The Minstrel's Ballad: Hydaelyn's Call
- See also: The Mothercrystal
The Minstrel's Ballad: Hydaelyn's Call
- Level
- 90
- Item Level
- 560
- Difficulty
- Extreme
- Party size
- Full Party
8 man • 22
- Unsyncing
- Allowed
- Time limit
- 60 minutes
- Roulette
- Trials
- Req. quest
Her Children, One and All
- Patch
- 6.0
“From the first note of the minstrel's melody, you recall the scene with crystal clarity─your allies and Hydaelyn, hope against hope. Overcome once again with the emotion of that day, no epithet seems too grand, no verse too epic...
— In-game description
The Minstrel's Ballad: Hydaelyn's Call is a level 90 trial introduced in patch 6.0 with Endwalker.
=== First Phase ===
Heroes's Radiance: Raid-wide AoE.
Shining Saber: Stack up to spread damage.
Crystallize: Will use one of 3-attacks followed by a weapon change.
- Water - stack in groups.
- Rock - stack in the middle.
- Ice - spread.
Weapon Change
- Dancer Chakrams (Red icon): A large donut AoE, stand close to her to avoid this attack.
- Dragoon Lance (Green icon): A large circle AoE under her, move away to avoid this attack.
- Paladin Sword & Shield (Blue icon): A plus shaped AoE that always goes in directions of cardinals, position yourself in an intercardinal position to avoid this attack.
Magos's Radiance: Raid wide attack.
Aureole: Wide AOE attack where you're only safe on the East and West.
Lateral Aureole: Wide AOE attack where you're only safe on the North and South.
Mousa's Scorn: Shared Tank Buster
=== Crystal Phase ===
Crystal adds
- Hydaelyn summons 6 crystals.
- DPS should prioritize glowing crystals.
Echo of Hydaelyn adds
- Two Echo of Hydaelyn spawn that each tank should pick up.
- They can be empowered by the crystals (a tether will go between the add and the crystal if empowered) so tanks should drag them away.
- Keeping the add and crystal tethered casues Conviction the Conviction Meter to increase.
- Once a crystal dies tanks can drag the adds to the dead crystals to minimize conviction meter.
- Hydaelyn casts this after the adds are dead.
- Strength is influenced by the Conviction Meter.
- Mitigate
=== Wave Phase ===
Halo: Raid-wide AoE.
- Spawns Crystals and Waves.
- When Waves collide with Crystals it will cause a Raide-wide AoE.
- Mitigate Wave-Crystal collisions by hiding behind another crystal.
Infralateral Arc: Boss cleaves toward each crystal. Split up and share the dmamage.
Heroes's Glory: Cleave in front of the boss.
Heros's Sundering: Tankbuster in the shape of a cone.
Parhelion: Shoots out three sets of dancer chakrams in three directions that drop line AoEs from Hydaelyn, these will explode in the order they spawn.
- 1 Umbral Totem (Guaranteed)
- ?????
- ?????