Battlecraft Leves

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Revision as of 12:20, 3 November 2014 by Mico90 (talk | contribs)
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Guildleve Type Category Level NPC Zone Area Coordinates EXP Gil Seals Objectives
Nutbreaker Suite Battlecraft Leve Resolve 1 Muriaule Central Shroud The Bannock (x23,y19) 61 11 Weaken target and then pacify it using the /soothe emote. , Nutbreaker Squirrel: 0/4
Bug Bites Battlecraft Leve Confidence 1 Wyrkholsk Lower La Noscea Red Rooster Stead (x31,y20) 61 10 Survey target areas.
Berries Got Bucked Battlecraft Leve Confidence 1 Graceful Song Western Thanalan Scorpion Crossing (x26,y24) 80 11 Obtain target items., Piece of Fallen Cargo: 0/8
Picking up the Piercers Battlecraft Leve Confidence 1 Muriaule Central Shroud The Bannock (x23,y19) 61 11 Obtain target items., Practice Spear: 0/8
Ain't Nobody Got Time for Rats Battlecraft Leve Tenacity 1 Wyrkholsk Lower La Noscea Red Rooster Stead (x31,y20) 61 11 Eliminate target enemies., Pack Rat: 0/5
Either Love Them or Kill Them Battlecraft Leve Resolve 1 Graceful Song Western Thanalan Scorpion Crossing (x26,y24) 80 10 Weaken target and then pacify it using the /soothe emote., Nutmuncher Marmot: 0/4
Bug Looks Like a Lady Battlecraft Leve Valor 1 Wyrkholsk Lower La Noscea Red Rooster Stead (x31,y20) 61 11 Defeat target enemies, Carrier Ladybug: 0/7
A Long and Winding Road Battlecraft Leve Temperance 1 Wyrkholsk Lower La Noscea Red Rooster Stead (x31,y20) 61 11 Defeat all targets in the locations specified.
Observe and Protect Battlecraft Leve Temperance 1 Graceful Song Western Thanalan Scorpion Crossing (x26,y24) 80 14 Report to Western Thanalan., Defeat all targets in the locations specified., Locations visited: 0/4
On the Lamb (Leve) Battlecraft Leve Resolve 1 Wyrkholsk Lower La Noscea Red Rooster Stead (x31,y20) 61 10
Scourge of the Saplings Battlecraft Leve Tenacity 1 Muriaule Central Shroud The Bannock (x23,y19) 61 11 Eliminate target enemies, Carrier Ladybug: 0/5
Road Rage Battlecraft Leve Valor 1 Graceful Song Western Thanalan Scorpion Crossing (x26,y24) 80 11 Defeat target enemies, Grain Weevil: 0/4, Nutmuncher Marmot: 0/4
Water, Water Everywhere Battlecraft Leve Valor 1 Muriaule Central Shroud The Bannock (x23,y19) 61 9-11 Defeat target enemies, Nutbreaker Squirrel: 0/4, Stumbling Funguar: 0/4
Stay for a Vile Battlecraft Leve Temperance 1 Muriaule Central Shroud The Bannock (x23,y19) 61 11 Defeat all the targets in the locations specified., Locations visited: 0/4
Nothing Compares to Shrews Battlecraft Leve Tenacity 1 Graceful Song Western Thanalan Scorpion Crossing (x26,y24) 80 14 Defeat target enemies, Naked Moles: 0/6
Red Stead Redemption Battlecraft Leve Temperance 5 Wyrkholsk Lower La Noscea Red Rooster Stead (x31,y20) 336 52 Defeat all targets in the locations specified., Locations visited: 0/4
Two Yalms Under (Levequest) Battlecraft Leve Confidence 5 Graceful Song Western Thanalan Scorpion Crossing (x26,y24) 336 48 Obtain target items., Bundle of Stolen Effects: 0/8
Compost with the Most Battlecraft Leve Confidence 5 Muriaule Central Shroud The Bannock (x23,y19) 336 47-49 Obtain target items, Bag of Compost: 0/8
River Raid Battlecraft Leve Tenacity 5 Muriaule Central Shroud The Bannock (x23,y19) 336 47-50 Eliminate target enemies, Yarzon Invader: 0/5
March of the Mandragoras Battlecraft Leve Tenacity 5 Wyrkholsk Lower La Noscea Red Rooster Stead (x31,y20) 336 49 Eliminate target enemies, Marching Mandragora: 0/5
Procession of the Noble Battlecraft Leve Temperance 5 Graceful Song Western Thanalan Scorpion Crossing (x26,y24) 336 49 Defeat all targets in the locations specified., Locations visited: 0/4
Far from the Vine Battlecraft Leve Confidence 5 Wyrkholsk Lower La Noscea Red Rooster Stead (x31,y20) 336 52 Obtain target items., Bunch of Fresh Lowland Grapes: 0/10
Wrangling Raptors Battlecraft Leve Resolve 5 Muriaule Central Shroud The Bannock (x23,y19) 336 46-48 Weaken target and then pacify it using the /soothe emote., Anole Stalker: 0/4
The Ore the Better Battlecraft Leve Diligence 5 Graceful Song Western Thanalan Scorpion Crossing (x26,y24) 336 49 Obtain target items, Chunk of Coblyn Pyrite: 0/7
No Pain, No Grain Battlecraft Leve Diligence 5 Wyrkholsk Lower La Noscea Red Rooster Stead (x31,y20) 336 48 Obtain target items, Wind Sprite Core: 0/10
Needles to Say Battlecraft Leve Tenacity 5 Graceful Song Western Thanalan Scorpion Crossing (x26,y24) 336 52 Eliminate target enmies, Uncommon Cactuar: 0/4
We Didn't Start The Fire Battlecraft Leve Valor 5 Muriaule Central Shroud The Bannock (x23,y19)
A Full Stomach Battlecraft Leve Temperance 5 Muriaule Central Shroud The Bannock (x23,y19) 336 49 Defeat all targets in the locations specified., Locations visited: 0/4
A Vine Finer than Twine Battlecraft Leve Diligence 5 Muriaule Central Shroud The Bannock (x23,y19) 336 50 Obtain target items, Microchu Vine: 0/8
A Spoonful of Poison Battlecraft Leve Resolve 5 Graceful Song Western Thanalan Scorpion Crossing (x26,y24) 336 48 Weaken target and then pacify it using the phial of nerve drops., Tomahawk Beak: 0/4
The Cure Battlecraft Leve Resolve 5 Wyrkholsk Lower La Noscea Red Rooster Stead (x31,y20) 336 53 Weaken target and then pacify it using the /soothe emote., Marching Mandragora: 0/4
Jackal and the Livestock Battlecraft Leve Tenacity 10 Swygskyf Western La Noscea Swiftperch (x34,y31) 1,026 100 Eliminate target enemies, Jackal Pup: 0/4
Going Green Battlecraft Leve Valor 10 Tierney Central Shroud Bentbranch Meadows (x22,y22) 1,026 102 Defeat target enemies., Leafbleed Roseling: 0/3, Leafbleed Slug: 0/3
Scent of a Roselet Battlecraft Leve Resolve 10 Tierney Central Shroud Bentbranch Meadows (x22,y22) 1,026 100-110 Weaken target and then pacify it using the /soothe emote., Leafbleed Roseling: 0/3
What Peistes Crave Battlecraft Leve Tenacity 10 Totonowa Western Thanalan Horizon (x23,y16) 1,368 118 Report to Western Thanalan., Eliminate target enemies., Softskin Peiste: 0/1, Report back to Totonowa in Horizon.
