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"Leatherworkers are craftsmen who refine the hides, pelts, and furs of Eorzea's wildlife into garments to be worn from head to toe. Foremost among their creations are leather protectives, which are more substantial than cloth, but lighter and more pliable than chain or plate.
The Elezen have long been known for their skill in leatherworking, yet for centuries their techniques were heavily guarded. Once they agreed to share their wealth of knowledge, the quality of Gridanian leather goods improved significantly, creating an increased demand for the superior products." — Game Description

Leatherworker's Guild

General Information

Leatherworker is a Disciple of the Hand (crafting class) that uses hides, furs and pelts to create leather armor for multiple classes in the game. They are also capable of crafting leather-based accessories, weapons for pugilists, shields for casters, and many other items.

Any player with at least one level 10 Disciple of War or Magic is eligible to become a Leatherworker. To begin, head to the Leatherworker's Guild located in Gridania and speak with the receptionist to start your first quest.

Leatherworker Tools

Primary Tools

Item Icon Level Item Level Requirement Materia Slots Stats and Attributes
Weathered Head Knife Weathered head knife icon1.png 1 1 LTW 0 Craftsmanship +21 
Bronze Head Knife Bronze head knife icon1.png 8 8 LTW 0 Craftsmanship +30 HQ icon.png34Control +17 HQ icon.png19
Amateur's Head Knife Amateurs head knife icon1.png 11 11 LTW 0 Craftsmanship +34 HQ icon.png38Control +19 HQ icon.png22
Brass Head Knife Brass head knife icon1.png 14 14 LTW 0 Craftsmanship +38 HQ icon.png43Control +21 HQ icon.png24
Initiate's Head Knife Initiates head knife icon1.png 19 19 LTW 1 (5) Craftsmanship +44 HQ icon.png50Control +25 HQ icon.png28
Iron Round Knife Iron round knife icon1.png 23 23 LTW 1 (5) Craftsmanship +49 HQ icon.png55Control +28 HQ icon.png32
Iron Head Knife Iron head knife icon1.png 28 28 LTW 1 (5) Craftsmanship +55 HQ icon.png62Control +32 HQ icon.png36
Silver Head Knife Silver head knife icon1.png 31 31 LTW 1 (5) Craftsmanship +59 HQ icon.png67Control +34 HQ icon.png38
Steel Round Knife Steel round knife icon1.png 34 34 LTW 1 (5) Craftsmanship +63 HQ icon.png71Control +36 HQ icon.png41
Mythril Head Knife Mythril head knife icon1.png 38 38 LTW 1 (5) Craftsmanship +68 HQ icon.png77Control +39 HQ icon.png44
Mythril Round Knife Mythril round knife icon1.png 43 43 LTW 1 (5) Craftsmanship +74 HQ icon.png84Control +42 HQ icon.png48
Electrum Head Knife Electrum head knife icon1.png 48 48 LTW 1 (5) Craftsmanship +80 HQ icon.png91Control +46 HQ icon.png52
Knife of the Luminary Knife of the luminary icon1.png 50 55 LTW 0 Craftsmanship +107 Control +61 
Pinga Pinga icon1.png 50 55 LTW 0 Craftsmanship +107 Control +61 
Artisan's Round Knife Artisans round knife icon1.png 50 70 LTW 0 Craftsmanship +139 Control +78 
Pinga Supra Pinga supra icon1.png 50 75 LTW 0 Craftsmanship +149 Control +83 
Pinga Lucis Pinga lucis icon1.png 50 90 LTW 0 Craftsmanship +180 Control +97 
Mythrite Round Knife Mythrite round knife icon1.png 52 85 LTW 1 (5) Craftsmanship +150 HQ icon.png170Control +81 HQ icon.png92
Titanium Creasing Knife Titanium creasing knife icon1.png 55 100 LTW 1 (5) Craftsmanship +166 HQ icon.png188Control +89 HQ icon.png101
Hardsilver Round Knife Hardsilver round knife icon1.png 57 120 LTW 1 (5) Craftsmanship +180 HQ icon.png204Control +97 HQ icon.png109
Aurum Regis Creasing Knife Aurum regis creasing knife icon1.png 60 150 LTW 1 (5) Craftsmanship +204 HQ icon.png232Control +110 HQ icon.png124
Hidemaster's Knife Hidemasters knife icon1.png 60 170 LTW 1 (5) Craftsmanship +232 HQ icon.png263Control +124 HQ icon.png141
Hidekeep's Knife Hidekeeps knife icon1.png 60 180 LTW 0 Craftsmanship +278 Control +149 
High Mythrite Round Knife High mythrite round knife icon1.png 60 195 LTW 1 (5) Craftsmanship +270 HQ icon.png306Control +145 HQ icon.png164
Augmented Hidekeep's Knife Augmented hidekeeps knife icon1.png 60 200 LTW 0 Craftsmanship +315 Control +169 
Blessed Hidekeep's Knife Blessed hidekeeps knife icon1.png 60 200 LTW 0 Craftsmanship +315 Control +169 
High Steel Head Knife High steel head knife icon1.png 62 190 LTW 1 (5) Craftsmanship +262 HQ icon.png297Control +140 HQ icon.png159
Doman Iron Head Knife Doman iron head knife icon1.png 65 220 LTW 1 (5) Craftsmanship +295 HQ icon.png334Control +158 HQ icon.png179
Doman Steel Round Knife Doman steel round knife icon1.png 67 245 LTW 1 (5) Craftsmanship +316 HQ icon.png358Control +169 HQ icon.png192
Molybdenum Creasing Knife Molybdenum creasing knife icon1.png 70 290 LTW 1 (5) Craftsmanship +358 HQ icon.png405Control +192 HQ icon.png217
Hideking's Knife Hidekings knife icon1.png 70 300 LTW 0 Craftsmanship +433 Control +232 
Ala Mhigan Round Knife Ala mhigan round knife icon1.png 70 325 LTW 1 (5) Craftsmanship +442 HQ icon.png500Control +237 HQ icon.png268
Augmented Hideking's Knife Augmented hidekings knife icon1.png 70 330 LTW 0 Craftsmanship +514 Control +276 
Nightsteel Round Knife Nightsteel round knife icon1.png 70 345 LTW 1 (5) Craftsmanship +489 HQ icon.png555Control +263 HQ icon.png298
Blessed Hideking's Knife Blessed hidekings knife icon1.png 70 350 LTW 0 Craftsmanship +568 Control +305 
Handking's Round Knife Handkings round knife icon1.png 70 350 LTW 0 Craftsmanship +568 Control +305 
Deepgold Head Knife Deepgold head knife icon1.png 71 330 LTW 1 (5) Craftsmanship +453 HQ icon.png514Control +243 HQ icon.png276
Bluespirit Round Knife Bluespirit round knife icon1.png 74 370 LTW 1 (5) Craftsmanship +521 HQ icon.png590Control +280 HQ icon.png318
Titanbronze Creasing Knife Titanbronze creasing knife icon1.png 77 400 LTW 1 (5) Craftsmanship +550 HQ icon.png624Control +297 HQ icon.png337
Dragonsung Round Knife Replica Dragonsung round knife replica icon1.png 80 1 LTW 0 Craftsmanship +24 Control +14 
Skybuilders' Round Knife Replica Skybuilders round knife replica icon1.png 80 1 LTW 0 Craftsmanship +24 Control +14 
Skysung Round Knife Replica Skysung round knife replica icon1.png 80 1 LTW 0 Craftsmanship +24 Control +14 
Dwarven Mythril Round Knife Dwarven mythril round knife icon1.png 80 430 LTW 1 (5) Craftsmanship +580 HQ icon.png657Control +314 HQ icon.png356
Hidefiend's Knife Hidefiends knife icon1.png 80 440 LTW 0 Craftsmanship +687 Control +373 
Skysteel Round Knife Skysteel round knife icon1.png 80 440 LTW 0 Craftsmanship +687 Control +373 

Skysteel prototype.
Skysteel Round Knife +1 Skysteel round knife +1 icon1.png 80 455 LTW 0 Craftsmanship +726 Control +395 

Skysteel prototype.
Facet Round Knife Facet round knife icon1.png 80 460 LTW 1 (5) Craftsmanship +648 HQ icon.png735Control +353 HQ icon.png400
Professional's Round Knife Professionals round knife icon1.png 80 470 LTW 0 Craftsmanship +758 Control +414 
Dragonsung Round Knife Dragonsung round knife icon1.png 80 475 LTW 0 Craftsmanship +770 Control +421 

Skysteel tool.
Augmented Dragonsung Round Knife Dragonsung round knife icon1.png 80 485 LTW 0 Craftsmanship +794 Control +434 

