List of astrologian actions

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PvE actions

Action Acquired Quest requirement Level Type MP Casting Recast Range
Malefic.png  Malefic Astrologian frame icon.png AST 1 Spell 400 1.5s 2.5s Range icon.png 25y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 150.
Benefic.png  Benefic Astrologian frame icon.png AST 2 Spell 400 1.5s 2.5s Range icon.png 30y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Restores target's HP.
Cure Potency: 500
Additional Effect: 15% chance next Benefic II will restore critical HP
Duration: 15s
Combust.png  Combust Astrologian frame icon.png AST 4 Spell 400 Instant 2.5s Range icon.png 25y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Deals unaspected damage over time.
Potency: 50
Duration: 30s
Lightspeed.png  Lightspeed Astrologian frame icon.png AST 6 Ability Instant 60s Range icon.png 0y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Reduces cast times for spells by 2.5 seconds.
Duration: 15s
Maximum Charges: 2
Helios.png  Helios Astrologian frame icon.png AST 10 Spell 700 1.5s 2.5s Range icon.png 0y
Point Blank Circle around the user 15y
Restores own HP and the HP of all nearby party members.
Cure Potency: 400
Ascend.png  Ascend Astrologian frame icon.png AST 12 Spell 2,400 8s 2.5s Range icon.png 30y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Resurrects target to a weakened state.
Essential Dignity.png  Essential Dignity Astrologian frame icon.png AST 15 Ability Instant 40s Range icon.png 30y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Restores target's HP.
Cure Potency: 400
Potency increases up to 900 as the target's HP decreases, reaching its maximum value when the target has 30% HP or less.
Maximum Charges: 3
Benefic II.png  Benefic II Astrologian frame icon.png AST 26 Spell 700 1.5s 2.5s Range icon.png 30y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Restores target's HP.
Cure Potency: 800
Draw.png  Draw Astrologian frame icon.png AST 30 Ability Instant 30s Range icon.png 0y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Draws a card (arcanum) from your divining deck. Only one arcanum can be drawn at a time. Arcanum effect can be triggered using the action Play.
Additional Effect: Restores 5% of maximum MP
Additional Effect: Grants Clarifying Draw, allowing the execution of Redraw
Maximum Charges: 2
Undraw.png  Undraw Astrologian frame icon.png AST 30 Ability Instant 1s Range icon.png 0y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Return the currently drawn arcanum back to the deck.
Play.png  Play Astrologian frame icon.png AST 30 Ability Instant 1s Range icon.png 0y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Triggers the effect of your drawn arcanum.
Aspected Benefic.png  Aspected Benefic Astrologian frame icon.png AST 34 Spell 400 Instant 2.5s Range icon.png 30y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Restores target's HP.
Cure Potency: 250
Additional Effect: Regen
Cure Potency: 250
Duration: 15s
Redraw.png  Redraw Astrologian frame icon.png AST 1Quest: A Lesson in Patience 40 Ability Instant 1s Range icon.png 0y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Draws a different arcanum from your deck.
Can only be executed while under the effect of Clarifying Draw.
Aspected Helios.png  Aspected Helios Astrologian frame icon.png AST 1Quest: A Lesson in Patience 40 Spell 800 1.5s 2.5s Range icon.png 0y
Point Blank Circle around the user 15y
Restores own HP and the HP of all nearby party members.
Cure Potency: 250
Additional Effect: Regen
Cure Potency: 150
Duration: 15s
Gravity.png  Gravity Astrologian frame icon.png AST 1Quest: Ewer Right 45 Spell 400 1.5s 2.5s Range icon.png 25y
Circle AoE around the action target 8y
Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 120 to target and all enemies nearby it.
Combust II.png  Combust II Astrologian frame icon.png AST 46 Spell 400 Instant 2.5s Range icon.png 25y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Deals unaspected damage over time.
Potency: 60
Duration: 30s