Mite and Madness Battlecraft Leve Confidence 10 Tierney Central Shroud Bentbranch Meadows (x22,y22)
Fresh Meat Battlecraft Leve Resolve 10 Swygskyf Western La Noscea Swiftperch (x34,y31) 1,026 103 Weaken target and then pacify it using the /soothe emote., Feral Dodo: 0/3
Reeking Havoc Battlecraft Leve Valor 10 Totonowa Western Thanalan Horizon (x23,y16) 1,026 92 Report to Western Thanalan
Grabbing Crabs Battlecraft Leve Tenacity 10 Swygskyf Western La Noscea Swiftperch (x34,y31) 1,026 99 Report to Western La Noscea., Big Claw 0/1, Molting Megalocrab 0/2, Report back to Swygskyf at Swiftperch.
Field of Beans Battlecraft Leve Temperance 10 Totonowa Western Thanalan Horizon (x23,y16) 1,026 100 Report to Western Thanalan.
Wail of a Tale Battlecraft Leve Temperance 10 Tierney Central Shroud Bentbranch Meadows (x22,y22) 1,026 102 Defeat all targets in the locations specified., Locations visited: 0/4
Hog Wild Battlecraft Leve Resolve 10 Tierney Central Shroud Bentbranch Meadows (x22,y22)
From Ruins to Riches Battlecraft Leve Confidence 10 Totonowa Western Thanalan Horizon (x23,y16) 1,368 100-124 Report to Western Thanalan
No Egg to Stand On Battlecraft Leve Confidence 10 Swygskyf Western La Noscea Swiftperch (x34,y31) 1,026 104 Obtain target items., Fertilized Dodo Egg: 0/8
Infestation Cessation Battlecraft Leve Diligence 10 Tierney Central Shroud Bentbranch Meadows (x22,y22) 1,026 101-105 Obtain target items., Carrion Chigoe Egg Sac: 0/6
Out of Body, Out of Mind Battlecraft Leve Veracity 10 Totonowa Western Thanalan Horizon (x23,y16) 1,368 99-122 Report to Western Thanalan.
Shock Therapy Battlecraft Leve Veracity 10 Swygskyf Western La Noscea Swiftperch (x34,y31) 1,026 101 Use a roseling pollen cluster to reveal the target's true form, then defeat it., Mischief maker Imp: 0/2
At the Gates Battlecraft Leve Temperance 10 Swygskyf Western La Noscea Swiftperch (x34,y31) 1,026 99 Defeat all targets in the locations specified, Locations visited: 0/4
Skin Deep Battlecraft Leve Diligence 10 Totonowa Western Thanalan Horizon (x23,y16) 1,026 90 Report to Western Thanalan.
Too Close to Home Battlecraft Leve Tenacity 10 Tierney Central Shroud Bentbranch (x22,y22) 1,026 90 Eliminate target enemies: Anole Stalker: 0/3
You Cannot Kill the Metal Battlecraft Leve Resolve 10 Totonowa Western Thanalan Horizon (x23,y16) 1,368 98 Report to Western Thanalan.
A Tall Odor Battlecraft Leve Valor 10 Swygskyf Western La Noscea Swiftperch (x34,y31) 1,026 96 Defeat target enemies, Jackal Pup: 0/5, Jacakl Puo: 0/1
The Sprite of Competition Battlecraft Leve Diligence 10 Swygskyf Western La Noscea Swiftperch (x34,y31) 1,026 102 Obtain target items., Lightning Sprite Core: 0/9
A Shroom with a View Battlecraft Leve Confidence 10 Tierney Central Shroud Bentbranch Meadows (x22,y22) 1,026 99-110 Survey target areas., Progress: 0/6
Turning Out the Blight Battlecraft Leve Tenacity 10 Tierney Central Shroud Bentbranch Meadows (x22,y22) 1,026 102 Eliminate target enemies, Leafbleed Slug: 0/7
Beak to Beak Battlecraft Leve Tenacity 10 Totonowa Western Thanalan Horizon (x23,y16) 1,368 116 Report to Western Thanalan, Eliminate target enemies., Guillotine Beak: 0/4
Bump in the Night Battlecraft Leve Veracity 10 Tierney Central Shroud Bentbranch Meadows (x22,y22) 1,026 102-103 Use a water sprite core to reveal target's true form, then defeat it., Trickster Imp: 0/2
The Enterprise of Undeath Battlecraft Leve Valor 15 Poponagu Eastern Thanalan Camp Drybone (x13,y24) 2,688 195 Report to Eastern Thanalan.
Ochus Bite, Leaves Bleed Battlecraft Leve Veracity 15 Qina Lyehga East Shroud The Hawthorne Hut (x17,y27) 2,688 150-188 Report to the East Shroud.
Barley Legal Battlecraft Leve Sympathy 15 Orwen Western La Noscea Aleport (x27,y27) 2,017 161 Report to western La Noscea. , Use the /beckon emote to lead O'adebh Whitemane safely to the specified location.
Stew for Two Battlecraft Leve Confidence 15 Qina Lyehga East Shroud The Hawthorne Hut (x17,y27) 2,688 153-198 Report to the East Shroud.