Skysteel tool.
Aesthete's Round Knife Aesthetes round knife icon1.png 80 490 LTW 1 (5) Craftsmanship +711 HQ icon.png806Control +389 HQ icon.png441
Handsaint's Knife Handsaints knife icon1.png 80 500 LTW 0 Craftsmanship +830 Control +455 
Resplendent Hidefiend's Knife Resplendent hidefiends knife icon1.png 80 500 LTW 3 Craftsmanship +830 Control +455 
Skysung Round Knife Skysung round knife icon1.png 80 500 LTW 0 Craftsmanship +830 Control +455 CP +6 

Improved Skysteel tool.
Skybuilders' Round Knife Skybuilders round knife icon1.png 80 510 LTW 0 Craftsmanship +854 Control +468 CP +6 

Perfected Skysteel tool.
High Durium Creasing Knife High durium creasing knife icon1.png 81 480 LTW 1 (5) Craftsmanship +690 HQ icon.png782Control +377 HQ icon.png427
Bismuth Round Knife Bismuth round knife icon1.png 84 520 LTW 1 (5) Craftsmanship +761 HQ icon.png863Control +420 HQ icon.png476
Manganese Round Knife Manganese round knife icon1.png 87 540 LTW 1 (5) Craftsmanship +811 HQ icon.png919Control +449 HQ icon.png508
Brilliant Round Knife Replica Brilliant round knife replica icon1.png 90 1 LTW 0 Craftsmanship +24 Control +14 
Chora-Zoi's Crystalline Round Knife Replica Chora-zois crystalline round knife replica icon1.png 90 1 LTW 0 Craftsmanship +24 Control +14 
Lodestar Round Knife Replica Vrandtic visionary's round knife icon1.png 90 1 LTW 0 Craftsmanship +24 Control +14 
Replica Crystalline Round Knife Replica crystalline round knife icon1.png 90 1 LTW 0 Craftsmanship +24 Control +14 
Vrandtic Visionary's Round Knife Replica Vrandtic visionary's round knife icon1.png 90 1 LTW 0 Craftsmanship +24 Control +14 
Chondrite Round Knife Chondrite round knife icon1.png 90 560 LTW 1 (5) Craftsmanship +866 HQ icon.png982Control +480 HQ icon.png544
Hidesoph's Knife Hidesophs knife icon1.png 90 570 LTW 0 Craftsmanship +1,023 Control +556 
Splendorous Knife Splendorous knife icon1.png 90 570 LTW 0 Craftsmanship +1,023 Control +556 

Base splendorous tool.
Augmented Splendorous Knife Augmented splendorous knife icon1.png 90 590 LTW 0 Craftsmanship +1,107 Control +593 

Augmented splendorous tool.
Pactmaker's Creasing Knife Pactmakers creasing knife icon1.png 90 590 LTW 1 (5) Craftsmanship +977 HQ icon.png1,107Control +524 HQ icon.png593
Perfectionist's Round Knife Perfectionists round knife icon1.png 90 590 LTW 1 Craftsmanship +1,107 Control +593 
Afflatus Round Knife Afflatus round knife icon1.png 90 620 LTW 1 Craftsmanship +1,208 Control +638 
Crystalline Round Knife Crystalline round knife icon1.png 90 620 LTW 0 Craftsmanship +1,208 Control +638 CP +7 

Adaptive splendorous tool.
Increases to quality are 1.75 times higher than normal when material condition is Good.
Indagator's Knife Indagators knife icon1.png 90 620 LTW 1 (5) Craftsmanship +1,066 HQ icon.png1,208Control +563 HQ icon.png638
Chora-Zoi's Crystalline Round Knife Chora-zoi's crystalline round knife icon1.png 90 625 LTW 0 Craftsmanship +1,220 Control +646 CP +7 

Customized splendorous tool.
Increases to quality are 1.75 times higher than normal when material condition is Good.
Brilliant Round Knife Brilliant round knife icon1.png 90 630 LTW 0 Craftsmanship +1,232 Control +655 CP +7 

Brilliant splendorous tool.
Increases to quality are 1.75 times higher than normal when material condition is Good.
Vrandtic Visionary's Round Knife Vrandtic visionary's round knife icon1.png 90 635 LTW 0 Craftsmanship +1,244 Control +663 CP +7 

Inspirational splendorous tool.
Increases to quality are 1.75 times higher than normal when material condition is Good.
Lodestar Round Knife Vrandtic visionary's round knife icon1.png 90 640 LTW 0 Craftsmanship +1,255 Control +672 CP +7 

Perfected splendorous tool.
Increases to quality are 1.75 times higher than normal when material condition is Good.
Mountain Chromite Creasing Knife Mountain chromite creasing knife icon1.png 91 610 LTW 1 (5) Craftsmanship +1,040 HQ icon.png1,178Control +551 HQ icon.png624
Cobalt Tungsten Creasing Knife Cobalt tungsten creasing knife icon1.png 94 650 LTW 1 (5) Craftsmanship +1,145 HQ icon.png1,297Control +612 HQ icon.png694
Titanium Gold Creasing Knife Titanium gold creasing knife icon1.png 97 670 LTW 1 (5) Craftsmanship +1,221 HQ icon.png1,383Control +651 HQ icon.png738
Ra'Kaznar Round Knife Rakaznar round knife icon1.png 100 690 LTW 1 (5) Craftsmanship +1,299 HQ icon.png1,473Control +690 HQ icon.png782
Hiderise Knife Hiderise knife icon1.png 100 700 LTW 0 Craftsmanship +1,523 Control +799 
Everseeker's Creasing Knife Everseekers creasing knife icon1.png 100 720 LTW 1 (5) Craftsmanship +1,433 HQ icon.png1,624Control +743 HQ icon.png842