Synastry.png  Synastry Astrologian frame icon.png AST 1Quest: Loved by the Sun 50 Ability Instant 120s Range icon.png 30y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Generate an aetheric bond with target party member. Each time you cast a single-target healing spell on yourself or a party member, the party member with whom you have the bond will also recover HP equaling 40% of the original spell.
Duration: 20s
Divination.png  Divination Astrologian frame icon.png AST 50 Ability Instant 120s Range icon.png 0y
Point Blank Circle around the user 30y
Increases damage dealt by self and nearby party members by 6%.
Duration: 20s
Additional Effect: Grants Divining
Duration: 30s
Astrodyne.png  Astrodyne Astrologian frame icon.png AST 50 Ability Instant 1s Range icon.png 0y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Grants an effect using the astrosigns read from your divining deck.
Can only be executed after reading three astrosigns.
Effects granted are determined by the number of different types of astrosigns read.
1 Sign Type: Grants Harmony of Spirit
2 Sign Types: Grants Harmony of Spirit and Harmony of Body
3 Sign Types: Grants Harmony of Spirit, Harmony of Body, and Harmony of Mind
Duration: 15s
Harmony of Spirit Effect: Gradually restores own MP
Potency: 50
Harmony of Body Effect: Reduces spell cast time and recast time, and auto-attack delay by 10%
Harmony of Mind Effect: Increases damage dealt and healing potency by 5%
Malefic II.png  Malefic II Astrologian frame icon.png AST 1Quest: Conviction 54 Spell 400 1.5s 2.5s Range icon.png 25y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 160.
Collective Unconscious.png  Collective Unconscious Astrologian frame icon.png AST 1Quest: Trumped 58 Ability Instant 60s Range icon.png 0y
Point Blank Circle around the user 30y
Creates a celestial ring 8 yalms around the caster.
Duration: 18s
Additional Effect: Reduces damage taken by 10% for self and any party members within 30 yalms and applies Wheel of Fortune to self and any party members within 8 yalms
Duration: 5s
Wheel of Fortune Effect: Regen
Cure Potency: 100
Duration: 15s
Effects will be applied continuously to self and all party members standing within the celestial ring.
Collective Unconscious effect ends upon using another action or moving (including facing a different direction).
Cancels auto-attack upon execution.
Celestial Opposition.png  Celestial Opposition Astrologian frame icon.png AST 1Quest: The Hands of Fate 60 Ability Instant 60s Range icon.png 0y
Point Blank Circle around the user 15y
Restores own HP and the HP of all nearby party members.
Cure Potency: 200
Additional Effect: Regen
Cure Potency: 100
Duration: 15s
Earthly Star.png  Earthly Star Astrologian frame icon.png AST 62 Ability Instant 60s Range icon.png 30y
Circle AoE around the ground target 20y
Deploys an Earthly Star in the designated area and grants the effect of Earthly Dominance.
Duration: 10s
Executing Stellar Detonation while under the effect of Earthly Dominance creates a Stellar Burst dealing unaspected damage with a potency of 205 to all nearby enemies. Also restores own HP and the HP of all nearby party members.
Cure Potency: 540
After 10s, Earthly Dominance effect is changed to Giant Dominance
Duration: 10s
Waiting 10s or executing Stellar Detonation while under the effect of Giant Dominance creates a Stellar Explosion dealing unaspected damage with a potency of 310 to all nearby enemies. Also restores own HP and the HP of all nearby party members.
Cure Potency: 720
Stellar Detonation.png  Stellar Detonation Astrologian frame icon.png AST 62 Ability Instant 3s Range icon.png 0y
Point Blank Circle around the user 20y
While under the effect of Earthly Dominance, detonates the currently deployed Earthly Star, creating a Stellar Burst that deals unaspected damage with a potency of 205 to all nearby enemies.
Additional Effect: Restores own HP and the HP of nearby party members
Cure Potency: 540
While under the effect of Giant Dominance, detonates the currently deployed Earthly Star creating a Stellar Explosion that deals unaspected damage with a potency of 310 to all nearby enemies.
Additional Effect: Restores own HP and the HP of all nearby party members
Cure Potency: 720
Malefic III.png  Malefic III Astrologian frame icon.png AST 64 Spell 400 1.5s 2.5s Range icon.png 25y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 190.