Death with Indignity Battlecraft Leve Diligence 15 Poponagu Eastern Thanalan Camp Drybone (x13,y24) 2,017 159 Report to Eastern Thanalan.
Going for Goat Battlecraft Leve Resolve 15 Poponagu Eastern Thanalan Camp Drybone (x13,y24) 2,017 152 Report to Eastern Thanalan.
Something in the Mead Battlecraft Leve Diligence 15 Qina Lyehga East Shroud The Hawthorne Hut (x17,y27) 2,688 156-195 Report to the East Shroud.
The Missing Merchant Battlecraft Leve Sympathy 15 Poponagu Eastern Thanalan Camp Drybone (x13,y24) 2,017 165 Report to Eastern Thanalan.
The Law Won Battlecraft Leve Sympathy 15 Poponagu Eastern Thanalan Camp Drybone (x13,y24) 2,017 147 Report to Eastern Thanalan.
Can't Say No to Gnat Battlecraft Leve Tenacity 15 Qina Lyehga East Shroud The Hawthorne Hut (x17,y27) 2,688 173-193
A Simple Solution Battlecraft Leve Veracity 15 Poponagu Eastern Thanalan Camp Drybone (x13,y24) 2,017 161 Report to Eastern Thanalan.
Beasts of Bourbon Battlecraft Leve Resolve 15 Orwen Western La Noscea Aleport (x27,y27) 2,017 158 Report to Western La Noscea., Weaken target and then pacify it using the /soothe emote.
Monkey Business Battlecraft Leve Valor 15 Qina Lyehga East Shroud The Hawthorne Hut (x17,y27) 2,688 153-195 Report to the East Shroud.
The Transporter Battlecraft Leve Sympathy 15 Qina Lyehga East Shroud The Hawthorne Hut (x17,y27) 2,017 144-164 Report to the East Shroud, Use the /beckon emote to lead the orphaned sylph safely to the specified location., Report back to Qina Lyehga at the Hawthorne Hut.
Earthbound Battlecraft Leve Confidence 15 Poponagu Eastern Thanalan Camp Drybone (x13,y24) 2,017 165 Report to Eastern Thanalan.
A Guest for Supper Battlecraft Leve Sympathy 15 Qina Lyehga East Shroud The Hawthorne Hut (x17,y27) 2,688 153-191 Report to the East Shroud
Field Testing Battlecraft Leve Confidence 15 Orwen Western La Noscea Aleport (x27,y27) 2,017 156 Report to Western La Noscea., Obtain target items.
Sucked Dry Battlecraft Leve Tenacity 15 Orwen Western La Noscea Aleport (x27,y27) 2,017 150 Report to western La Noscea.
First to Reave Battlecraft Leve Temperance 15 Orwen Western La Noscea Aleport (x27,y27) 2,017 155 Report to Western La Noscea., Locations Visited: 0/4, Bloodsucker Bat: 0/2, Drowned Outranger: 0/1, Frenzied Aurelia: 0/2, Drowned Butcher: 0/1
A Glamourous Life Battlecraft Leve Veracity 15 Orwen Western La Noscea Aleport (x27,y27) 2,017 165 Report to western La Noscea.
Tail in Tow Battlecraft Leve Sympathy 15 Orwen Western La Noscea Skull Valley (x27,y27) 2,017 137 Report to Western La Noscea
The Root of the Problem Battlecraft Leve Tenacity 20 Nyell South Shroud Quarrymill (x25,y20) 3,248 200-264 Report to the South Shroud., Eliminate the target enemies, Foraging Doe: 0/3, Poisonous Flytrap: 0/2, Report back to Nyell in Quarrymill
Mortal Munchies Battlecraft Leve Equity 20 Cedrepierre East Shroud The Hawthorne Hut (x16,y27) 3,248 138 Report to the East Shroud.
A Cold-blooded Business Battlecraft Leve Unity 20 Kikiri Eastern Thanalan Camp Drybone (x14,y23) 3,248 138 Report to Eastern Thanalan., Defeat the enemies while protecting your charge., Bronze Urn: 2/2, Amalj'aa Bruiser: 0/2, Amalj'aa Seer: 0/1, Battle Drake: 0/2, Objective failed if all bronze urns are lost.
What's Yours Is Mine Battlecraft Leve Diligence 20 Nyell South Shroud Quarrymill (x25,y20) 3,248 204-262 Report to the South Shroud, Obtain target items., Poached Pelt 0/8, Report back to Nyell in Quarrymill
She's So Mean Battlecraft Leve Prudence 20 Cedrepierre East Shroud The Hawthorne Hut (x16,y27) 3,248 138 Report to the East Shroud.
The Deathliest Catch Battlecraft Leve Veracity 20 Ourawann Lower La Noscea Moraby Drydocks (x23,y33) 3,248 257 Use a lightning sprite core to reveal target's true form, then defeat it., Big Claw: 0/2
The Burning Reason Battlecraft Leve Prudence 20 Kikiri Eastern Thanalan Camp Drybone (x14,y23) 2,436 167 Report to Eastern Thanalan.
Throw the Book at Him Grand Company Leve Prudence 20 Eugene Lower La Noscea Moraby Drydocks (x23,y34) 2,436 138 Report to lower La Noscea., Defeat any enemies summoning reinforcements., Wormwix Scribbletalk: 0/1
Treevenge Battlecraft Leve Resolve 20 Nyell South Shroud Quarrymill (x25,y20) 2,436 210 Weaken ttarget and then pacify it using the bottle of Solace., Report to Nyell at Quarrymill.
Strand by Me Battlecraft Leve Confidence 20 Ourawann Lower La Noscea Moraby Drydocks (x23,y33) 2,436-3,248 186-264 Report to lower La Noscea., Survey target area, Progress: 0/100, Report back to Ourawann at the Moraby Drydocks.
Watch Me If You Can Battlecraft Leve Promptitude 20 Kikiri Eastern Thanalan Camp Drybone (x14,y23) 2,436 167 Report to Eastern Thanalan.
The Creeps from Work Grand Company Leve Equity 20 Eugene Lower La Noscea Moraby Drydocks (x23,y34) 3,248 138 Discover who is carrying the luminous crystals and slay the target., Wicked Soul: 0/2
Man the Ore Battlecraft Leve Sympathy 20 Ourawann Lower La Noscea Moraby Drydocks (x23,y33) 2,436-3,248 218-255 Report to lower La Noscea., Use the /beckon emote to lead Guttrix Sliverpicks safely to the specified location., Progress: 0/100, Report back to Ourawann at the Moraby Drydocks.
