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Revision as of 15:20, 14 October 2021 by Freedom4556 (talk | contribs)
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Aesthetician is an Elezen in Limsa Lominsa Lower Decks.


See also: Hairstyles

Aesthetician allows players to change their hairstyles, facial features, tattoos and other cosmetic features. Each customization session will cost 2,000 gil. To unlock the Aesthetician, players must complete the level 15 quest Feature QuestBeauty Is Only Scalp Deep. Players can start the quest by talking to S'dhodjbi at Limsa Lominsa Upper Decks (X:11.1 Y:11.0).

After completing the quest, players can summon their Aesthetician by using the Crystal Bell in the Inn Room. You can try out any of the appearance options you like. At the end, you can either "Accept" the changes or "Cancel". You are only charged (Gil 2,000 or one Jandelaine's Token) if you accept the change. You can try out the interface and then Cancel for free.

  • Aesthetician was released in Patch 2.1 along with new hairstyles and other customization options not available at release.
  • New customization options will be released in the future.


Services Available

The following is a list of customization options available from the aesthetician: Hair style, hair color, eye brows, lip color, facial features (scars, etc.), tattoos, tattoo colors, earrings, earring colors, face paint, face paint colors.



Name Icon Acquired By
Modern Aesthetics - Adventure Modern aesthetics - adventure icon1.png Sold by Modern Aesthetics Saleswoman for MGP 14
Modern Aesthetics - Rainmaker Modern aesthetics - rainmaker icon1.png Sold by Modern Aesthetics Saleswoman for MGP 5,000
Modern Aesthetics - Ponytails Modern aesthetics - ponytails icon1.png Sold by Gold Saucer Attendant for MGP 8,000
Modern Aesthetics - Curls Modern aesthetics - curls icon1.png Sold by Gold Saucer Attendant for MGP 9,600
Modern Aesthetics - Lexen-tails Modern aesthetics - lexen-tails icon1.png Sold by Gold Saucer Attendant for MGP 50,000
Modern Aesthetics - Great Lengths Modern aesthetics - great lengths icon1.png Sold by Gold Saucer Attendant for MGP 30,000
Modern Aesthetics - Fashionably Feathered Modern aesthetics - fashionably feathered icon1.png Sold by Storm Seargant for Wolf Mark 18,000
Modern Aesthetics - Styled for Hire Modern aesthetics - styled for hire icon1.png Sold by Storm Seargant for Wolf Mark 18,000
Modern Aesthetics - Modern Legend Modern aesthetics - modern legend icon1.png Sold by Enie in The Firmament for Skybuilders Scrip 1,800
Modern Aesthetics - Controlled Chaos Modern aesthetics - controlled chaos icon1.png Sold by Enie in The Firmament for Skybuilders Scrip 1,800
Modern Aesthetics - Saintly Style Modern aesthetics - saintly style icon1.png Sold by Enie in The Firmament for Skybuilders Scrip 1,800
Modern Aesthetics - Samsonian Locks Modern aesthetics - samsonian locks icon1.png Found in Bronze-trimmed Sack from Palace of the Dead
Modern Aesthetics - Gyr Abanian Plait Modern aesthetics - gyr abanian plait icon1.png Found in Silver-haloed Sack from Heaven on High
Modern Aesthetics - Form and Function Modern aesthetics - form and function icon1.png Drops in The Forbidden Land, Eureka Pyros
Modern Aesthetics - Both Ways Modern aesthetics - both ways icon1.png Found in Zadnor Lockbox
Modern Aesthetics - Wind Caller Modern aesthetics - wind caller icon1.png Sold by Resistance Quartermaster for Bozjan Cluster 150
Modern Aesthetics - Early to Rise Modern aesthetics - early to rise icon1.png Drops in Delubrum Reginae
Sold by Resistance Supplier in Zadnor for 5 Bozjan gold coin icon1.png  Bozjan Gold Coin & 30 Bozjan platinum coin icon1.png  Bozjan Platinum Coin
Modern Aesthetics - Battle-ready Bobs Modern aesthetics - battle-ready bobs icon1.png Drops in The Tower at Paradigm's Breach
Modern Aesthetics - Scanning for Style Modern aesthetics - scanning for style icon1.png Drops in The Tower at Paradigm's Breach
Modern Aesthetics - Pulse Modern aesthetics - pulse icon1.png Part of Lightning's Attire and Snow's Attire set off the Mogstation
Modern Aesthetics - Scion Special Issue Modern aesthetics - scion special issue icon1.png Part of Minfilia's Attire set off the Mogstation
Modern Aesthetics - Scion Special Issue II Modern aesthetics - scion special issue ii icon1.png Part of Thancred's Modish Attire set off the Mogstation
Modern Aesthetics - Scion Special Issue III Modern aesthetics - scion special issue iii icon1.png Part of Y'shtola's Modish Attire set off the Mogstation
Modern Aesthetics - Master & Commander Modern aesthetics - master & commander icon1.png Part of Aymeric's Attire set off the Mogstation
Modern Aesthetics - Sharlayan Studies Modern aesthetics - sharlayan studies icon1.png Part of Brand-new Alphinaud's Attire set off the Mogstation
Modern Aesthetics - Lucian Locks Modern aesthetics - lucian locks icon1.png Event A Nocturne for Heroes - Purchase from Ironworks Vendor for MGP 20,000
Modern Aesthetics - Strife Modern aesthetics - strife icon1.png Only available to contest winners
