Necrologos: The Beholders
Necrologos: The Beholders
- Quest giver
- Nyell
- Location
- South Shroud (X:25, Y:20)
- Category
- Wisdom
- Level
- 25
- Requirements
- Disciples of War and Magic
- Experience
- Gil
- Patch
- 2.0
“While out in the forest, a hunter claims she witnessed what appeared to be a cultist from the Lambs of Dalamud performing some sort of ceremony with a large black tome. However, before she could drive away the cultist herself, a pack of bloodthirsty beasts set upon the man and proceeded to tear him and his book to shreds, consuming every last piece. Stillglade Fane believes the tome the hunter saw to be a copy of the forbidden Necrologos, and is seeking adventurers skilled in the arts of war or magic to locate and slay the beasts in question, and retrieve any pages that may remain in their bellies, taking heed that foul creatures may be trapped within the parchment.
— In-game description
Possible Rewards
- 40% chance of 1 Venture
- 3% chance of 1 Silver Battle Fork
- 2% chance of 1 Wrapped Elm Longbow
- 2% chance of 1 Ash Composite Bow
- 2% chance of 1 Goatskin Crakows
- 2% chance of 1 Goatskin Boots
- 2% chance of 1 Goatskin Duckbills
- 2% chance of 1 Silver Gorget
- 2% chance of 1 Horn Necklace
- 2% chance of 1 Goatskin Wristbands
- 2% chance of 1 Silver Wristlets
- 2% chance of 1 Silver Ring
- 1% chance of 1 Yew Crook
- 1% chance of 1 Whispering Ash Wand
- 1% chance of 1 Viper-crested Round Shield
- 1% chance of 1 Goatskin Targe
- 1% chance of 1 Velveteen Turban
- 1% chance of 1 Silver Spectacles
- 1% chance of 1 Velveteen Shirt
- 1% chance of 1 Velveteen Cowl
- 1% chance of 1 Heavy Iron Armor
- 1% chance of 1 Fingerless Goatskin Gloves
- 1% chance of 1 Goatskin Ringbands
- 1% chance of 1 Heavy Iron Gauntlets
- 1% chance of 1 Velveteen Sarouel
- 1% chance of 1 Velveteen Tights
- 1% chance of 1 Heavy Iron Flanchard
- 1% chance of 1 Striped Velveteen Slops
- Gather all missing pages of the Necrologos and defeat the creature summoned from within.
- Greedy Hoglet: 0/5
Additional Information
Necrologos The Beholders is a level 25 Battlecraft Leve Guildleve in New Gridania. Players can start the levequest by talking to Gontrant in New Gridania (x11,y13).