Illuminati Tautest Gobtwine
“An alchemical thread woven in the dark laboratoriums of the Illuminati. Some of Idyllshire's goblin weavers have applied the unnaturally pliable substance to a variety of vestments and found that it heightens the attributes of gear woven in their looms. However, advances in crafting technology have rendered it obsolete.
— In-game description
Purchased from Sabina in Idyllshire (x5.7,y5.3) for 4 Alexandrian Manifesto - Page 3
Purchased from Bertana in Idyllshire (x5.9,y5.2) for 6 Legendary Clan Mark Log
Purchased from Hismena in Idyllshire (x5.8,y5.2) for 100 Allagan Tomestone of Poetics
Used For
Exchange at Seika in Idyllshire (x6,y7) along with Shire Armor for Augmented Shire Armor.