Minor Arcana.png  Minor Arcana Astrologian frame icon.png AST 70 Ability Instant 1s Range icon.png 0y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Plays the drawn arcanum after executing Astral Draw or Umbral Draw.
Astral Draw Effect: Action changes to Lord of Crowns
Umbral Draw Effect: Action changes to Lady of Crowns.
Combust III.png  Combust III Astrologian frame icon.png AST 72 Spell 400 Instant 2.5s Range icon.png 25y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Deals unaspected damage over time.
Potency: 70
Duration: 30s
Malefic IV.png  Malefic IV Astrologian frame icon.png AST 72 Spell 400 1.5s 2.5s Range icon.png 25y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 230.
Celestial Intersection.png  Celestial Intersection Astrologian frame icon.png AST 74 Ability Instant 30s Range icon.png 30y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Restores own or target party member's HP.
Cure Potency: 200
Additional Sect Effect: Erects a magicked barrier which nullifies damage equaling 200% of the amount of HP restored
Duration: 30s
Maximum Charges: 2
Horoscope.png  Horoscope Astrologian frame icon.png AST 76 Ability Instant 60s Range icon.png 0y
Point Blank Circle around the user 20y
Reads your fortune and those of nearby party members, granting them Horoscope.
Duration: 10s
Effect upgraded to Horoscope Helios upon receiving the effects of Helios or Helios Conjunction.
Duration: 30s
Restores the HP of those under either effect when the cards are read a second time or the effect expires.
Horoscope Cure Potency: 200
Horoscope Helios Cure Potency: 400
Horoscope (2).png  Horoscope Astrologian frame icon.png AST 76 Ability Instant 1s Range icon.png 0y
Point Blank Circle around the user 20y
Restores own HP and the HP of all nearby party members.
Potency is determined by the Horoscope effect of party members. Effect expires upon execution.
Horoscope Potency: 200
Horoscope Helios Potency: 400
Neutral Sect.png  Neutral Sect Astrologian frame icon.png AST 80 Ability Instant 120s Range icon.png 0y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Increases healing magic potency by 20%.
Duration: 20s
Additional Effect: When casting Aspected Benefic or Helios Conjunction, erects a magicked barrier which nullifies damage
Aspected Benefic Effect: Nullifies damage equaling 250% of the amount of HP restored
Helios Conjunction Effect: Nullifies damage equaling 125% of the amount of HP restored
Duration: 30s
Additional Effect: Grants Suntouched
Duration: 30s
Fall Malefic.png  Fall Malefic Astrologian frame icon.png AST 82 Spell 400 1.5s 2.5s Range icon.png 25y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 270.
Gravity II.png  Gravity II Astrologian frame icon.png AST 82 Spell 400 1.5s 2.5s Range icon.png 25y
Circle AoE around the action target 8y
Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 130 to target and all enemies nearby it.
Exaltation.png  Exaltation Astrologian frame icon.png AST 86 Ability Instant 60s Range icon.png 30y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Reduces damage taken by self or target party member by 10%.
Duration: 8s
Additional Effect: Restores HP at the end of the effect's duration
Cure Potency: 500
Macrocosmos.png  Macrocosmos Astrologian frame icon.png AST 90 Spell 600 Instant 180s Range icon.png 0y
Point Blank Circle around the user 20y
Deals unaspected damage to all nearby enemies with a potency of 270 for the first enemy, and 40% less for all remaining enemies.
Additional Effect: Grants Macrocosmos to self and all nearby party members
Duration: 15s
For the effect's duration, 50% of damage taken is compiled.
Restores HP equal to a cure of 200 potency plus compiled damage when the effect expires or upon execution of Microcosmos.
Amount restored cannot exceed the target's maximum HP.
This action does not share a recast timer with any other actions.
Microcosmos.png  Microcosmos Astrologian frame icon.png AST 90 Ability Instant 1s Range icon.png 0y
Point Blank Circle around the user 20y
Triggers the healing effect of Macrocosmos, restoring HP equal to a cure of 200 potency plus 50% of compiled damage.
Amount restored cannot exceed the target's maximum HP.


