- See also: Stormblood and Endwalker
Embrace the darkness and forge a new fate!
Shadowbringers (considered version 5.0 of the game) is the third expansion for Final Fantasy XIV, after Stormblood. It was released on July 2nd, 2019 with early access started on June 28th.
With the release of Endwalker, Shadowbringers is no longer sold on its own, but included with purchase of the newest expansion.
Hero becomes villain as the Warrior of Light embraces the dark, and embarks upon an adventure that transcends worlds. Pore over these records─learn about the lands and the foes that await─and prepare for the trials ahead.
Ala Mhigo is at last free from imperial rule, but that liberty may prove fleeting as the Empire moves to both reclaim this bloodied nation and subjugate all of Eorzea.
In their hour of need, however, they cannot turn to the Warrior of Light. Nor to the Scions, who yet slumber, their souls adrift. The realm is left to struggle without its saviors, for they have been beckoned beyond time and space─beckoned to the First.
Here a new adventure begins in a world where light ushers all unto oblivion. But hope is not yet lost, for where there is light there is shadow.
- New jobs: Gunbreaker (Tank), Dancer (Ranged DPS)
- New races: Viera (Female only), Hrothgar (Male only)
- Level cap increase to 80
- NPC Trust System – Players will now be able to fight alongside familiar NPCs.
- New Game+ Feature – A feature that allows players to “replay” the FINAL FANTASY XIV main scenario stories.
- World Visit System – Players will be able to travel to other servers on the same data center and interact with more players than ever before.
- Battle System Revamp - TP and MP will combine into one resource.
- Restoration of the Holy See of Ishgard - new activity for crafters and gatherers.
- New Dungeons: 8 new dungeons at the release.
- New Raids: YoRHa: Dark Apocalypse (24-man), Eden (8-man)
- New Locations: Eulmore (City), The Crystarium (City), Rak'tika, Amh Araeng, Il Mheg, Kholusia, Lakeland, and a secret spoiler zone.
- New Beast Tribes: Pixies, Qitari, Dwarves
- New Primals: Titania (Pixie), Innocence
Pre-order Bonuses
Baby Gremlin Minion
Aetheryte Earring - Increases EXP when leveling, iLvl scales
Collector's Edition
Grani Mount
Wind-up Fran Minion
Revolver Gunblade