The Light Stripes Battlecraft Leve Temperance 20 Ourawann Lower La Noscea Moraby Drydocks (x23,y33) 3,248 250 Report to lower La Noscea., Defeat all targets in the locations specified., Locations visited: 0/4, Yarzon Biter: 0/2, Truffle Coeurl: 0/1, Striped Lightning Hand: 0/1, Striped Lightning Thug: 0/1, Report back to Ourawann at the Moraby Drydocks.
Victory Is Mine, Not Yours Grand Company Leve Promptitude 20 Eugene Lower La Noscea Moraby Drydocks (x23,y34) 2,436 138 Report to lower La Noscea., Defeat as many enemies as possible within the allotted time., Drowned Butcher: 0/1, Serpent Reaver Deckhound: 0/1, Sweet-tooth Goobbue: 0/1, Drowned Outranger: 0/1
No Leaves Left Behind Battlecraft Leve Diligence 20 Nyell South Shroud Quarrymill (x25,y20) 3,248 180-243 Report to the South Shroud., Obtain target items. , Sticky Leaf: 0/6, Report back to Nyell in Quarrymill.
Killing Beasts Softly Battlecraft Leve Temperance 20 Nyell South Shroud Quarrymill (x25,y20) 3,248 196-264 Report to the South Shroud., Defeat all targets in the locations specified., Locations visited: 0/4, Leafbleed Roseling: 0/1, Leafbleed Roseling: 0/1, Leafbleed Ochu: 0/1, Leafbleed Ochu: 0/1, Report back to Nyell in Quarrymill
Claw-struck Battlecraft Leve Veracity 20 Ourawann Lower La Noscea Moraby Drydocks (x23,y33) 2,436-3,248 202-262 Report to lower La Noscea., Use a lightning sprite core to reveal target's true form, then defeat it., Big Claw: 0/2, Report back to Ourawann at the Moraby Drydocks.
Burn It Down Battlecraft Leve Unity 20 Cedrepierre East Shroud The Hawthorne Hut (x16,y27) 3,248 138 Report to the East Shroud., Carry out leve objectives., Report back to Cedrepierre at Hawthorne Hut.
It's a Trap Battlecraft Leve Confidence 20 Nyell South Shroud Quarrymill (x25,y20) 3,248 194-262 Report to the South Shroud, Obtain target items., Iron Leg Trap 0/10, Report back to Nyell in Quarrymill
It's Hard Being Moogle Battlecraft Leve Sympathy 20 Gontrant New Gridania Quarrymill (x11,y13) 3,248 194-264 Report to the South Shroud., Use the /beckon emote to lead Kupni Kapp safely to the specified location., Progress: 0/100, Report back to Nyell in Quarrymill
Don't Touch Our Stuff Grand Company Leve Unity 20 Eugene Lower La Noscea Moraby Drydocks (x23,y34) 3,248 138 Report to lower La Noscea., Defeat the enemies while protecting your charge., Fallen Supplies: 2/2, Raggedy Jackal: 0/2, Qiqirn Egglifter: 0/1, Bald Buzzard: 0/1, Sweet-tooth Goobbue: 0/1, Objective failed if all fallen supplies are lost., Report back to Eugene at the Moraby Drydocks.
Man the Ore Battlecraft Leve Sympathy 20 Ourawann Lower La Noscea Moraby Drydocks (x23,y33) 2,436-3,248 218-255 Report to lower La Noscea., Use the /beckon emote to lead Guttrix Sliverpicks safely to the specified location., Progress: 0/100, Report back to Ourawann at the Moraby Drydocks.
Blood in the Water Battlecraft Leve Equity 20 Kikiri Eastern Thanalan Camp Drybone (x14,y23) 2,436 167 Report to Eastern Thanalan.
Claw Struck Battlecraft Leve Veracity 20 Ourawann Lower La Noscea Moraby Drydocks (x23,y33)
Another Egg Gone Battlecraft Leve Resolve 20 Ourawann Lower La Noscea Moraby Drydocks (x23,y33) 2,436-3,248 208-257 Report to lower La Noscea., Weaken target and then pacify it using the /soothe emote., Qiqirn Truffler: 0/3, Report back to Ourawann at the Moraby Drydocks.
Belly Up Battlecraft Leve Valor 20 Nyell South Shroud Quarrymill (x25,y20) 3,248 202-264 Report to the South Shroud , Defeat target enemies, Coeurlclaw Poacher 0/3, Coeurlclaw Hunter 0/2, Report back to Nyell in Quarrymill
A Little Constructive Exorcism Battlecraft Leve Promptitude 20 Cedrepierre East Shroud The Hawthorne Hut (x16,y27) 3,248 138 Report to the East Shroud.
Don't Tear Down This Wall Battlecraft Leve Unity 25 Kikiri Eastern Thanalan Camp Drybone (x14,y23) 2,856 209 Report to Eastern Thanalan.
Refugee Raw Battlecraft Leve Diligence 25 Nyell South Shroud Quarrymill (x25,y20) 3,808 225-330 Report to the South Shroud., Obtain target items., Antelope Loin: 0/4, Report back to Nyell in Quarrymill
Revisiting Raimdelle Battlecraft Leve Resolve 25 Nyell South Shroud Quarrymill (x25,y20) 3,808 270-330 Report to the South Shroud., Weaken target and then pacify it using the /soothe emote., Foraging Doe: 0/2, Foraging Stag: 0/2, Report back to Nyell in Quarrymill.
The Third Prize Is That You're Slain Battlecraft Leve Equity 25 Kikiri Eastern Thanalan Camp Drybone (x14,y23) 2,856 209
Double Dose of Impin' Grand Company Leve Equity 25 Eugene Lower La Noscea Moraby Drydocks (x23,y34) 2,856 173 Report to lower La Noscea., Discover who is carrying the luminous crystals and slay the target., Darkwing Devilet: 0/3, Luminous Crystal: 0
Flower Power Battlecraft Leve Resolve 25 Esmond Southern Thanalan Little Ala Mhigo (x18,y13) 3,808 315 Report to Southern Thanalan.
Drakes' Misfortune Battlecraft Leve Veracity 25 Esmond Southern Thanalan Little Ala Mhigo (x18,y13) 3,808 330 Report to Southern Thanalan.