Secondary Tools

Item Icon Level Item Level Requirement Materia Slots Stats and Attributes
Amateur's Awl Amateurs awl icon1.png 5 5 LTW 0 Craftsmanship +26 HQ icon.png30Control +15 HQ icon.png17
Bronze Awl Bronze awl icon1.png 11 11 LTW 0 Craftsmanship +34 HQ icon.png38Control +19 HQ icon.png22
Recruit's Awl Recruits awl icon1.png 15 16 LTW 0 Craftsmanship +40 Control +23 CP +1 
Iron Awl Iron awl icon1.png 19 19 LTW 1 (5) Craftsmanship +44 HQ icon.png50Control +25 HQ icon.png28
Initiate's Awl Initiates awl icon1.png 23 23 LTW 1 (5) Craftsmanship +49 HQ icon.png55Control +28 HQ icon.png32
Novice's Awl Novices awl icon1.png 27 28 LTW 0 Craftsmanship +55 Control +32 CP +2 
Steel Awl Steel awl icon1.png 31 31 LTW 1 (5) Craftsmanship +59 HQ icon.png67Control +34 HQ icon.png38
Wrapped Steel Awl Wrapped steel awl icon1.png 35 35 LTW 1 (5) Craftsmanship +64 HQ icon.png73Control +37 HQ icon.png41
Apprentice's Awl Apprentices awl icon1.png 39 40 LTW 0 Craftsmanship +70 Control +40 CP +2 
Mythril Awl Mythril awl icon1.png 43 43 LTW 1 (5) Craftsmanship +74 HQ icon.png84Control +42 HQ icon.png48
Cobalt Awl Cobalt awl icon1.png 47 47 LTW 1 (5) Craftsmanship +79 HQ icon.png90Control +45 HQ icon.png51
Militia Awl Militia awl icon1.png 50 55 LTW 1 (5) Craftsmanship +95 HQ icon.png107Control +54 HQ icon.png61
Artisan's Awl Artisans awl icon1.png 50 70 LTW 1 (5) Craftsmanship +123 HQ icon.png139Control +69 HQ icon.png78
Mythrite Awl Mythrite awl icon1.png 53 90 LTW 1 (5) Craftsmanship +159 HQ icon.png180Control +85 HQ icon.png97
Titanium Awl Titanium awl icon1.png 56 110 LTW 1 (5) Craftsmanship +170 HQ icon.png192Control +92 HQ icon.png104
Adamantite Awl Adamantite awl icon1.png 59 140 LTW 1 (5) Craftsmanship +185 HQ icon.png210Control +101 HQ icon.png114
Sharpened Adamantite Awl Sharpened adamantite awl icon1.png 60 170 LTW 1 (5) Craftsmanship +232 HQ icon.png263Control +124 HQ icon.png141
Hidekeep's Awl Hidekeeps awl icon1.png 60 180 LTW 0 Craftsmanship +278 Control +149 
High Mythrite Awl High mythrite awl icon1.png 60 195 LTW 1 (5) Craftsmanship +270 HQ icon.png306Control +145 HQ icon.png164
Augmented Hidekeep's Awl Augmented hidekeeps awl icon1.png 60 200 LTW 0 Craftsmanship +315 Control +169 
High Steel Awl High steel awl icon1.png 63 200 LTW 1 (5) Craftsmanship +278 HQ icon.png315Control +149 HQ icon.png169
Doman Iron Awl Doman iron awl icon1.png 66 230 LTW 1 (5) Craftsmanship +303 HQ icon.png343Control +162 HQ icon.png184
Doman Steel Awl Doman steel awl icon1.png 68 260 LTW 1 (5) Craftsmanship +329 HQ icon.png373Control +177 HQ icon.png200
Molybdenum Awl Molybdenum awl icon1.png 70 290 LTW 1 (5) Craftsmanship +358 HQ icon.png405Control +192 HQ icon.png217
Nightsteel Awl Nightsteel awl icon1.png 70 325 LTW 1 (5) Craftsmanship +442 HQ icon.png500Control +237 HQ icon.png268
Hideking's Awl Hidekings awl icon1.png 70 330 LTW 0 Craftsmanship +514 Control +276 
Deepgold Awl Deepgold awl icon1.png 71 330 LTW 1 (5) Craftsmanship +453 HQ icon.png514Control +243 HQ icon.png276
Bluespirit Awl Bluespirit awl icon1.png 74 370 LTW 1 (5) Craftsmanship +521 HQ icon.png590Control +280 HQ icon.png318
Titanbronze Awl Titanbronze awl icon1.png 77 400 LTW 1 (5) Craftsmanship +550 HQ icon.png624Control +297 HQ icon.png337
Dwarven Mythril Awl Dwarven mythril awl icon1.png 80 430 LTW 1 (5) Craftsmanship +580 HQ icon.png657Control +314 HQ icon.png356
Facet Awl Facet awl icon1.png 80 460 LTW 1 (5) Craftsmanship +648 HQ icon.png735Control +353 HQ icon.png400
Hidefiend's Awl Hidefiends awl icon1.png 80 470 LTW 0 Craftsmanship +758 Control +414 
Aesthete's Awl Aesthetes awl icon1.png 80 490 LTW 1 (5) Craftsmanship +711 HQ icon.png806Control +389 HQ icon.png441
Handsaint's Awl Handsaints awl icon1.png 80 500 LTW 0 Craftsmanship +830 Control +455 
High Durium Awl High durium awl icon1.png 81 480 LTW 1 (5) Craftsmanship +690 HQ icon.png782Control +377 HQ icon.png427
Bismuth Awl Bismuth awl icon1.png 84 520 LTW 1 (5) Craftsmanship +761 HQ icon.png863Control +420 HQ icon.png476
Manganese Awl Manganese awl icon1.png 87 540 LTW 1 (5) Craftsmanship +811 HQ icon.png919Control +449 HQ icon.png508
Chondrite Awl Chondrite awl icon1.png 90 560 LTW 1 (5) Craftsmanship +866 HQ icon.png982Control +480 HQ icon.png544
Pactmaker's Awl Pactmakers awl icon1.png 90 590 LTW 1 (5) Craftsmanship +977 HQ icon.png1,107Control +524 HQ icon.png593
Perfectionist's Awl Perfectionists awl icon1.png 90 590 LTW 1 Craftsmanship +1,107 Control +593 
Afflatus Awl Afflatus awl icon1.png 90 620 LTW 1 Craftsmanship +1,208 Control +638 
Indagator's Awl Indagators awl icon1.png 90 620 LTW 1 (5) Craftsmanship +1,066 HQ icon.png1,208Control +563 HQ icon.png638
Mountain Chromite Awl Mountain chromite awl icon1.png 91 610 LTW 1 (5) Craftsmanship +1,040 HQ icon.png1,178Control +551 HQ icon.png624
Cobalt Tungsten Awl Cobalt tungsten awl icon1.png 94 650 LTW 1 (5) Craftsmanship +1,145 HQ icon.png1,297Control +612 HQ icon.png694
Titanium Gold Awl Titanium gold awl icon1.png 97 670 LTW 1 (5) Craftsmanship +1,221 HQ icon.png1,383Control +651 HQ icon.png738
Ra'Kaznar Awl Rakaznar awl icon1.png 100 690 LTW 1 (5) Craftsmanship +1,299 HQ icon.png1,473Control +690 HQ icon.png782
Everseeker's Awl Everseekers awl icon1.png 100 720 LTW 1 (5) Craftsmanship +1,433 HQ icon.png1,624Control +743 HQ icon.png842

Leatherworker Quests

Quest Level NPC Zone Coordinates Items Needed ExperienceEXP GilGil Reward Optional Reward
Way of the Leatherworker 1 Randall Old Gridania (x12.5,y8.3) Experience100 Gil115 Earth shard icon1.png x100, Wind shard icon1.png x50, Weathered head knife icon1.png
My First Head Knife 1 Geva Old Gridania (x12.6, y7.9) Leather.png Experience300 Gil0 Earth shard icon1.png x150, Wind shard icon1.png x100, Animal skin icon1.png x10, Hempen kurta icon1.png
A Test of Technique 5 Geva Old Gridania (x12.6, y7.9) Leather choker icon1.png x3 Experience2,296 Gil194 Earth shard icon1.png x200, Wind shard icon1.png x150, Amateurs awl icon1.png Hempen bandana icon1.png, Hempen chausses icon1.png, Maple pattens icon1.png, Allagan tin piece icon1.png x3
Geva's Gambit 10 Geva Old Gridania (x12.6, y7.9) HardLeather.png x12 Experience11,799 Gil289 Earth shard icon1.png x250, Wind shard icon1.png x200, Bronze head knife icon1.png Amateurs headgear icon1.png, Amateurs kurta icon1.png, Amateurs smithing gloves icon1.png, Allagan bronze piece icon1.png x2
Working Hells for Leather 15 Geva Old Gridania (x12.6, y7.9) Hard leather caligae icon1.png, Hard leather choker icon1.png Experience30,240 Gil382 Recruits awl icon1.png Hempen doublet vest of crafting icon1.png, Hard leather merchants pouch icon1.png, Ash pattens icon1.png, Allagan bronze piece icon1.png
Aldgoat Everything 20 Geva Old Gridania (x12.6, y7.9) Goatskin leggings icon1.png + Melded any Level 1 Materia Experience56,840 Gil470 Initiates head knife icon1.png Initiates headgear icon1.png, Initiates gloves icon1.png, Cotton breeches of crafting icon1.png, Allagan bronze piece icon1.png x4
Skin in the Game 25 Geva Old Gridania (x12.6, y7.9)
HQ Mask.png
Toad leather icon1.png
Experience95,200 Gil557 Initiates awl icon1.png Silver magnifiers icon1.png, Initiates gown icon1.png, Velveteen halfgloves icon1.png, Allagan silver piece icon1.png
Toadskins of the Father 30 Geva Old Gridania (x12.6, y7.9)
HQ Mask.png
Toadskin jacket icon1.png
Experience163,020 Gil639 Iron head knife icon1.png Velveteen beret icon1.png, Velveteen gown icon1.png, Velveteen shortgloves icon1.png, Allagan silver piece icon1.png x2
Lead by Example 35 Geva Old Gridania (x12.6, y7.9)
HQ Mask.png
Boarskin ringbands icon1.png
Experience234,520 Gil0 Steel round knife icon1.png Mythril magnifiers icon1.png, Apprentices smock icon1.png, Linen halfgloves icon1.png, Allagan silver piece icon1.png x4
Brand Loyalty 40 Geva Old Gridania (x12.6, y7.9) Boarskin smithys gloves icon1.pngHQ Experience326,830 Gil0 Apprentices awl icon1.png Linen deerstalker icon1.png, Linen smock icon1.png, Boarskin smithys gloves icon1.png, Allagan silver piece icon1.png x6
Dissension in the Ranks 45 Geva Old Gridania (x12.6, y7.9)
HQ Mask.png
Fingerless raptorskin gloves icon1.png
HQ Mask.png
Raptorskin targe icon1.png
HQ Mask.png
Raptorskin choker icon1.png
Experience409,860 Gil0 Mythril round knife icon1.png Woolen deerstalker icon1.png, Woolen smock icon1.png, Raptorskin smithys gloves icon1.png, Allagan silver piece icon1.png x8
Accept No Imitations 50 Geva Old Gridania (x12.6, y7.9)
HQ Mask.png
Raptorskin jerkin icon1.png
, Gatherers grasp materia iii icon1.png
Experience0 Gil0 Pinga icon1.png Leatherworkers hat icon1.png, Leatherworkers gloves icon1.png, Leatherworkers workboots icon1.png, Allagan gold piece icon1.png x3
Turndown Service 50 Geva Old Gridania (x12.6, y7.9) Experience19,200 Gil517 Earth crystal icon1.png x120, Commercial engineering manual icon1.png x3
By Your Bootstraps 53 Elde The Pillars (x6,y9)
HQ Mask.png
Wyvernskin workboots icon1.png
Experience230,400 Gil567 Earth crystal icon1.png x160, Mythrite awl icon1.png Rainbow coatee icon1.png, Rainbow gloves icon1.png, Rainbow bottoms icon1.png, Rainbow shoes icon1.png, Allagan silver piece icon1.png x3
Perfect Pitch 55 Elde The Pillars (x6,y9)
HQ Mask.png
Dhalmelskin leggings of scouting icon1.png
Experience322,560 Gil612 Earth crystal icon1.png x200, Titanium creasing knife icon1.png Ramie doublet of crafting icon1.png, Rainbow apron icon1.png, Ramie skirt icon1.png, Dhalmelskin shoes icon1.png, Allagan silver piece icon1.png x4
From the Hoplon to the Brume 58 Elde The Pillars (x6,y9)
HQ Mask.png
Dragonskin choker icon1.png
Experience1,713,600 Gil602 Earth crystal icon1.png x240, Hardsilver round knife icon1.png Craftsman's Competence Materia IV.png, Craftsman's Cunning Materia IV.png, Craftsman's Command Materia IV.png
A Winter's Sale 60 Elde The Pillars (x6,y9) Chivalric longcoat of aiming icon1.png Experience1,715,850 Gil1,500 Craftsman's Competence Materia IV.png, Craftsman's Cunning Materia IV.png, Craftsman's Command Materia IV.png
A Taxing Request 60 Geva Old Gridania (x12.6,y7.9) Experience451,980 Gil615 Earth crystal icon1.png x250, Commercial engineering manual icon1.png x3
Mounting Expectations 63 Atelloune Old Gridania (x14,y9.4)
HQ Mask.png
Large dhalmel cape icon1.png
Experience1,725,300 Gil1,626 Earth crystal icon1.png x250, High steel awl icon1.png, Quality Assurance.png Ruby cotton coatee icon1.png, Gyuki leather gloves of crafting icon1.png, Ruby cotton bottoms icon1.png, Gyuki leather shoes icon1.png, Allagan silver piece icon1.png x5
The Value of Life 65 Atelloune Old Gridania (x12.7,y8.7)
HQ Mask.png
Grizzly bear gloves icon1.png
Experience2,079,000 Gil2,639 Earth crystal icon1.png x250, Doman iron head knife icon1.png, Manipulation II.png Kudzu robe of crafting icon1.png, Durium chaplets icon1.png, Kudzu culottes of crafting icon1.png, Tigerskin boots of crafting icon1.png, Allagan silver piece icon1.png x6
The Trouble with Taxidermy 68 Atelloune Old Gridania (x12.7,y8.7)
HQ Mask.png
Dashing dhalmelskin jacket icon1.png
Experience2,902,500 Gil952 Earth crystal icon1.png x250, Doman steel awl icon1.png Craftsman's Competence Materia V.png, Craftsman's Cunning Materia V.png, Craftsman's Command Materia V.png
True to Life 70 Atelloune Old Gridania (x12.7,y8.7)
HQ Mask.png
Large gagana cape icon1.png
Experience3,680,000 Gil0 Craftsman's Competence Materia V.png, Craftsman's Cunning Materia V.png, Craftsman's Command Materia V.png

