Pugilist's Arm/Level 51 - 60

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< Pugilist's Arm
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Item Icon Level Item Level Requirement Damage (Type) Materia Slots Stats and Attributes
Martial Patas Martial patas icon1.png 51 120 PGL MNK 64 Physical Damage.png 0 Strength +48 Vitality +50 Critical Hit +33 Determination +47 
Mythrite Jamadhars Mythrite jamadhars icon1.png 52 125 PGL MNK 58 HQ icon.png65 Physical Damage.png 2 (5) Strength +46 HQ icon.png51Vitality +49 HQ icon.png54Determination +31 HQ icon.png34Skill Speed +44 HQ icon.png49
Destroyers Destroyers icon1.png 53 130 PGL MNK 65 Physical Damage.png 0 Strength +54 Vitality +58 Critical Hit +51 Skill Speed +36 
Titanium Jamadhars Titanium jamadhars icon1.png 54 133 PGL MNK 58 HQ icon.png65 Physical Damage.png 2 (5) Strength +50 HQ icon.png55Vitality +52 HQ icon.png58Critical Hit +32 HQ icon.png36Skill Speed +47 HQ icon.png52
Wargfangs Wargfangs icon1.png 55 136 PGL MNK 66 Physical Damage.png 0 Strength +56 Vitality +59 Critical Hit +55 Determination +39 
Titanium Knuckles Titanium knuckles icon1.png 56 139 PGL MNK 59 HQ icon.png66 Physical Damage.png 2 (5) Strength +50 HQ icon.png56Vitality +53 HQ icon.png59Determination +52 HQ icon.png58Skill Speed +37 HQ icon.png41
Halonic Friar's Patas Halonic friars patas icon1.png 57 142 PGL MNK 66 Physical Damage.png 0 Strength +57 Vitality +60 Critical Hit +43 Skill Speed +62 
Adamantite Jamadhars Adamantite jamadhars icon1.png 58 145 PGL MNK 60 HQ icon.png67 Physical Damage.png 2 (5) Strength +52 HQ icon.png58Vitality +54 HQ icon.png60Critical Hit +60 HQ icon.png67Skill Speed +42 HQ icon.png47
Thavnairian Katars Thavnairian katars icon1.png 59 148 PGL MNK 67 Physical Damage.png 0 Strength +59 Vitality +60 Critical Hit +50 Determination +71 
Replica Rising Suns Awoken Replica rising suns awoken icon1.png 60 1 MNK 9 Physical Damage.png 0
Replica Verethragna Replica verethragna icon1.png 60 1 MNK 9 Physical Damage.png 0
Hyperconductive Verethragna Replicas Hyperconductive verethragna replicas icon1.png 60 1 MNK 9 Physical Damage.png 0
Replica Sultan's Fists Replica sultans fists icon1.png 60 1 MNK 9 Physical Damage.png 0
Replica Sharpened Sultan's Fists Replica sharpened sultans fists icon1.png 60 1 MNK 9 Physical Damage.png 0
Replica Nyepels Replica nyepels icon1.png 60 1 MNK 9 Physical Damage.png 0
Replica Nyepels Lux Replica nyepels lux icon1.png 60 1 MNK 9 Physical Damage.png 0
Adamantite Knuckles Adamantite knuckles icon1.png 60 150 PGL MNK 60 HQ icon.png67 Physical Damage.png 2 (5) Strength +54 HQ icon.png60Vitality +54 HQ icon.png60Determination +67 HQ icon.png74Skill Speed +47 HQ icon.png52
Baldur Claws Baldur claws icon1.png 60 160 PGL MNK 68 Physical Damage.png 0 Strength +63 Vitality +62 Critical Hit +53 Skill Speed +76 
Animated Rising Suns Animated rising suns icon1.png 60 170 MNK 69 Physical Damage.png 0 Strength +66 Vitality +64 Critical Hit +54 Determination +77 
Senju Senju icon1.png 60 170 PGL MNK 69 Physical Damage.png 0 Strength +66 Vitality +64 Determination +54 Skill Speed +77 