Arcana actions comprise abilities provided by drawing a random card from the astrologian deck.

Action Acquired Quest requirement Level Type MP Casting Recast Range
The Balance.png  The Balance Astrologian frame icon.png AST 30 Ability Instant 1s Range icon.png 30y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Increases damage dealt by a party member or self by 6% if target is melee DPS or tank, or 3% for all other roles.
Duration: 15s

※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.
Play I changes to The Balance when requirements for execution are met.
The Bole.png  The Bole Astrologian frame icon.png AST 30 Ability Instant 1s Range icon.png 30y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Reduces damage taken by a party member or self by 10%.
Duration: 15s

※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.
Play II changes to The Bole when requirements for execution are met.
The Arrow.png  The Arrow Astrologian frame icon.png AST 30 Ability Instant 1s Range icon.png 30y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Increases HP recovery via healing actions for a party member or self by 10%.
Duration: 15s

※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.
Play II changes to The Arrow when requirements for execution are met.
The Spear.png  The Spear Astrologian frame icon.png AST 30 Ability Instant 1s Range icon.png 30y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Increases damage dealt by a party member or self by 6% if target is ranged DPS or healer, or 3% for all other roles.
Duration: 15s

※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.
Play I changes to The Spear when requirements for execution are met.
The Ewer.png  The Ewer Astrologian frame icon.png AST 30 Ability Instant 1s Range icon.png 30y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Grants healing over time effect to a party member or self.
Cure Potency: 200
Duration: 15s

※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.
Play III changes to The Ewer when requirements for execution are met.
The Spire.png  The Spire Astrologian frame icon.png AST 30 Ability Instant 1s Range icon.png 30y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Creates a barrier around self or target party member that absorbs damage equivalent to a heal of 400 potency.
Duration: 30s

※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.
Play III changes to The Spire when requirements for execution are met.
Lord of Crowns.png  Lord of Crowns Astrologian frame icon.png AST 70 Ability Instant 1s Range icon.png 0y
Point Blank Circle around the user 20y
Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 400 to all nearby enemies.

※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.
Minor Arcana changes to Lord of Crowns when requirements for execution are met.
Lady of Crowns.png  Lady of Crowns Astrologian frame icon.png AST 70 Ability Instant 1s Range icon.png 0y
Point Blank Circle around the user 20y
Restores own HP and the HP of all nearby party members.
Cure Potency: 400

※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.
Minor Arcana changes to Lady of Crowns when requirements for execution are met.

PvP Actions

Action Acquired Quest requirement Level Type MP Casting Recast Range
Fall Malefic (PvP).png  Fall Malefic (PvP) Astrologian frame icon.png AST 30 Spell 1.44s 2.4s Range icon.png 25y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 6,000.
When cast via Double Cast, reduces the recast time of Double Cast by 6 seconds.
Aspected Benefic pvp.png  Aspected Benefic (PvP) Astrologian frame icon.png AST 30 Spell Instant 12s Range icon.png 30y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Restores target's HP.
Cure Potency: 6,000
Potency increases up to 9,000 as the target's HP decreases, reaching its maximum value when the target has 50% HP or less.
Additional Effect: Grants Diurnal Benefic to target.
Diurnal Benefic Effect: Gradually restores HP
Cure Potency: 3,000
Duration: 6s
When cast via Double Cast, grants Nocturnal Benefic.
Nocturnal Benefic Effect: Creates a barrier around target that absorbs damage equivalent to a heal of 4,000 potency
Duration: 12s
Maximum Charges: 2
This action does not share a recast timer with any other actions.
Gravity II (PvP).png  Gravity II (PvP) Astrologian frame icon.png AST 30 Spell Instant 20s Range icon.png 25y
Circle AoE around the action target 8y
Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 7,500 to target and all enemies nearby it.
Additional Effect: Afflicts first target with Heavy +75%
Duration: 3s
When cast via Double Cast, Binds first target.
Duration: 3s
This action does not share a recast timer with any other actions.
Double Cast (PvP).png  Double Cast (PvP) Astrologian frame icon.png AST 30 Ability Instant 12s Range icon.png 0y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Repeats the Fall Malefic, Aspected Benefic, or Gravity II you previously cast.
Maximum Charges: 2
Can only be executed following Fall Malefic, Aspected Benefic, or Gravity II.
Draw (PvP).png  Draw (PvP) Astrologian frame icon.png AST 30 Ability Instant 20s Range icon.png 0y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Draws the Balance, the Bole, or the Arrow from your divining deck.
Duration: 15s
Macrocosmos (PvP).png  Macrocosmos (PvP) Astrologian frame icon.png AST 30 Spell Instant 30s Range icon.png 0y
Point Blank Circle around the user 20y
Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 10,000 to all nearby enemies.
Additional Effect: Grants Macrocosmos to self and all nearby party members.
Duration: 10s
Action changes to Microcosmos upon execution.
For the effect's duration, 25% of damage taken is compiled.
Restores HP equal to a cure of 5,000 potency plus compiled damage when the effect expires or upon execution of Microcosmos.
This action does not share a recast timer with any other actions.
Fall Malefic (PvP).png  Fall Malefic (PvP) Astrologian frame icon.png AST 30 Spell 1.44s 2.4s Range icon.png 25y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 6,000.
When cast via Double Cast, reduces the recast time of Double Cast by 6 seconds.
Aspected Benefic pvp.png  Aspected Benefic (PvP) Astrologian frame icon.png AST 30 Spell Instant 12s Range icon.png 30y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Restores target's HP.
Cure Potency: 6,000
Potency increases up to 9,000 as the target's HP decreases, reaching its maximum value when the target has 50% HP or less.
Additional Effect: Grants Diurnal Benefic to target.
Diurnal Benefic Effect: Gradually restores HP
Cure Potency: 3,000
Duration: 6s
When cast via Double Cast, grants Nocturnal Benefic.
Nocturnal Benefic Effect: Creates a barrier around target that absorbs damage equivalent to a heal of 4,000 potency
Duration: 12s
Maximum Charges: 2
This action does not share a recast timer with any other actions.
Gravity II (PvP).png  Gravity II (PvP) Astrologian frame icon.png AST 30 Spell Instant 20s Range icon.png 25y
Circle AoE around the action target 8y
Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 7,500 to target and all enemies nearby it.
Additional Effect: Afflicts first target with Heavy +75%
Duration: 3s
When cast via Double Cast, Binds first target.
Duration: 3s
This action does not share a recast timer with any other actions.
The Balance (PvP).png  The Balance (PvP) Astrologian frame icon.png AST 30 Ability Instant 1s Range icon.png 30y
Circle AoE around the action target 20y
Increases damage dealt by target and all party members nearby by 10%.
Duration: 15s
※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.
The Bole (PvP).png  The Bole (PvP) Astrologian frame icon.png AST 30 Ability Instant 1s Range icon.png 30y
Circle AoE around the action target 20y
Reduces damage taken by a party member or self by 10%.
Duration: 15s
※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.
The Arrow (PvP).png  The Arrow (PvP) Astrologian frame icon.png AST 30 Ability Instant 1s Range icon.png 30y
Circle AoE around the action target 20y
Reduces weaponskill cast time and recast time, as well as spell cast time and recast time for self or target and nearby party members by 10%, while also increasing movement speed by 25%.
Duration: 15s
※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.
Microcosmos (PvP).png  Microcosmos (PvP) Astrologian frame icon.png AST 30 Ability Instant 1s Range icon.png 0y
Point Blank Circle around the user 20y
Triggers the healing effect of Macrocosmos, restoring HP equal to a cure of 5,000 potency plus 20% of compiled damage.
※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.