Leatherworker Levequests

A Realm Reborn

Guildleve Category Level NPC Zone Area Coordinates Reward Items Needed Objective Client Location
Underneath It All Constancy 1 Gontrant New Gridania Carline Canopy (x11,y13) Experience1,310Gil101Animal skin icon1.png x2 Leather wristguards icon1.png  Deliver a pair of leather wristguards to Maisenta. 0/1 The Knot
Red in the Head Constancy 1 Gontrant New Gridania Carline Canopy (x11,y13) Experience480Gil100Animal skin icon1.png x2 Leather calot icon1.png  Deliver a leather calot to Maisenta. The Knot
Sole Traders Ingenuity 1 Gontrant New Gridania Carline Canopy (x11,y13) Experience1,700Gil100Animal skin icon1.png x2 Leather duckbills icon1.png  Deliver a pair of leather duckbills to Lanverlais. The Bannock
Tan Before the Ban Ingenuity 1 Muriaule Central Shroud The Bannock (x23,y19) Experience550Gil98Animal skin icon1.png x5 Leather icon1.png  Deliver a circle of leather to Maisenta. 0/1 The Knot
Sticking Their Necks Out Constancy 1 Muriaule Central Shroud The Bannock (x23,y19) Experience1,310Gil98Animal skin icon1.png x5 Leather choker icon1.png  Deliver a leather choker to Lanverlais. 0/1 The Bannock
Packmen Constancy 1 Muriaule Central Shroud The Bannock (x23,y19) Experience1,700Gil101Animal skin icon1.png x5 Merchants purse icon1.png  Deliver a merchant's purse to Lanverlais. 0/1 The Bannock
In Their Shoes Ingenuity 5 Gontrant New Gridania Carline Canopy (x11,y13) Experience8,700Gil120Wind shard icon1.png x3 Leather leggings icon1.png  Deliver a pair of leather leggings to Lanverlais. 0/1 The Bannock
From the Sands to the Stage Constancy 5 Gontrant New Gridania Carline Canopy (x11,y13) Experience11,400Gil195Animal hide icon1.png x2 Leather himantes icon1.png  Deliver a pair of leather himantes to Maisenta. 0/1 The Knot
Mind over Muzzle Constancy 5 Gontrant New Gridania Carline Canopy (x11,y13) Experience7,780Gil121Wind shard icon1.png x3 Leather wristbands icon1.png  Deliver a pair of leather wristbands to Maisenta. 0/1 The Knot
A Place to Call Helm Constancy 5 Muriaule Central Shroud The Bannock (x23,y19) Experience8,700Gil144Wind shard icon1.png x8 Hard leather pot helm icon1.png  Deliver a hard leather pot helm to Lanverlais. 0/1 The Bannock
Throwing Down the Gauntlet Ingenuity 5 Muriaule Central Shroud The Bannock (x23,y19) Experience8,700Gil119Wind shard icon1.png x8 Fingerless leather gloves icon1.png  Deliver a pair of fingerless leather gloves to Maisenta. 0/1 The Knot
A Thorn in One's Hide Constancy 5 Muriaule Central Shroud The Bannock (x23,y19) Experience7,350Gil121Wind shard icon1.png x8 Leather mitts icon1.png  Deliver a pair of leather mitts to Lanverlais. 0/1 The Bannock
The Bards' Guards Constancy 10 Gontrant New Gridania Carline Canopy (x11,y13) Experience10,120Gil142Wind shard icon1.png x4 Hard leather wristguards icon1.png  Deliver a pair of hard leather wristguards to Maisenta. 0/1 The Knot
Quelling Bloody Rumors Constancy 10 Gontrant New Gridania Carline Canopy (x11,y13) Experience16,000Gil142Wind shard icon1.png x4 Hard leather shoes icon1.png  Deliver a pair of hard leather shoes to Maisenta. 0/1 The Knot
Saddle Sore Ingenuity 10 Gontrant New Gridania Carline Canopy (x11,y13) Experience4,240Gil140Wind shard icon1.png x4 Hard leather icon1.png  Deliver a circle of hard leather to Audrie. 0/1 Bentbranch Meadows
Simply the Best Constancy 10 Tierney Central Shroud Bentbranch Meadows (x22,y22) Experience16,000Gil139Wind shard icon1.png x10 Hard leather caligae icon1.png  Deliver a pair of hard leather caligae to Audrie. 0/1 Bentbranch Meadows
Belt Up Ingenuity 10 Tierney Central Shroud Bentbranch Meadows (x22,y22) Experience18,940Gil138Wind shard icon1.png x10 Hard leather hunting belt icon1.png  Deliver a hard leather hunting belt to Maisenta. 0/1 The Knot
Only the Best Constancy 10 Tierney Central Shroud Bentbranch Meadows (x22,y22) Experience18,940Gil141Wind shard icon1.png x10 Hard leather harness icon1.png  Deliver a hard leather harness to Audrie. 0/1 Bentbranch Meadows
Skin off Their Backs Ingenuity 15 Gontrant New Gridania Carline Canopy (x11,y13) Experience11,860Gil232Earth shard icon1.png x4 Aldgoat leather icon1.png  Deliver a circle of Aldgoat Leather to Ayled. 0/1 The Hawthorne Hut
Choke Hold Constancy 15 Gontrant New Gridania Carline Canopy (x11,y13) Experience19,610Gil179Earth shard icon1.png x4 Hard leather choker icon1.png  Deliver a hard leather choker to Maisenta. 0/1 The Knot
Heads Up Constancy 15 Gontrant New Gridania Carline Canopy (x11,y13) Experience36,700Gil140Earth shard icon1.png x36 Hard leather skullcap icon1.png  Deliver a hard leather skullcap to Maisenta. 0/1 The Knot
On Their Feet Again Constancy 15 Qina Lyehga East Shroud The Hawthorne Hut (x17,y27) Experience31,000Gil226Earth shard icon1.png x11 Hard leather espadrilles icon1.png  Deliver a pair of hard leather espadrilles to Ayled. 0/1 The Hawthorne Hut
Back in the Band Constancy 15 Qina Lyehga East Shroud The Hawthorne Hut (x17,y27) Experience32,820Gil183Earth shard icon1.png x11 Hard leather wristbands icon1.png  Deliver a pair of hard leather wristbands to Ayled. 0/1 The Hawthorne Hut
A Rush on Ringbands Ingenuity 15 Qina Lyehga East Shroud The Hawthorne Hut (x17,y27) Experience25,310Gil179Earth shard icon1.png x36 Hard leather ringbands icon1.png  Deliver a pair of hard leather ringbands to Maisenta. 0/1 The Knot
Fire and Hide Charity 20 Gontrant New Gridania Carline Canopy (x11,y13) Experience12,960Gil229Earth shard icon1.png x5 Aldgoat leather icon1.png  Deliver a circle of aldgoat leather to Maisenta. 0/1 The Knot
Playing the Part Constancy 20 Gontrant New Gridania Carline Canopy (x11,y13) Experience42,000Gil224Earth shard icon1.png x5 Goatskin armguards icon1.png  Deliver a pair of goatskin armguards to Maisenta. 0/1 The Knot
My Sole to Take Ingenuity 20 Gontrant New Gridania Carline Canopy (x11,y13) Experience42,000Gil174Earth shard icon1.png x5 Padded leather duckbills icon1.png  Deliver a pair of Padded Leather Duckbills to Juliembert. Quarrymill
Packing a Punch Charity 20 Nyell South Shroud Quarrymill (x25,y20) Experience32,010Gil274Aldgoat skin icon1.png x10 Hard leather cesti icon1.png  Deliver a pair of hard leather cesti to Juliembert. 0/1 Quarrymill
Open to Attack Constancy 20 Nyell South Shroud Quarrymill (x25,y20) Experience48,040Gil228Aldgoat skin icon1.png x10 Goatskin jacket icon1.png  Deliver a goatskin jacket to Juliembert. 0/1 Quarrymill
Hands On Constancy 20 Nyell South Shroud Quarrymill (x25,y20) Experience42,000Gil224Earth shard icon1.png x12 Fingerless goatskin gloves icon1.png  Deliver a pair of fingerless goatskin gloves to Juliembert. 0/1 Quarrymill
Just Rewards Ingenuity 25 Gontrant New Gridania Carline Canopy (x11,y13) Experience61,840Gil264Gigantoad skin icon1.png x4 Goatskin wristbands icon1.png  Deliver a pair of goatskin wristbands to Juliembert. 0/1 Quarrymill