Expanse Patas Expanse patas icon1.png 60 175 PGL MNK 70 Physical Damage.png 0 Strength +67 Vitality +66 Critical Hit +55 Determination +79 
Endless Expanse Patas Endless expanse patas icon1.png 60 180 PGL MNK 63 HQ icon.png70 Physical Damage.png 2 (5) Strength +63 HQ icon.png70Vitality +60 HQ icon.png67Critical Hit +49 HQ icon.png55Determination +71 HQ icon.png79
Dead Hive Claws Dead hive claws icon1.png 60 180 PGL MNK 63 HQ icon.png70 Physical Damage.png 2 (5) Strength +63 HQ icon.png70Vitality +60 HQ icon.png67Critical Hit +71 HQ icon.png79Determination +49 HQ icon.png55
Knuckles of the Round Knuckles of the round icon1.png 60 180 PGL MNK 63 HQ icon.png70 Physical Damage.png 2 (5) Strength +63 HQ icon.png70Vitality +60 HQ icon.png67Critical Hit +71 HQ icon.png79Determination +49 HQ icon.png55
Fists of the Fiend Fists of the fiend icon1.png 60 180 PGL MNK 63 HQ icon.png70 Physical Damage.png 2 (5) Strength +63 HQ icon.png70Vitality +60 HQ icon.png67Critical Hit +49 HQ icon.png55Skill Speed +71 HQ icon.png79
Seeing Horde Knuckles Seeing horde knuckles icon1.png 60 180 PGL MNK 63 HQ icon.png70 Physical Damage.png 2 (5) Strength +63 HQ icon.png70Vitality +60 HQ icon.png67Determination +71 HQ icon.png79Skill Speed +49 HQ icon.png55
Fists of the Goddess Fists of the goddess icon1.png 60 180 PGL MNK 63 HQ icon.png70 Physical Damage.png 2 (5) Strength +63 HQ icon.png70Vitality +60 HQ icon.png67Critical Hit +49 HQ icon.png55Determination +71 HQ icon.png79
Fists of the Demon Fists of the demon icon1.png 60 180 PGL MNK 63 HQ icon.png70 Physical Damage.png 2 (5) Strength +63 HQ icon.png70Vitality +60 HQ icon.png67Determination +49 HQ icon.png55Skill Speed +71 HQ icon.png79
Fangs of the Rising Dragon Fangs of the rising dragon icon1.png 60 180 PGL MNK 70 Physical Damage.png 2 (5) Strength +70 Vitality +67 Critical Hit +79 Determination +55 
Senju Kai Senju kai icon1.png 60 180 PGL MNK 70 Physical Damage.png 0 Strength +70 Vitality +67 Determination +55 Skill Speed +79 
Hive Claws Hive claws icon1.png 60 190 PGL MNK 71 Physical Damage.png 0 Strength +73 Vitality +70 Critical Hit +81 Determination +57 
Antiquated Rising Suns Antiquated rising suns icon1.png 60 200 MNK 72 Physical Damage.png 0 Strength +75 Vitality +74 Critical Hit +82 Skill Speed +57 
Rising Suns Awoken Rising suns awoken icon1.png 60 200 MNK 72 Physical Damage.png 0 Strength +75 Vitality +74 Critical Hit +57 Determination +82 
Knuckles of the Heavens Knuckles of the heavens icon1.png 60 205 PGL MNK 73 Physical Damage.png 0 Strength +77 Vitality +76 Critical Hit +83 Determination +58 
Knuckles of the Keeper Knuckles of the keeper icon1.png 60 205 PGL MNK 73 Physical Damage.png 2 (5) Strength +77 Vitality +76 Determination +58 Skill Speed +83 
Gordian Cesti Gordian cesti icon1.png 60 210 PGL MNK 73 Physical Damage.png 0 Strength +78 Vitality +77 Determination +59 Skill Speed +84 
Rising Suns Rising suns icon1.png 60 210 MNK 73 Physical Damage.png 0 Strength +78 Vitality +77 Critical Hit +84 Skill Speed +59 
Verethragna Verethragna icon1.png 60 210 MNK 73 Physical Damage.png 0 Strength +78 Vitality +77 Critical Hit +59 Determination +84 