A Heart Aflame Battlecraft Leve Prudence 25 Kikiri Eastern Thanalan Camp Drybone (x14,y23) 2,856 209 Report to Eastern Thanalan
Dead Men Lie Battlecraft Leve Tenacity 25 Esmond Southern Thanalan Little Ala Mhigo (x18,y13) 3,808 255-303 Report to Southern Thanalan
Up the Creek Battlecraft Leve Confidence 25 Nyell South Shroud Quarrymill (x25,y20) 3,808 273-330 Report to the South Shroud., Obtain target items., Homebrew: 0/5, Report back to Nyell in Quarrymill.
Food for Thought Battlecraft Leve Promptitude 25 Kikiri Eastern Thanalan Camp Drybone (x14,y23) 2,856 209 Report to Eastern Thanalan.
You're a Liar, Mansel Black Grand Company Leve Prudence 25 Eugene Lower La Noscea Moraby Drydocks (x23,y34) 3,808 173 Defeat any enemies summoning reinforcements., Twin-tongued Mansel: 0/1
Run, Run Away Battlecraft Leve Sympathy 25 Esmond Southern Thanalan Little Ala Mhigo (x18,y13) 3,808 312 Report to Southern Thanalan
A Real Wingnut Battlecraft Leve Prudence 25 Cedrepierre East Shroud The Hawthorne Hut (x16,y27) 3,808 173 Report to the East Shroud.
Rope a 'Lope Battlecraft Leve Sympathy 25 Nyell South Shroud Quarrymill (x25,y20) 3,808 294-330 Report to the South Shroud., Use the /beckon emote to lead the thickfur doe safely to the specified location., Progress: 0/100, Report back to Nyell in Quarrymill.
Blinded by the Wight Battlecraft Leve Equity 25 Cedrepierre East Shroud The Hawthorne Hut (x16,y27) 3,808 173 Report to the East Shroud.
Sylph Strands Battlecraft Leve Promptitude 25 Cedrepierre East Shroud The Hawthorne Hut (x16,y27) 3,808 173 Report to the East Shroud.
Wrong and Rite Grand Company Leve Promptitude 25 Eugene Lower La Noscea Moraby Drydocks (x23,y34) 3,808 173 Defeat as many enemies as possible within the allotted time., Wandering Waterskin: 0/1, Sahagin Spy: 0/1, Moraby Stoneshell: 0/1
Of Mice and Demons Grand Company Leve Unity 25 Eugene Lower La Noscea Moraby Drydocks (x23,y34) 2,856 173 Report to lower La Noscea., Defeat the enemies while protecting your charge., Materiel Crate: 0/3, Decoy Crab: 0/4, Qiqirn Egglifter: 0/2, Objective failed if all materiel crates are lost.
Necrologos The Noctambulist Battlecraft Leve Wisdom 25 Esmond Southern Thanalan Little Ala Mhigo (x18,y13) 2,856 230 Report to Southern Thanalan.
Necrologos Olidious Separation Battlecraft Leve Wisdom 25 Nyell South Shroud Quarrymill (x25,y20) 3,808 228-327 Report to the South Shroud, Gather all the missing pages of the Necrologos and defeat the creature summoned from within., Chewed Necrologos Page: 0/5, Figgy Pudding: 0/1, Report back to Nyell in Quarrymill
Necrologos Fluid Corruption Battlecraft Leve Wisdom 25 Esmond Southern Thanalan Little Ala Mhigo (x18,y13) 3,808 318 Report to Southern Thanalan.
More than Meets the Eye Battlecraft Leve Veracity 25 Nyell South Shroud Quarrymill (x25,y20) 3,808 253-324 Report to the South Shroud., Use a large pollen cluster to reveal target's true form, then defeat it., Despicable Devilet: 0/2, Defeat poisonous flytraps to obtain glamour-dispelling large pollen clusters., Report back to Nyell in Quarrymill
Go with the Flow Battlecraft Leve Unity 25 Cedrepierre East Shroud The Hawthorne Hut (x16,y27) 3,808 173 Report to the East Shroud.
Necrologos The Beholders Battlecraft Leve Wisdom 25 Gontrant New Gridania Quarrymill (x11,y13) 3,808 263-324 Report to the South Shroud, Gather all the missing pages of the Necrologos and defeat the creature summoned from within., Torn Necrologos Page: 0/5, Fachan: 0/1, Report back to Nyell in Quarrymill
Bridges of Qiqirn Country Grand Company Leve Unity 30 Blue Herring Southern Thanalan Little Ala Mhigo (x18,y13) 5,928 207 Report to Southern Thanalan.
Necrologos Igneous Toil Battlecraft Leve Wisdom 30 Nahctahr Eastern La Noscea Costa del Sol (x30,y30) 4,446 270 Report to eastern La Noscea., Gather all missing pages of the Necrologos and defeat the creature summoned from within., Blackened Necrologos page: 0/4, Void Mine: 0/1
Black Market Down Battlecraft Leve Tenacity 30 Merthelin South Shroud Camp Tranquil (x16,y28) 4,446 276 Report to the South Shroud.
Twenty-nine Was the Cutoff Grand Company Leve Prudence 30 C'lafumyn Eastern La Noscea Costa del Sol (x33,y30) 4,446 207 Report to eastern La Noscea., Defeat any enemies summoning reinforcements., 426th Order Mendicant Zi Gu: 0/1
Out to Sea Battlecraft Leve Confidence 30 Nahctahr Eastern La Noscea Costa del Sol (x30,y30) 4,446 291 Report to eastern La Noscea., Obtain target items., Washed Up Wine Bottle: 0/5
Sol Survivors Battlecraft Leve Valor 30 Nahctahr Eastern La Noscea Costa del Sol (x30,y30) 4,446 273-300 Report to eastern La Noscea., Defeat target enemies., Bloodshore Snipper: 0/2, Bloodshore Eyesore: 0/1, Wind Sprite: 0/1, Bloodshore Snipper: 0/1
Under Foot Battlecraft Leve Temperance 30 Nahctahr Eastern La Noscea Costa del Sol (x30,y30) 4,446 270 Report to Eastern La Noscea., Defeat all targets in the locations specified:, Bloodshore Snipper defeated., Apkallu Callers defeated., Bloodshore Eyesore defeated., Unsightly Buffalo defeated.