Men Who Scare Up Goats Constancy 25 Gontrant New Gridania Carline Canopy (x11,y13) Experience69,330Gil286Gigantoad skin icon1.png x4 Goatskin targe icon1.png  Deliver a goatskin targe to Maisenta. 0/1 The Knot
Belts Served Cold Charity 25 Gontrant New Gridania Carline Canopy (x11,y13) Experience52,840Gil424Gigantoad skin icon1.png x4 Voyagers belt icon1.png  Deliver a voyager's belt to Maisenta. 0/1 The Knot
Quicker than Sand Charity 25 Nyell South Shroud Quarrymill (x25,y20) Experience62,390Gil262Gigantoad skin icon1.png x11 Padded leather duckbills icon1.png  Deliver a pair of padded leather duckbills to Juliembert. 0/1 Quarrymill
No Risk, No Reward Constancy 25 Nyell South Shroud Quarrymill (x25,y20) Experience58,720Gil303Gigantoad skin icon1.png x11 Toadskin cesti icon1.png  Deliver a pair of toadskin cesti to Juliembert. 0/1 Quarrymill
Campaign in the Membrane Constancy 25 Nyell South Shroud Quarrymill (x25,y20) Experience79,310Gil497Gigantoad skin icon1.png x11 Toadskin jacket icon1.png  Deliver a toadskin jacket to Juliembert. 0/1 Quarrymill
Best Served Toad Charity 30 Gontrant New Gridania Carline Canopy (x11,y13) Experience30,790Gil324Wind shard icon1.png  Toad leather icon1.png  Deliver a circle of toad leather to Maisenta. 0/1 The Knot
Just Cinch It Ingenuity 30 Gontrant New Gridania Carline Canopy (x11,y13) Experience99780Gil356Boar hide icon1.png x5 Boarskin satchel belt icon1.png  Deliver a boarskin satchel belt to Ririphon. 0/1 Costa del Sol
Quality over Quantity Constancy 30 Gontrant New Gridania Carline Canopy (x11,y13) Experience84,510Gil403Cracked shepherds belt icon1.png  Boarskin himantes icon1.png  Deliver a pair of boarskin himantes to Maisenta. 0/1 The Knot
Slave to Fashion Constancy 30 Nahctahr Eastern La Noscea Costa del Sol (x30,y30) Experience54,870Gil479Cracked shepherds belt icon1.png  Boarskin choker icon1.png  Deliver a boarskin choker to Ririphon. 0/1 Costa del Sol
Subordinate Clause Charity 30 Nahctahr Eastern La Noscea Costa del Sol (x30,y30) Experience49,380Gil454Wind shard icon1.png x30 Goatskin choker icon1.png  Deliver a goatskin choker to Ririphon 0/1 Costa del Sol
The Hand that Bleeds Constancy 30 Nahctahr Eastern La Noscea Costa del Sol (x30,y30) Experience129,410Gil380Boar hide icon1.png x12 Fingerless boarskin gloves icon1.png  Deliver a pair of fingerless boarskin gloves to Ririphon. 0/1 Costa del Sol
Supply Side Logic Charity 35 Gontrant New Gridania Carline Canopy (x11,y13) Experience41,330Gil429Wind shard icon1.png x12 Boar leather icon1.png  Deliver a circle of boar leather to Maisenta. 0/1 The Knot
The Righteous Tools for the Job Ingenuity 35 Gontrant New Gridania Carline Canopy (x11,y13) Experience92,920Gil380Wind shard icon1.png x12 Boarskin ringbands icon1.png  Deliver a pair of boarskin ringbands to Vivenne. 0/1 First Dicasterial Observatorium
Soft Shoe Shuffle Constancy 35 Gontrant New Gridania Carline Canopy (x11,y13) Experience153,180Gil343Wind shard icon1.png x12 Peisteskin crakows icon1.png  Deliver a pair of peisteskin crakows to Maisenta. 0/1 The Knot
First They Came for the Heretics Charity 35 Cimeaurant Coerthas Central Highlands First Dicasterial Observatorium (x26,y28) Experience66,280Gil333Wind shard icon1.png x32 Boarskin choker icon1.png  Deliver a boarskin choker to Vivenne. 0/1 First Dicasterial Observatorium
Springtime for Coerthas Constancy 35 Cimeaurant Coerthas Central Highlands First Dicasterial Observatorium (x26,y28) Experience173,660Gil408Wind shard icon1.png x32 Boarskin harness icon1.png  Deliver a boarskin harness to Vivenne. 0/1 First Dicasterial Observatorium
Through a Glass Brightly Constancy 35 Cimeaurant Coerthas Central Highlands First Dicasterial Observatorium (x26,y28) Experience173,660Gil540Wind shard icon1.png x52 Fingerless peisteskin gloves icon1.png  Deliver a pair of fingerless peisteskin gloves to Vivenne. 0/1 First Dicasterial Observatorium
The Tao of Rabbits Charity 40 Gontrant New Gridania Carline Canopy (x11,y13) Experience160,560Gil511Earth shard icon1.png x14 Boarskin harness icon1.png  Deliver a boarskin harness to Maisenta. 0/1 The Knot
The Birdmen of Ishgard Ingenuity 40 Gontrant New Gridania Carline Canopy (x11,y13) Experience178,400Gil510Earth shard icon1.png x14 Boarskin culottes icon1.png  Deliver a pair of boarskin culottes to Lanquairt. 0/1 Whitebrim Front
Skirt Chaser Constancy 40 Gontrant New Gridania Carline Canopy (x11,y13) Experience178,400Gil387Wind shard icon1.png x14 Boarskin skirt icon1.png  Deliver a boarskin skirt to Maisenta. 0/1 The Knot
Foot Blues Constancy 40 Voilinaut Coerthas Central Highlands Whitebrim Front (x12,y16) Experience157,520Gil415Wind shard icon1.png x56 Boarskin moccasins icon1.png  Deliver a pair of boarskin moccasins to Lanquairt. 0/1 Whitebrim Front
Not So Alike in Dignity Constancy 40 Voilinaut Coerthas Central Highlands Whitebrim Front (x12,y16) Experience218,540Gil505Earth shard icon1.png x34 Boarskin jerkin icon1.png  Deliver a boarskin jerkin to Lanquairt. 0/1 Whitebrim Front
It's Not a Job, It's a Calling Charity 40 Voilinaut Coerthas Central Highlands Whitebrim Front (x12,y16) Experience44,950Gil376Earth shard icon1.png x34 Peiste leather icon1.png  Deliver a circle of peiste leather to Lanquairt. 0/1 Whitebrim Front
Too Hot to Handle (Guildleve) Constancy 45 Gontrant New Gridania Carline Canopy (x11,y13) Experience162,220Gil439Lampblack linseed oil icon1.png x3 Raptorskin wristbands icon1.png  Deliver a pair of raptorskin wristbands to Maisenta. 0/1 The Knot
Hang in There Ingenuity 45 Gontrant New Gridania Carline Canopy (x11,y13) Experience233,750Gil536Earth shard icon1.png x60 Raptorskin artisans belt icon1.png  Deliver a raptorskin artisan's belt to Syele. 0/1 Saint Coinach's Find
Handle with Care Charity 45 Gontrant New Gridania Carline Canopy (x11,y13) Experience138,420Gil546Earth shard icon1.png x14 Peisteskin cesti icon1.png  Deliver a pair of peisteskin cesti to Maisenta. 0/1 The Knot
Fuss in Boots Constancy 45 K'leytai Mor Dhona Saint Coinach's Find (x29,y12) Experience233,750Gil502Earth shard icon1.png x60 Raptorskin thighboots icon1.png  Deliver a pair of raptorskin thighboots to Syele. 0/1 Saint Coinach's Find
Spelling Me Softly Charity 45 K'leytai Mor Dhona Saint Coinach's Find (x29,y12) Experience58,900Gil425Earth shard icon1.png x36 Raptor leather icon1.png  Deliver a circle of raptor leather to Syele. 0/1 Saint Coinach's Find
Tenderfoot Moments Constancy 45 K'leytai Mor Dhona Saint Coinach's Find (x29,y12) Experience206,400Gil382Lampblack linseed oil icon1.png x3 Hunting moccasins icon1.png  Deliver a pair of hunting moccasins to Syele. 0/1 Saint Coinach's Find


