Item Level
Magic Defence
Stats and Attributes
Weathered Auroral Choker |
100 |
All Classes Level 50 |
Necklace |
1 |
1 |
Dexterity +16, Accuracy +12, Determination +12, ,
Weathered Auroral Earrings |
100 |
All Classes Level 50 |
Earrings |
1 |
1 |
Dexterity +16, Accuracy +17, Critical Hit Rate +12, ,
Weathered Auroral Ring |
100 |
All Classes Level 50 |
Ring |
1 |
1 |
Dexterity +16, Accuracy +12, Skill Speed +17, ,
Weathered Auroral Wristlets |
100 |
All Classes Level 50 |
Bracelets |
1 |
1 |
Dexterity +16, Accuracy +17, Critical Hit Rate +12, ,
Weathered Daystar Armillae |
100 |
All Classes Level 50 |
Bracelets |
1 |
1 |
Mind +16, Piety +9, Accuracy +3, Determination +12,
Weathered Daystar Earrings |
100 |
All Classes Level 50 |
Earrings |
1 |
1 |
Mind +16, Accuracy +3, Determination +12, Spell Speed +12,
Weathered Daystar Necklace |
100 |
All Classes Level 50 |
Necklace |
1 |
1 |
Mind +16, Piety +13, Accuracy +3, Spell Speed +12,
Weathered Daystar Ring |
100 |
All Classes Level 50 |
Ring |
1 |
1 |
Mind +16, Piety +13, Accuracy +3, Determination +9,
Weathered Evenstar Armillae of Casting |
100 |
All Classes Level 50 |
Bracelets |
1 |
1 |
Intelligence +16, Critical Hit Rate +12, Determination +12, ,
Weathered Evenstar Earrings of Casting |
100 |
All Classes Level 50 |
Earrings |
1 |
1 |
Intelligence +16, Accuracy +12, Determination +12, ,
Weathered Evenstar Necklace of Casting |
100 |
All Classes Level 50 |
Necklace |
1 |
1 |
Intelligence +16, Critical Hit Rate +12, Spell Speed +17, ,
Weathered Evenstar Ring of Casting |
100 |
All Classes Level 50 |
Ring |
1 |
1 |
Intelligence +16, Accuracy +17, Critical Hit Rate +12, ,
Weathered Gloam Choker |
100 |
All Classes Level 50 |
Necklace |
1 |
1 |
Strength +16, Determination +9, Skill Speed +17, ,
Weathered Gloam Earrings |
100 |
All Classes Level 50 |
Earrings |
1 |
1 |
Strength +16, Accuracy +12, Critical Hit Rate +17, ,
Weathered Gloam Ring |
100 |
All Classes Level 50 |
Ring |
1 |
1 |
Strength +16, Accuracy +12, Determination +12, ,
Weathered Gloam Wristlets |
100 |
All Classes Level 50 |
Bracelets |
1 |
1 |
Strength +16, Accuracy +17, Critical Hit Rate +12, ,
Weathered Noct Choker |
100 |
All Classes Level 50 |
Necklace |
1 |
1 |
Vitality +18, Parry +17, Skill Speed +12, ,
Weathered Noct Earrings |
100 |
All Classes Level 50 |
Earrings |
1 |
1 |
Vitality +18, Accuracy +12, Critical Hit Rate +17, ,
Weathered Noct Ring |
100 |
All Classes Level 50 |
Ring |
1 |
1 |
Vitality +18, Parry +12, Accuracy +17, ,
Weathered Noct Wristlets |
100 |
All Classes Level 50 |
Bracelets |
1 |
1 |
Vitality +18, Accuracy +17, Skill Speed +12, ,