Birds of a Feather Battlecraft Leve Resolve 30 Nahctahr Eastern La Noscea Costa del Sol (x30,y30) 4,446 282 Weaken target and then pacify it using the /soothe emote., Talking Colibri: 0/4
You Are NOT a Pirate Grand Company Leve Equity 30 C'lafumyn Eastern La Noscea Costa del Sol (x33,y30) 4,446 207 Report to eastern La Noscea, Discover who is carrying the magitek transceivers and slay the target., Imperial Tesserarius: 0/2, Magitek Transceiver: 0
This Is Going to Sting, A Lot Battlecraft Leve Unity 30 H'amneko South Shroud Camp Tranquil (x17,y30) 4,096 250 Report to the South Shroud.
A Feast in the Forest Battlecraft Leve Diligence 30 Merthelin South Shroud Camp Tranquil (x16,y28) 5,928 389 Report to the South Shroud.
Adamantoise Tears Battlecraft Leve Confidence 30 Merthelin South Shroud Camp Tranquil (x16,y28) 5,928 324
And Then There Were None Grand Company Leve Promptitude 30 Blue Herring Southern Thanalan Little Ala Mhigo (x18,y13) 5,928 207 Report to Southern Thanalan.
The Cost of Living Grand Company Leve Equity 30 Blue Herring Southern Thanalan Little Ala Mhigo (x18,y13) 4,446 207 Report to Southern Thanalan.
Necrologos Brand of the Impure Battlecraft Leve Wisdom 30 Merthelin South Shroud Camp Tranquil (x16,y28) 5,928 393 Report to the South Shroud.
Clearing Steer Battlecraft Leve Sympathy 30 Nahctahr Eastern La Noscea Costa del Sol (x30,y30) 4,446 288-294 Report to eastern La Noscea.
Call Me Mating Battlecraft Leve Tenacity 30 Nahctahr Eastern La Noscea Costa del Sol (x30,y30) 4,446 297 Report to eastern La Nocsea., Eliminate target enemies., Apkallu Caller: 0/4, Apkallu Caller: 0/2
Where the Fur's At Battlecraft Leve Confidence 30 Merthelin South Shroud Camp Tranquil (x16,y28) Report to the South Shroud.
Grapevine of Wrath Grand Company Leve Prudence 30 Blue Herring Southern Thanalan Little Ala Mhigo (x18,y13) 5,928 207 Report to Southern Thanalan.
Woodcross Busydeal Battlecraft Leve Sympathy 30 Merthelin South Shroud Camp Tranquil (x16,y28) 5,928 324 Report to the South Shroud.
It's Better (for You) Under the Sea Grand Company Leve Promptitude 30 C'lafumyn Eastern La Noscea Costa del Sol (x33,y30) 4,446 207 Report to eastern La Noscea, Defeat as many enemies as possible within the allotted time., Drowned Crofter: 0/1, Sahagin Sapper: 0/1, Drowned Outranger: 0/1, Sahagin Spy: 0/1
Road Worriers Grand Company Leve Unity 30 C'lafumyn Eastern La Noscea Costa del Sol (x33,y30) 4,446 207 Report to eastern La Noscea., Defeat the enemies while protecting your charge., Repair Supplies: 4/4, 426th Order Patrolman: 0/3, 426th Order Pitman: 0/2, 426th Order Bedesman: 0/1, 426th Order Missionary: 0/1, Objective failed if all repair supplies are lost.
Creature Feature Battlecraft Leve Promptitude 30 H'amneko South Shroud Camp Tranquil (x17,y30) 4,096 250 Report to South Shroud.
It Goes with the Territory Battlecraft Leve Equity 30 H'amneko South Shroud Camp Tranquil (x17,y30) 5,928 207-250 Report to the South Shroud.
Dead Man Walking Battlecraft Leve Prudence 30 H'amneko South Shroud Camp Tranquil (x17,y30) 5,928 207 Report to the South Shroud., Defeat any enemies summoning reinforcmeents., Turncloak Clairvisse: 0/1, Report back to H'amneko at Camp Tranquil.
Wonder Wine Battlecraft Leve Sympathy 35 Aileen Eastern La Noscea Wineport (x21,y21) 5,412 364-378 Use the /beckon emote to lead E'bandala Sweetmane safely to the specified location.
Now We're Even Battlecraft Leve Diligence 35 Cimeaurant Coerthas Central Highlands First Dicasterial Observatorium of Aetherial and Astrological Phenomena (x26,y28) 5,412 361-378 Obtain target items., White Wolf Hide: 0/4
Appetite for Abduction Battlecraft Leve Justice 35 Aileen Eastern La Noscea Wineport (x21,y21) 5,412 385
Just Making an Observation Grand Company Leve Promptitude 35 Haisie Coerthas Central Highlands First Dicasterial Observatorium of Aetherial and Astrological Phenomena (x25,y28) 7,216 242 Defeat as many enemies as possible within the allotted time., Wrathful Ogre: 0/1, Snapjaw: 0/1, Frostbitten Goobbue: 0/1, White Wolf: 0/1
Pick Your Poison Grand Company Leve Unity 35 Haisie Coerthas Central Highlands First Dicasterial Observatorium of Aetherial and Astrological Phenomena (x25,y28) 7,216 242 Report to Coerthas central highlands.
Fishing Off the Company Pier Grand Company Leve Equity 35 Haisie Coerthas Central Highlands First Dicasterial Observatorium of Aetherial and Astrological Phenomena (x25,y28) 7,216 242 Report to Coerthas central highlands.
Coeurl Scratch Fever Battlecraft Leve Tenacity 35 Aileen Eastern La Noscea Wineport (x21,y21) 5,412 315-333 Eliminate target enemies, Jungle Coeurl Pup: 0/5, Golden Coeurl: 0/1
Meat and Bleat Battlecraft Leve Justice 35 Cimeaurant Coerthas Central Highlands First Dicasterial Observatorium of Aetherial and Astrological Phenomena (x26,y28) 5,412 340-350 Lure target from hiding and slay it., Spinesnap Ogre 0/2.
Mad About You Grand Company Leve Prudence 35 Haisie Coerthas Central Highlands First Dicasterial Observatorium of Aetherial and Astrological Phenomena (x25,y28) 7,216 242 Report to Coerthas central highlands.