Guildleve Category Level NPC Zone Coordinates Objective Location EXP Gil Items Needed Objective
Glorified Hole-punchers Charity 50 Eloin Foundation (x10,y10) Foundation 118,800 520 Archaeoskin Gloves of Aiming Deliver pairs of archaeoskin gloves of aiming to Fionnuala. 0/2
From Mud to Mourning Constancy 50 Eloin Foundation (x10,y10) Foundation 307,295 624 Archaeoskin Jackboots of Gathering Deliver a pair of archaeoskin jackboots of gathering to Fionnuala. 0/1
Pummeling Abroad Constancy 50 Eloin Foundation (x10,y10) Foundation 237,600 520 Archaeoskin Belt of Striking Deliver an archaeoskin belt of striking to Fionnuala. 0/1
Below Tradition's Belt (L) Constancy 50 Eloin Foundation (x10,y10) Foundation 1,425,600 2,600 Archaeoskin Belt of Striking Deliver archaeoskin belts of striking to Fionnuala. 0/3
These Boots Are Made for Hawkin' (L) Constancy 50 Eloin Foundation (x10,y10) Foundation 1,843,770 3,120 Archaeoskin Jackboots of Gathering Deliver pairs of archaeoskin jackboots of gathering to Fionnuala. 0/3
Treat Them with Kid Gloves (L) Charity 50 Eloin Foundation (x10,y10) Foundation 356,400 780 Archaeoskin Gloves of Aiming Deliver pairs of archaeoskin gloves of aiming to Fionnuala. 0/2
(Don't) Love the Skin You're In Charity 52 Eloin Foundation (x10,y10) Foundation 153,648 624 Wyvernskin Belt of Scouting Deliver wyvernskin belts of scouting to Fionnuala. 0/2
You Could Say It's a Moving Target Constancy 52 Eloin Foundation (x10,y10) Foundation 307,295 624 Wyvern Leather Deliver circles of wyvern leather to Fionnuala. 0/3
Maybe He's a Lion Constancy 52 Eloin Foundation (x10,y10) Foundation 351,865 676 Wyvernskin Mane of Fending Deliver a wyvernskin mane of fending to Fionnuala. 0/1
The Wyvern of It (L) Constancy 52 Eloin Foundation (x10,y10) Foundation 2,111,190 3,380 Wyvernskin Mane of Fending Deliver wyvernskin manes of fending to Fionnuala. 0/3
Belting Out the Low Notes (L) Charity 52 Eloin Foundation (x10,y10) Foundation 460,943 936 Wyvernskin Belt of Scouting Deliver wyvernskin belts of scouting to Fionnuala. 0/2
They Call It Bloody Mary (L) Constancy 52 Eloin Foundation (x10,y10) Foundation 1,843,770 3,120 Wyvern Leather Deliver circles of wyvern leather to Fionnuala. 0/10
Overall, We Blend In Constancy 54 Eloin Foundation (x10,y10) Foundation 460,080 832 Dhalmelskin Vest Deliver a dhalmelskin vest to Fionnuala. 0/1
Dragoon Drop Rate Charity 54 Eloin Foundation (x10,y10) Foundation 214,830 780 Dhalmelskin Breeches of Maiming Deliver pairs of dhalmelskin breeches of maiming to Fionnuala. 0/2
Tally Ho, Chocobo Constancy 54 Eloin Foundation (x10,y10) Foundation 429,660 780 Dhalmelskin Leggings of Aiming Deliver a pair of dhalmelskin leggings of aiming to Fionnuala. 0/1
Hunting Heretics (L) Constancy 54 Eloin Foundation (x10,y10) Foundation 2,577,960 3,900 Dhalmelskin Leggings of Aiming Deliver pairs of dhalmelskin leggings of aiming to Fionnuala. 0/3
Exploiting the Adroit (L) Charity 54 Eloin Foundation (x10,y10) Foundation 644,490 1,170 Dhalmelskin Breeches of Maiming Deliver pairs of dhalmelskin breeches of maiming to Fionnuala. 0/2
Eviction Notice (L) Constancy 54 Eloin Foundation (x10,y10) Foundation 2,760,480 4,160 Dhalmelskin Vest Deliver dhalmelskin vests to Fionnuala. 0/3
Trainin' the Neck Charity 56 Eloin Foundation (x10,y10) Foundation 230,040 832 Dragon Leather Deliver circles of dragon leather to Fionnuala. 0/5
Don't Sweat the Small Fry Constancy 56 Eloin Foundation (x10,y10) Foundation 496,945 936 Dragonskin Wristbands Deliver a pair of dragonskin wristbands to Fionnuala. 0/1
I Need Your Glove Tonight Constancy 56 Eloin Foundation (x10,y10) Foundation 460,080 899 Dragonskin Gloves of Healing Deliver a pair of dragonskin gloves of healing to Fionnuala. 0/1
Halonic Drake Handlers (L) Constancy 56 Eloin Foundation (x10,y10) Foundation 2,760,480 4,160 Dragonskin Gloves of Healing Deliver pairs of dragonskin gloves of healing to Fionnuala. 0/3
It's All in the Wrists (L) Constancy 56 Eloin Foundation (x10,y10) Foundation 2,981,670 4,680 Dragonskin Wristbands Deliver pairs of dragonskin wristbands to Fionnuala. 0/3
Training Is Only Skin-tight (L) Charity 56 Eloin Foundation (x10,y10) Foundation 690,120 1,248 Dragon Leather Deliver circles of dragon leather to Fionnuala. 0/5
Bar of the Bannermen Constancy 58 Eloin Foundation (x10,y10) Foundation 496,778 936 Serpentskin Ringbelt of Aiming Deliver a serpentskin ringbelt of aiming to Fionnuala. 0/1
Starting Off on the Wrong Foot Constancy 58 Eloin Foundation (x10,y10) Foundation 500,232 988 Serpentskin Armguards of Maiming Deliver a pair of serpentskin armguards of maiming to Fionnuala. 0/1
It Will Knock Your Socks Off Charity 58 Eloin Foundation (x10,y10) Foundation 250,116 988 Serpentskin Thighboots of Casting Deliver pairs of serpentskin thighboots of casting to Fionnuala. 0/2
Do My Little Turn on the Stonewalk (L) Constancy 58 Eloin Foundation (x10,y10) Foundation 2,981,670 4,774 Serpentskin Ringbelt of Aiming Deliver serpentskin ringbelts of aiming to Fionnuala. 0/3
Raising the Dragoons (L) Constancy 58 Eloin Foundation (x10,y10) Foundation 3,003,480 4,990 Serpentskin Armguards of Maiming Deliver pairs of serpentskin armguards of maiming to Fionnuala. 0/3
On My Own Two Feet (L) Charity 58 Eloin Foundation (x10,y10) Foundation 750,870 1,482 Serpentskin Thighboots of Casting Deliver sets of serpentskin thighboots of casting to Fionnuala. 0/2


