal.png  Water Crystal, Mythrite ore icon1.png  Mythrite Ore, Mythrite sand icon1.png  Mythrite Sand, Aurelia polyp icon2.png  Aurelia Polyp, Salvaged coinage icon1.png  Salvaged Coinage, Undersea spoils icon1.png  Undersea Spoils, Dimythrite ore icon1.png  Dimythrite Ore, Dimythrite sand icon1.png  Dimythrite Sand, Battledance materia vii icon1.png  Battledance Materia VII, Piety materia vii icon1.png  Piety Materia VII, Sintered whetstone icon1.png  Sintered Whetstone