Little Lost Lamb Battlecraft Leve Sympathy 35 Cimeaurant Coerthas Central Highlands First Dicasterial Observatorium of Aetherial and Astrological Phenomena (x26,y28) 5,412 385 Use the /beckon emote to lead the lost ewe safely to the specified location.
Dress for Aggress Grand Company Leve Equity 35 Haisie Coerthas Central Highlands First Dicasterial Observatorium of Aetherial and Astrological Phenomena (x25,y28) 7,216 242 Report to the Coerthas central highlands.
Have a Nice Trip Battlecraft Leve Veracity 35 Cimeaurant Coerthas Central Highlands First Dicasterial Observatorium of Aetherial and Astrological Phenomena (x26,y28) 5,412 354-382 Use a napalm claw to reveal target's true form, then defeat it., Meltwater Goobbue: 0/3
Roast Lamb with Mint and Hellfire Grand Company Leve Equity 35 Haisie Coerthas Central Highlands First Dicasterial Observatorium of Aetherial and Astrological Phenomena (x25,y28) 7,216 242 Report to Coerthas central highlands.
Fanning the Flames Grand Company Leve Unity 35 Haisie Coerthas Central Highlands First Dicasterial Observatorium of Aetherial and Astrological Phenomena (x25,y28) 5,412 242 Defeat the enemies while protecting your charge., Glowing Bonfire: 4/4, Ixali Fender: 0/2, Ixali Watchwolf: 0/2, Ixali Frostbeak: 0/3
Bud Bait Battlecraft Leve Justice 35 Aileen Eastern La Noscea Wineport (x21,y21) 5,412 361 Lure target from hiding and slay it., Unsightly Buffalo: 0/2
Saving Bessy Battlecraft Leve Justice 35 Cimeaurant Coerthas Central Highlands First Dicasterial Observatorium of Aetherial and Astrological Phenomena (x26,y28) 5,412 326-371 Lure target from hiding and slay it., Red Aevis: 0/2
Necrologos Igneous Moil Battlecraft Leve Wisdom 35 Aileen Eastern La Noscea Wineport (x21,y21) 5,412 319 Gather all missing pages of the Necrologos and defeat the creature summoned from within, Charred Necrologos Page: 0/5
Feathered Foes Grand Company Leve Prudence 35 Haisie Coerthas Central Highlands First Dicasterial Observatorium of Aetherial and Astrological Phenomena (x25,y28) 5,412 242 Defeat any enemies summoning reinforcements., Lotoli Ahuatan the Glider
Cower to the People Battlecraft Leve Confidence 35 Cimeaurant Coerthas Central Highlands First Dicasterial Observatorium of Aetherial and Astrological Phenomena (x26,y28) 5,412 371-378 Obtain target items, Sack of Rich Soil: 0/7
Necrologos Cinerary Rite Battlecraft Leve Wisdom 35 Cimeaurant Coerthas Central Highlands Aetherial Observatorium (x26,y28) 5,412 326-378 Gather all missing pages of the Necrologos and defeat the creature summonedd from within., Rime-bound Necrologos Page: 0/5, Frozen Bavarois 0/1
The Baddest Brigade in Town Battlecraft Leve Promptitude 35 Haisie Coerthas Central Highlands First Dicasterial Observatorium of Aetherial and Astrological Phenomena (x25,y28) 7,216 242 Report to Coerthas central highlands., Defeat as many enemies as possible within the alotted time.
Walk Like a Mandragora Battlecraft Leve Veracity 35 Aileen Eastern La Noscea Wineport (x21,y21) 5,412 322-368 Use a brightseed to reveal target's true form, then defeat it., Inebriated Imp: 0/3
We Can Dismember It for You Wholesale Battlecraft Leve Valor 40 Voilinaut Coerthas Central Highlands Whitebrim Front (x12,y16) 6,763 400-441 Defeat target enemies, White Wolf: 0/1, Spinesnap Ogre: 0/1, Downcast Hippocerf: 0/1, Meltwater Goobbue: 0/1
The Tropes of the Trade Battlecraft Leve Resolve 40 Voilinaut Coerthas Central Highlands Whitebrim Front (x12,y16) 6,763 392-424 Weaken target and then pacify it using the phial of nerve drops., Alpine Hippocerf: 0/4
Yellow Is the New Black Grand Company Leve Promptitude 40 Lodille Coerthas Central Highlands Whitebrim Front (x11,y16) 9,016 276 Defeat as many enemies as possible within the allotted time.
You Look Good Enough to Eat Battlecraft Leve Justice 40 Voilinaut Coerthas Central Highlands Whitebrim Front (x12,y16) 9,016 461-528 Lure target from hiding and slay it., Red Aevis: 0/2
You Dropped Something Grand Company Leve Unity 40 Lodille Coerthas Central Highlands Whitebrim Front (x11,y16) 9,016 276 Report to Coerthas central highlands.
Necrologos Pale Oblation Battlecraft Leve Wisdom 40 Rurubana Northern Thanalan Camp Bluefog (x22,y29) 9,016 476 Report to northern Thanalan, Gather all missing pages of the Necrologos and defeat the creature summoned from within., Singed Necrologos Page: 0/5
If You Put It That Way Grand Company Leve Prudence 40 Lodille Coerthas Central Highlands Whitebrim Front (x11,y16) 9,016 276 Report to Coerthas central highlands.
Necrologos Whispers of the Gem Battlecraft Leve Wisdom 40 Voilinaut Coerthas Central Highlands Whitebrim Front (x12,y16) 9,016 524 Gather all missing pages of the Necrologos and defeat the creature summoned from within., Soiled Necrologos Page: 0/5, Defeat Milky Eye: 0/1
Papal Dispensation Grand Company Leve Promptitude 40 Lodille Coerthas Central Highlands Whitebrim Front (x11,y16) 9,016 276 Report to Coerthas central highlands.