Guildleve Category Level NPC Zone Coordinates Objective Location EXP Gil Items Needed Objective
Vested Interest Constancy 60 Keltraeng Kugane (x12,y10) Kugane 934,128 1976 Gaganaskin Vest Deliver a Gaganaskin Vest to Chantine. 0/1
Fitting In Charity 60 Keltraeng Kugane (x12,y10) Kugane 343,562 1,514 Gaganaskin Belt of Striking Deliver a Gaganaskin Belt of Striking to Chantine. 0/1
Hide to Go Seek Constancy 60 Keltraeng Kugane (x12,y10) Kugane 453,547 999 Gagana Leather Deliver a circle of Gagana Leather to Chantine. 0/1
Off the Cuff Constancy 62 Keltraeng Kugane (x12,y10) Kugane 997,958 1,190 Gyuki Leather Wristband Deliver a Gyuki Leather Wristband to Chantine. 0/1
Weathering Heights Constancy 62 Keltraeng Kugane (x12,y10) Kugane 997,958 1,179 Gyuki Leather Highboots of Striking Deliver a pair of Gyuki Leather Highboots of Striking to Chantine. 0/1
Looking for Glove Charity 62 Keltraeng Kugane (x12,y10) Kugane 489,740 1,190 Gyuki Leather Halfgloves of Scouting Deliver a pair of Gyuki Leather Halfgloves of Scouting to Chantine. 0/1
Tiger in the Sack Charity 64 Keltraeng Kugane (x12,y10) Kugane 250,627 1,373 Tiger Leather Deliver a circle of Tiger Leather to Chantine. 0/1
Shoe on the Other Foot Constancy 64 Keltraeng Kugane (x12,y10) Kugane 1,023,658 1,361 Tigerskin Boots of Crafting Deliver a pair of Tigerskin Boots of Crafting to Chantine. 0/1
Try Tricorne Again Constancy 64 Keltraeng Kugane (x12,y10) Kugane 1,023,658 1,316 Tigerskin Tricorne of Aiming Deliver a Tigerskin Tricorne of Aiming to Chantine. 0/1
Security Breeches Charity 66 Keltraeng Kugane (x12,y10) Kugane 526,614 1,447 Marid Leather Breeches of Maiming Deliver a pair of Marid Leather Breeches of Maiming to Chantine. 0/1
A Stitch in Time Constancy 66 Keltraeng Kugane (x12,y10) Kugane 1,042,020 1,434 Marid Leather Corset of Healing Deliver a Marid Leather Corset of Healing to Chantine. 0/1
Shrug It On Constancy 66 Keltraeng Kugane (x12,y10) Kugane 1,053,226 1,434 Marid Leather Bolero of Crafting Deliver a Marid Leather Bolero of Crafting to Chantine. 0/1
If the Shoe Fits Charity 68 Keltraeng Kugane (x12,y10) Kugane 542,130 1,355 Gazelleskin Boots of Casting Deliver a pair of Gazelleskin Boots of Casting to Chantine. 0/1
Brace Yourselves Constancy 68 Keltraeng Kugane (x12,y10) Kugane 1,084,258 1,573 Gazelleskin Bracers of Fending Deliver a pair of Gazelleskin Bracers of Fending to Chantine. 0/1
Thick and Thin Constancy 68 Keltraeng Kugane (x12,y10) Kugane 1,095,672 1,355 Gazelleskin Corselet of Scouting Deliver a Gazelleskin Corselet of Scouting to Chantine. 0/1


Guildleve Category Level NPC Zone Coordinates Objective Location EXP Gil Items Needed Objective
Ware and Chair Constancy 70 Moyce The Crystarium (x10,y9) The Crystarium 1,397,350 1,600 Smilodon Leather Deliver a Smilodon Leather to Moyce.
Girding for Glory Constancy 70 Moyce The Crystarium (x10,y9) The Crystarium 3,354,570 3,200 Smilodonskin Trousers of Maiming Deliver a Smilodonskin Trousers of Maiming to Moyce.
Band Substances Charity 70 Moyce The Crystarium (x10,y9) The Crystarium 2,082,150 3,200 Smilodonskin Wristband Deliver a Smilodonskin Wristband to Moyce.
Breeches of Trust Constancy 72 Moyce The Crystarium (x10,y9) The Crystarium 3,624,710 3,408 Gliderskin Breeches of Fending Deliver a Gliderskin Breeches of Fending to Moyce.
A Slippery Slope Charity 72 Moyce The Crystarium (x10,y9) The Crystarium 3,262,230 3,408 Gliderskin Boots of Casting Deliver a Gliderskin Boots of Casting to Moyce.
Glove Me Tender Constancy 72 Moyce The Crystarium (x10,y9) The Crystarium 2,499,800 3,408 Gliderskin Gloves of Striking Deliver a Gliderskin Gloves of Striking to Moyce.
Peace in Rest Constancy 74 Moyce The Crystarium (x10,y9) The Crystarium 564,285 1,808 Atrociraptor Leather Deliver a Atrociraptor Leather to Moyce.
A Heady Endeavor Constancy 74 Moyce The Crystarium (x10,y9) The Crystarium 2,821,425 3,616 Atrociraptorskin Headgear of Scouting Deliver a Atrociraptorskin Headgear of Scouting to Moyce.
At Your Neck and Call Charity 74 Moyce The Crystarium (x10,y9) The Crystarium 1,974,997 2,712 Atrociraptorskin Necklace of Aiming Deliver a Atrociraptorskin Necklace of Aiming to Moyce.
Protecting the Nuts Constancy 76 Moyce The Crystarium (x10,y9) The Crystarium 5,962,348 3,824 Zonureskin Coat of Maiming Deliver a Zonureskin Coat of Maiming to Moyce.
If I Could Walk a Thousand Malms Constancy 76 Moyce The Crystarium (x10,y9) The Crystarium 3,619,997 3,824 Zonureskin Shoes of Gathering Deliver a Zonureskin Shoes of Gathering to Moyce.
Strike True Charity 76 Moyce The Crystarium (x10,y9) The Crystarium 3,832,938 3,824 Zonureskin Fingerless Gloves of Aiming Deliver a Zonureskin Fingerless Gloves of Aiming to Moyce.
Into the Storm Constancy 78 Moyce The Crystarium (x10,y9) The Crystarium 7,017,855 4,032 Swallowskin Jacket of Scouting Deliver a Swallowskin Jacket of Scouting to Moyce.
A Shoe In Charity 78 Moyce The Crystarium (x10,y9) The Crystarium 4,912,498 4,032 Swallowskin Shoes of Healing Deliver a Swallowskin Shoes of Healing to Moyce.
Fit for a Friend Constancy 78 Moyce The Crystarium (x10,y9) The Crystarium 4,678,570 4,032 Swallowskin Gloves of Fending Deliver a Swallowskin Gloves of Fending to Moyce.