Common actions (PvP)

Action Acquired Level Type MP Casting Recast Range
Standard-issue Elixir (PvP).png  Standard-issue Elixir (PvP) Any class frame icon.png ANY 30 Ability 4.5s 5s Range icon.png 0y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Restores your HP and MP to maximum. Casting will be interrupted when damage is taken.
Recuperate (PvP).png  Recuperate (PvP) Any class frame icon.png ANY 30 Ability 2,500 Instant 1s Range icon.png 0y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Restores own HP.
Cure Potency: 15,000
Purify (PvP).png  Purify (PvP) Any class frame icon.png ANY 30 Ability Instant 24s Range icon.png 0y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Removes Stun, Heavy, Bind, Silence, Deep Freeze, and Miracle of Nature.
Additional Effect: Grants Resilience
Resilience Effect: Nullifies status afflictions that can be removed by Purify, as well as knockback and draw-in effects
Duration: 3s
Can be used even when under the effect of certain status afflictions.
Guard (PvP).png  Guard (PvP) Any class frame icon.png ANY 30 Ability Instant 30s Range icon.png 0y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Reduces damage taken by 90% and grants immunity to Stun, Heavy, Bind, Silence, Half-asleep, Sleep, Deep Freeze, and knockback and draw-in effects.
Duration: 4s
Movement speed is reduced by 33% for the duration of this effect.
Effect ends upon reuse, using another action, or when the effect duration expires.
Sprint (PvP).png  Sprint (PvP) Any class frame icon.png ANY 30 Ability Instant 1.5s Range icon.png 0y
Single Target or AoE not yet specified 0y
Increases movement speed. Effect ends upon reuse or execution of another action.

Limit Break (PvP)

Action Acquired Level Type MP Casting Recast Range
Celestial River (PvP).png  Celestial River (PvP) Astrologian frame icon.png AST 30 Limit Break Instant 10s Range icon.png 0y
Point Blank Circle around the user 15y
Increases damage dealt and healing potency of self and nearby party members by 30%, while reducing damage dealt and healing potency of nearby enemies by 30%.
Effect is reduced by 10% every 5 seconds.
Duration: 15s
Grants Divining to self
Duration: 15s
Can only be executed when the limit gauge is full.
Gauge Charge Time: 105s
※Action changes to Oracle upon execution.