Fists of the Sephirot Fists of the sephirot icon1.png 60 220 PGL MNK 74 Physical Damage.png 2 Strength +81 Vitality +82 Critical Hit +61 Skill Speed +87 
Hellfire Claws Hellfire claws icon1.png 60 230 PGL MNK 75 Physical Damage.png 2 Strength +85 Vitality +86 Critical Hit +88 Skill Speed +62 
Hyperconductive Verethragna Hyperconductive verethragna icon1.png 60 230 MNK 75 Physical Damage.png 0 Strength +85 Vitality +86 Critical Hit +88 Determination +88 
Horde Knuckles Horde knuckles icon1.png 60 235 PGL MNK 76 Physical Damage.png 2 Strength +87 Vitality +88 Determination +88 Skill Speed +62 
Makai Fists Makai fists icon1.png 60 235 PGL MNK 76 Physical Damage.png 2 Strength +87 Vitality +88 Critical Hit +88 Skill Speed +62 

Augmented Hellfire Claws Augmented hellfire claws icon1.png 60 240 PGL MNK 76 Physical Damage.png 2 Strength +88 Vitality +90 Critical Hit +90 Skill Speed +63 
Sultan's Fists Sultans fists icon1.png 60 240 MNK 76 Physical Damage.png 0 Strength +88 Vitality +90 Item settings icon.png Customizable substats
Midan Metal Knuckles Midan metal knuckles icon1.png 60 245 PGL MNK 77 Physical Damage.png 2 Strength +90 Vitality +92 Determination +64 Skill Speed +91 
Heavy Metal Claws Heavy metal claws icon1.png 60 250 PGL MNK 69 HQ icon.png77 Physical Damage.png 2 (5) Strength +82 HQ icon.png91Vitality +86 HQ icon.png95Critical Hit +58 HQ icon.png64Skill Speed +83 HQ icon.png92
High Steel Knuckles High steel knuckles icon1.png 60 255 PGL MNK 70 HQ icon.png78 Physical Damage.png 2 (5) Strength +84 HQ icon.png93Vitality +86 HQ icon.png96Determination +84 HQ icon.png93Direct Hit Rate +59 HQ icon.png65
Kinna Claws Kinna claws icon1.png 60 255 PGL MNK 78 Physical Damage.png 2 Strength +93 Vitality +96 Determination +65 Skill Speed +93 
Sophic Fists Sophic fists icon1.png 60 255 PGL MNK 78 Physical Damage.png 2 Strength +93 Vitality +96 Critical Hit +65 Determination +93 
Sharpened Sultan's Fists Sharpened sultans fists icon1.png 60 260 MNK 78 Physical Damage.png 0 Strength +95 Vitality +98 Item settings icon.png Customizable substats
Shire Cesti Shire cesti icon1.png 60 260 PGL MNK 78 Physical Damage.png 2 Strength +95 Vitality +98 Critical Hit +94 Skill Speed +66 
Zurvanite Fists Zurvanite fists icon1.png 60 265 PGL MNK 79 Physical Damage.png 2 Strength +96 Vitality +101 Determination +67 Skill Speed +95 
Augmented Shire Cesti Augmented shire cesti icon1.png 60 270 PGL MNK 79 Physical Damage.png 2 Strength +98 Vitality +103 Critical Hit +96 Skill Speed +67 
Nyepels Nyepels icon1.png 60 270 MNK 79 Physical Damage.png 0 Strength +98 Vitality +103 Item settings icon.png Customizable substats
Alexandrian Metal Knuckles Alexandrian metal knuckles icon1.png 60 275 PGL MNK 80 Physical Damage.png 2 Strength +100 Vitality +104 Critical Hit +100 Determination +70 
Nyepels Lux Nyepels lux icon1.png 60 275 MNK 80 Physical Damage.png 0 Strength +100 Vitality +104 Item settings icon.png Customizable substats
Coven Fangs Coven fangs icon1.png 60 280 PGL MNK 80 Physical Damage.png 0 Strength +102 Vitality +105