Regular actions

Action Quest requirement Level CP Description
Basic Synthesis (leatherworker).png  Basic Synthesis 1 0 Increases progress.
Efficiency: 120%
Success Rate: 100%
Basic Touch (leatherworker).png  Basic Touch 5 18 Increases quality.
Efficiency: 100%
Success Rate: 100%
Master's Mend.png  Master's Mend 7 88 Restores item durability by 30.
Hasty Touch.png  Hasty Touch 9 0 Increases quality and requires no CP.
Efficiency: 100%
Success Rate: 60%
Additional Effect: Grants Expedience for 1 step
Rapid Synthesis.png  Rapid Synthesis 9 0 Increases progress.
Efficiency: 500%
Success Rate: 50%
Observe.png  Observe 13 7 Do nothing for one step.
Tricks of the Trade.png  Tricks of the Trade 13 0 Restores 20 CP.
Can only be used when material status is "Good" or "Excellent".
Waste not new icon.png  Waste Not 15 56 Reduces loss of durability by 50% for the next four steps.
Veneration DoH ability.png  Veneration 15 18 Increases efficiency of Synthesis actions by 50% for the next four steps.
Standard Touch (leatherworker).png  Standard Touch 18 32 Increases quality.
Efficiency: 125%
Success Rate: 100%
Combo action: Basic Touch
Combo bonus: CP cost reduced to 18
Great Strides.png  Great Strides 21 32 Increases the efficiency of next Touch action by 100%.
Effect active for three steps.
Innovation.png  Innovation 26 18 Increases efficiency of Touch actions by 50% for the next four steps.
Final Appraisal.png  Final Appraisal 42 1 The next action that would complete item synthesis will instead leave one progress point remaining.
Effect active for five steps.
Waste not ii new icon.png  Waste Not II 47 98 Reduces loss of durability by 50% for the next eight steps.
Byregot's Blessing.png  Byregot's Blessing 50 24 Increases quality. Inner Quiet effect ends upon use.
Efficiency: 100% plus 20% for each count of your Inner Quiet stack, up to a maximum of 300%
Success Rate: 100%
Requires at least one stack of Inner Quiet.
Precise Touch (leatherworker).png  Precise Touch 53 18 Increases quality.
Additional Effect: Increases Inner Quiet stack by one (up to 10)
Efficiency: 150%
Success Rate: 100%
Available only when material condition is Good or Excellent.
Muscle Memory.png  Muscle Memory 54 6 Increases progress.
Efficiency: 300%
Success Rate: 100%
Additional Effect: Efficiency of your next Synthesis action is increased by 100%
Available only on the first step.
Additional effect is active for five steps.
Careful Synthesis.png  Careful Synthesis 62 7 Increases progress.
Efficiency: 180%
Success Rate: 100%
Manipulation.png  Manipulation 1Quest: Manipulation unlock quests 65 96 Restores 5 points of durability after each step for the next eight steps.
Prudent Touch (leatherworker).png  Prudent Touch 66 25 Increases quality at half the durability cost.
Efficiency: 100%
Success Rate: 100%
Unavailable when Waste Not or Waste Not II are active.
Advanced Touch (leatherworker).png  Advanced Touch 68 46 Increases quality.
Efficiency: 150%
Success Rate: 100%
Combo action: Standard Touch, Observe
Combo bonus: CP cost reduced to 18
Reflect DoH.png  Reflect 69 6 Increases quality.
Efficiency: 300%
Success Rate: 100%
Additional Effect: Increases Inner Quiet stack by one (up to 10)
Availabe only on the first step.
Preparatory Touch (leatherworker).png  Preparatory Touch 71 40 Increases quality at greater cost to durability.
Additional Effect: Increases Inner Quiet stack by one (up to 10)
Efficiency: 200%
Success Rate: 100%
Durability Cost: 20
Groundwork LTW.png  Groundwork 72 18 Increases progress at greater cost to durability.
Efficiency decreases by half when durability is below durability cost.

Efficiency: 360%
Success Rate: 100%
Durability Cost: 20
Delicate Synthesis (leatherworker).png  Delicate Synthesis 76 32 Increases both progress and quality.
Synthesis action efficiency: 150
Touch action efficiency: 100
Success Rate: 100%
Intensive Synthesis (leatherworker).png  Intensive Synthesis 78 6 Increases progress.
Efficiency: 400%
Success Rate: 100%
Available only when material condition is Good or Excellent.
Trained Eye.png  Trained Eye 80 250 Increases quality by 100%.
Available only on the first step. Recipe level must be at least 10 levels below yours. Cannot be used with expert crafting recipes.
Prudent synthesis (leatherworker) icon1.png  Prudent Synthesis 88 18 Increases progress at half the durability cost.
Efficiency: 180%
Success Rate: 100%
Unavailable when Waste Not or Waste Not II is active.
Trained Finesse.png  Trained Finesse 90 32 Increases quality at no cost to durability.
Efficiency: 100%
Success Rate: 100%
Available only when Inner Quiet stack size is 10.
Refined Touch (leatherworker).png  Refined Touch 92 24 Increases quality.
Efficiency: 100%
Success Rate: 100%
Combo Action: Basic Touch
Combo Bonus: Increases Inner Quiet stack by one (up to 10)
Daring Touch.png  Daring Touch 96 0 Increases quality and requires no CP.
Efficiency: 150%
Success Rate: 60%
Can only be executed while under the effect of Expedience
※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.
Immaculate Mend.png  Immaculate Mend 98 112 Restores all item durability.
Trained Perfection.png  Trained Perfection 100 0 Reduces durability loss of next action to 0.
Can only be used once per synthesis.

Specialist actions

Action Quest requirement Level CP Description
Careful observation specialist.png  Careful Observation 1Quest: Beloved of the Builder 55 0 Do nothing for one step, preserving the status of any actions presently in effect.
A crafter's delineation is used upon execution.
Can only be used up to three times per synthesis.
This action does not increase step count.
Heart and soul icon1.png  Heart and Soul 1Quest: Beloved of the Builder 86 0 Allows the execution of Precise Touch, Intensive Synthesis, or Tricks of the Trade regardless of material condition.

Effect ends if the aforementioned actions are executed when material condition is not "Good" or "Excellent".
A crafter's delineation is used upon execution.
Can only be used once per synthesis.
This action does not increase step count.

Quick Innovation.png  Quick Innovation 1Quest: Beloved of the Builder 96 0 Grants Innovation for 1 turn.
Cannot be executed while under the effect of Innovation.
A crafter's delineation is used upon execution.
Can only be used once per synthesis.
This action does not increase step count.


Trait Acquired Quest requirement Level Effect
Inner Quiet trait.png  Inner Quiet Culinarian frame icon.png CUL
Alchemist frame icon.png ALC
Weaver frame icon.png WVR
Leatherworker frame icon.png LTW
Goldsmith frame icon.png GSM
Armorer frame icon.png ARM
Blacksmith frame icon.png BSM
Carpenter frame icon.png CRP
11 Gain a stack of Inner Quiet with every increase in quality, up to a maximum of 10. Grants a 10% bonus to the efficiency of Touch actions for each stack.
Practice Makes Perfect trait.png  Practice Makes Perfect Culinarian frame icon.png CUL
Alchemist frame icon.png ALC
Weaver frame icon.png WVR
Leatherworker frame icon.png LTW
Goldsmith frame icon.png GSM
Armorer frame icon.png ARM
Blacksmith frame icon.png BSM
Carpenter frame icon.png CRP
15 Allows you to execute trial synthesis.
Basic Synthesis Mastery (Leatherworker).png  Basic Synthesis Mastery Leatherworker frame icon.png LTW 31 Efficiency is increased to 120%
Quality Assurance.png  Quality Assurance Culinarian frame icon.png CUL
Alchemist frame icon.png ALC
Weaver frame icon.png WVR
Leatherworker frame icon.png LTW
Goldsmith frame icon.png GSM
Armorer frame icon.png ARM
Blacksmith frame icon.png BSM
Carpenter frame icon.png CRP
1Quest: Quality Assurance unlock quests 63 Slightly increases chances of material condition becoming good.
Rapid synthesis mastery.png  Rapid Synthesis Mastery Culinarian frame icon.png CUL
Alchemist frame icon.png ALC
Weaver frame icon.png WVR
Leatherworker frame icon.png LTW
Goldsmith frame icon.png GSM
Armorer frame icon.png ARM
Blacksmith frame icon.png BSM
Carpenter frame icon.png CRP
63 Efficiency is increased to 500%
Careful Synthesis Mastery.png  Careful Synthesis Mastery Culinarian frame icon.png CUL
Alchemist frame icon.png ALC
Weaver frame icon.png WVR
Leatherworker frame icon.png LTW
Goldsmith frame icon.png GSM
Armorer frame icon.png ARM
Blacksmith frame icon.png BSM
Carpenter frame icon.png CRP
82 Efficiency is increased to 180%.
Groundwork mastery (leatherworker) icon1.png  Groundwork Mastery Leatherworker frame icon.png LTW 86 Efficiency is increased to 360%.
Delicate Synthesis Mastery (leatherworker).png  Delicate Synthesis Mastery Leatherworker frame icon.png LTW 94 Efficiency is increased to 150%.
Expedience.png  Expedience Culinarian frame icon.png CUL
Alchemist frame icon.png ALC
Weaver frame icon.png WVR
Leatherworker frame icon.png LTW
Goldsmith frame icon.png GSM
Armorer frame icon.png ARM
Blacksmith frame icon.png BSM
Carpenter frame icon.png CRP
96 Grants Expedience for 1 step upon using Hasty Touch. Expedience Effect: Upgrades Hasty Touch to Daring Touch.


Level 1 - 5 Level 6 - 10 Level 11 - 15 Level 16 - 20
Level 21 - 25 Level 26 - 30 Level 31 - 35 Level 36 - 40
Level 41 - 45 Level 46 - 50 Level 51 - 55 Level 56 - 60
Level 61 - 65 Level 66 - 70 Level 71 - 75 Level 76 - 80