Got a Gut Feeling about This Battlecraft Leve Justice 40 Voilinaut Coerthas Central Highlands Whitebrim Front (x12,y16) 9,016 528 Lure target from hiding and slay it., Stegotaur: 0/2
Don't Forget to Cry Battlecraft Leve Justice 40 Rurubana Northern Thanalan Camp Bluefog (x22,y29) 6,763 360 Report to northern Thanalan., Lure target from hiding and slay it., Balor: 0/2, Tears of Nepenthe: 0, Use bottles of Tears of Nepenthe obtained from balor's bells on prime locations to lure out a balor
An Imp Mobile Grand Company Leve Equity 40 Lodille Coerthas Central Highlands Whitebrim Front (x11,y16) 9,016 276 Discover who is carrying the luminous crystals and slay the target., Dusty Devilet: 0/2
Blow-up Incubator Battlecraft Leve Diligence 40 Rurubana Northern Thanalan Camp Bluefog (x22,y29) 6,763 372 Obtain target items, Bomb Thumb 0/3, Cobble of Sparkrock 0/3, Drop of Flame Drake Spittle 0/1, Report to Rurubana
Circling the Ceruleum Battlecraft Leve Temperance 40 Rurubana Northern Thanalan Camp Bluefog (x22,y29) 9,016 471 Defeat all the targets in the locations specified., Locations visited: 0/4
Pets Are Family Too Battlecraft Leve Sympathy 40 Voilinaut Coerthas Central Highlands Whitebrim Front (x12,y16) 9,016 490 Use the /beckon emote to lead the Snowshoe Mouse safely to the specified location.
No Big Whoop Grand Company Leve Equity 40 Lodille Coerthas Central Highlands Whitebrim Front (x11,y16) 9,016 276 Report to Coerthas central highlands.
The Bloodhounds of Coerthas Grand Company Leve Unity 40 Lodille Coerthas Central Highlands Whitebrim Front (x11,y16) 9,016 276 Report to Coerthas central highlands.
Subduing the Subprime Battlecraft Leve Valor 40 Rurubana Northern Thanalan Camp Bluefog (x22,y29) 9,016 480 Report to northern Thanalan., Defeat target enemies., Baert Trading Company Guard: 0/1, Baert Trading Company Guard: 0/2, Baert Trading Company Guard: 0/2
The Area's a Bit Sketchy Battlecraft Leve Temperance 40 Voilinaut Coerthas Central Highlands Whitebrim Front (x12,y16) 6,763 384-416 Defeat all targets in the locations specified., Locations visited: 0/4
Someone's Got a Big Mouth Grand Company Leve Prudence 40 Lodille Coerthas Central Highlands Whitebrim Front (x11,y16) 9,016 276 Defeat any enemies summoning reinforcements, Mimas: 0/1
Talk to My Voidsent Grand Company Leve Prudence 40 Lodille Coerthas Central Highlands Whitebrim Front (x11,y16) 9,016 276 Report to Coerthas central highlands.
Someone's in the Doghouse Battlecraft Leve Sympathy 40 Rurubana Northern Thanalan Camp Bluefog (x22,y29) 9,016 452 Report to northern Thanalan., Use the /beckon emote to lead the mine hound safely to the specified location., Progress: 0/100, Levequest deemed a failure if mind hound is slain.
Turnabout's Fair Play Battlecraft Leve Veracity 45 K'leytai Mor Dhona Saint Coinach's Find (x29,y12) 9,936 503 Use an ice sprite core to reveal target's true form, then defeat it., Bloodshot Eye: 0/2
Big, Bad Idea Battlecraft Leve Justice 45 K'leytai Mor Dhona Saint Coinach's Find (x29,y12) 9,936 508 Report to Mor Dhona.
A Toad Less Taken Battlecraft Leve Resolve 45 K'leytai Mor Dhona Saint Coinach's Find (x29,y12) 7,453 437-459 Weaken target and pacify it using the /sooth emote, Winter Nix: 0/4
Amateur Hour Grand Company Leve Equity 45 Eidhart Mor Dhona Saint Coinach's Find (x30,y12) 7,453 311 Discover whi is carrying the luminous crystals and slay the target, Dusty Devilet: 0/2
Get Off Our Lake Grand Company Leve Promptitude 45 Eidhart Mor Dhona Saint Coinach's Find (x30,y12) 9,936 311 Report to Mor Dhona.
The Awry Salvages Grand Company Leve Unity 45 Eidhart Mor Dhona Saint Coinach's Find (x30,y12) 7,453 311 Defeat the enemies while protecting your charge., Researh document: 0/4, Beggar Bhikku: 0/1, Beggar Shramana: 0/3, Hippogryph Pup: 0/2
Who Writes History Grand Company Leve Prudence 45 Eidhart Mor Dhona Saint Coinach's Find (x30,y12) 9,936 311 Report to Mor Dhona., Defeat any enemies summoning reinforcements., Okeanos the Red: 0/1
One Big Problem Solved Grand Company Leve Promptitude 45 Eidhart Mor Dhona Saint Coinach's Find (x30,y12) 7,453 311 Defeat as many enemies as possible within the allotted time, Beggar Bonze: 0/1, Beggar Sozu: 0/1, Beggar Shramana: 0/1, Beggar Bhikku: 0/1
One of Our Naturalists Is Missing Battlecraft Leve Sympathy 45 K'leytai Mor Dhona Saint Coinach's Find (x29,y12) 9,936 513 Use the /beckon emote to lead the Son of Saint Coinach safely to the specified location.
Science Shindig Grand Company Leve Promptitude 45 Eidhart Mor Dhona Saint Coinach's Find (x30,y12) 9,936 311 Report to Mor Dhona.
The Museum Is Closed Grand Company Leve Unity 45 Eidhart Mor Dhona Saint Coinach's Find (x30,y12) 9,936 311 Report to Mor Dhona.
Necrologos The Liminal Ones Battlecraft Leve Wisdom 45 K'leytai Mor Dhona Saint Coinach's Find (x29,y12) 7,453 459 Gather all missing pages of the Necrologos and defeat the creature summoned from within., Gnawed Necrologos Page: 0/5
Put Your Stomp on It Battlecraft Leve Temperance 45 K'leytai Mor Dhona Saint Coinach's Find (x29,y12) 9,936 503 Defeat all targets in the locations specified., Locations visited: 0/4
Kill the Messenger Grand Company Leve Prudence 45 Eidhart Mor Dhona Saint Coinach's Find (x30,y12) 7,453 311 Defeat any enemies summoning reinforcements, Armantel Scaletalker: 0/1
Go Home to Mama Grand Company Leve Unity 45 Eidhart Mor Dhona Saint Coinach's Find (x30,y12) 9,936 311 Defeat the enemies while protecting your charge., Airship Wreck 3/3, Imperial Hoplomachus: 0/2, Imperial Secutor: 0/2, Imperial Signifer: 0/1, Magitek Packer: 0/1